43. Multiply Strings

import Foundation

43. Multiply Strings
Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 represented as strings, return the product of num1 and num2.

The length of both num1 and num2 is < 110.
Both num1 and num2 contains only digits 0-9.
Both num1 and num2 does not contain any leading zero.
You must not use any built-in BigInteger library or convert the inputs to integer directly.

例如  18 * 8
64 --> 个位 (6, 4)  //进6, 余4 a(个位)*b(个位)
8  ->  十位 8+6 (1,4) //进1,余4,a(十位) * b(个位) a(个位) * b(十位)

例如 18 * 12
例如首先计算18* 2, 先是8*2,产生了1的进位,6的余数,6进入栈,1记录
然后1*2, 2+之前的进位,产生3, 0的进位,3的余数,3进入栈,一次循环结束。
第二次循环,从栈的index = 1 开始,注意这里计算位置要反向计算
18*1 , 先是8*1,产生0的进位,8的余数,8丢进栈的1位置,1有值,则为3+8 = 11,
1 放入栈,产生了1 的进位,放到当前存储进位的位置
然后1*1, 产生了0的进位,1的余数,加上进位,就变成2, 放入到栈中。


//Error: 如果要频繁的遍历字符,也许转换为C字符串更高效。

func multiply(_ num1: String, _ num2: String) -> String {
    let length1 = num1.lengthOfBytes(using: .ascii)
    let length2 = num2.lengthOfBytes(using: .ascii)
    guard length1 > 0, length2 > 0 else {
        return ""

    var calcResultStack: [Int] = [Int]()  //存储结构
    var bit: Int = 0  //存储进位

    print("0000+ \(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent())")
    let num1Scalar = num1.cString(using: .ascii)
    let num2Scalar = num2.cString(using: .ascii)
    print("1111+ \(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent())")
    //把计算结果push到 stack 结构中去,然后返回结果产生的进位
    func push(_ left: Int, _ index: Int) -> Int {
        var appendValue = left //应该合并进的数
        var bitValue = 0     //产生的进位
        if calcResultStack.count > index {
            appendValue += calcResultStack[index]
            calcResultStack[index] = appendValue % 10
            bitValue = appendValue / 10
        } else {
            //Error: 不能直接存进去,因为也可能超过10
            calcResultStack.append(appendValue % 10)
            bitValue = appendValue / 10

        return bitValue

    let zeroValue = ("0" as UnicodeScalar).value  //获取0的 unicode值
    func calc(_ left: Int, _ right: Int) -> (Int, Int) {
        let l = left - Int(zeroValue)
        let r = right - Int(zeroValue)
        let value = l * r
        return (Int(value % 10), Int(value / 10))

    print("2222+ \(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent())")
    for i in stride(from: length1 - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
        let v = Int(num1Scalar![i])
        for i2 in stride(from: length2 - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
            let v2 = Int(num2Scalar![i2])
            var (result, add) = calc(v, v2)  //add 是下一次计算需要的进位
            result += bit //先加上之前的进位
            let pushAdd = push(result, length1 - 1 - i + length2 - 1 - i2)  //计算出入栈产生的下一次进位
            bit = add + pushAdd
        if (bit != 0) {
            bit = 0
    print("3333+ \(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent())")

    let reversedStack = calcResultStack.map {
    var retString: String = ""
    var start = false
    for value in reversedStack {
        if value != "0", !start {
            start = true
        if start {

    if retString.isEmpty {
        retString = "0"

    return retString

print(multiply("7", "871"))

你可能感兴趣的:(43. Multiply Strings)