2019-08-26 The moon and sixpence Day 15 完


阅读过程:前几章涉及到许多不熟悉的名字和关于艺术的专业术语,看的迷迷糊糊云里雾里,但越到后面发觉故事越精彩。从Mr. Strickland的突然离开的悬疑,到“我”在巴黎与他的谈话,得到他离开的真正原因是为了实现他的画画梦。再几年后所有人的变化,“我”再次遇见Mr. Strickland和Stroeve,Stroeve对Mr. Strickland的画画崇拜也令他失去了他的妻子,此时的我和“我”一样对Mr. Strickland的怪异和无情感到愤怒与不喜,但又觉得离谱。最后,当“我”再次遇见Mr. Strickland时,他已经去世,我从别人口中得到他剩下那些年的经历。最终的他从渣男变成让我怜惜的伟大画家。 

感动的瞬间:看到一半时我对Mr. Strickland依然很不解,总觉得怎么会有这样的人。直到最后一部分,他来到Tahiti遇到Ata,一切好像回归宁静,有个女人如此的包容爱他,他可以陷入自己的疯狂创作,但并不为金钱也不卖。当他被诊断麻风时,说等他死后,她也会跟着一起一起离开的坚决,不仅感动Dr.Coutras也让无情冷漠的Mr. Strickland,这是我泪目的第一个场景。每次看到关于Ata孩子的场景,也令人心酸,我想是因为当妈妈后的敏感。


满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见月亮 。我想画画是Mr. Strickland的“月亮”,Mr. Strickland是Ata的“月亮”。亚历山大港是Abraham的“月亮,”我的“月亮”呢?

He lived in a dream.

I really want to live in my dream. But I always lost myself and out of it.

For in men, as a rule, love is but an episode which takes its place among the other affairs of the day, and the emphasis laid on it  in novels gives it an importance which is untrue to life.

As lovers, the difference between men and women is that women can love all day long, but men only at times.

That is men are from Mars and women from Venus.

I didn't care what anybody thought. It wasn't I that acted, but something stronger within me.

Never, not for a minute. I earn just enough to live upon, and I'm satisfied. I ask nothing more than to remain as I am till I die. I've had a wonderful life.

I wondered if Abraham really had made a hash of life. Is to do what you most want, to live under the conditions that please you, in peace with yourself, to make a hash of life; and is it success to be an eminent surgeon with ten thousand a year and a beautiful wife? I suppose it depends on what meaning you attach to life, the claim which you acknowledge to society, and the claim of the individual.  

I really like this part. No one can judge them who is more success or happy, but themselves.

Yes; it died. We buried it under the mango.

When Mr. Strickland had leprosy, Ata and her children still accompanied with him. "it" is Ata's one child.  I'm touched by the words whenever I read them. Maybe because I am a mother now. How Ata loves her man.  

Ata told me that he never complained of his fate, he never lost courage. To the end his mind remained serene and undisturbed.


taciturnity n. 沉默寡言   taciturn:adj.沉默寡言的,不爱说话的 

I left him the last word, and sought refuge in a shrug of the shoulders and taciturnity.

ado:n.无谓的忙乱,无谓的纷扰,费力,艰难 without further/more ado好不耽搁地;干脆地;立即 I got up without further ado, and we walked along the road that led to the doctor's house.

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