Hey boys and girls, winter break is around the corner, how do you want to spend your time?
Let's keep up with your regular routine and have some fun with friends and family.
※寒假 winter break 也可以说成 winter vacation
Daily Routines
1.It's 8 o'clock, wakey-wakey! 8 点啦,该起床咯!
OK/five more minutes, please! 好的/再睡五分钟嘛!
2.Please dress yourself. 自己穿衣服吧️
I don't like this sweater/ It's my favorite dress! 我不喜欢这件毛衣/这是我最喜欢的裙子
3.Let's brush our teeth. 我们刷牙吧
Mom the toothpaste dropped on my coat. 妈妈,牙膏弄到衣服上了
Oh dear, you should be careful! 哦,亲爱的,你该小心点!
4.Honey, it's your bedtime! 亲爱的,该睡觉啦!
But, I'm not sleepy daddy. 可我还不困啊 爸
OK, let me read a story for you. 好吧,我们来讲一个故事
The Fun List
1.Mommy, I wanna play outside with my friends. 妈妈,我想去和我的朋友们一起玩
OK,don't go too far away. 好的,别跑太远
2.Sweetheart, do you want to go to the park tomorrow? 亲爱的,明天想去公园玩吗?
Yes! Let me call my friend/sister/brother. And we can go together! 好啊!我要打电话给…明天一起去!
3.Let's take a family picture! Say cheese!! 我们来拍一张全家照吧!茄子
How about making a checklist to keep things interesting!
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