Are You The One—Sharon den Adel&Timo Tolkki

Are you the one?可是此人?

The traveller in time who has come倏忽而至,于我命中

To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun疗吾之心伤,引我以骄阳

To walk this path with me until the end of time缱绻漫步香径,直至岁月之殇

Are you the one?可是此人?

Who sparkles in the night like fireflies如夏之萤火,暗夜中燃放

Eternity of evening sky 于亘古夜空

Facing the morning eye to eye 相视而对,沐熹微晨光

Are you the one?可是此人?

Who"d share this life with me死生契阔,与子成说

Who"d dive into the sea with me天涯海角,相濡以沫

Are you the one?可是此人?

Who"s had enough of pain已遍体鳞伤

And doesn"t wish to feel the shame, anymore不愿再黯然神伤

Are you the one?可是此人?

Are you the one?可是此人?

Who's love is like a flower that needs rain爱如花朵,等雨而生

To wash away the feeling of pain洗却人世伤痛

Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear不再恐惧凄惶

Are you the one?可是此人?

To walk with me in garden of stars携手漫步于银河之下

The universe, the galaxies and Mars寰宇星空,此爱可鉴。

The supernova of our love is true

你可能感兴趣的:(Are You The One—Sharon den Adel&Timo Tolkki)