(An English version of this message follows)
Youth Support Hub 6月份大型义工活动来啦!这次,我们要带大家参加每年夏天最大最精彩的暑期summer festival - Unionville Festival!今年是Unionville Festival第48个年头了。现场音乐表演、精美的食物、老少皆宜的游戏、大量免费的礼物、壮观的parade。。。在这里全都有,吸引着上千人参加。看看下面的一组图就知道有多热闹了。
今年Unionville Festival将会在6月3日和4日两天举行,是个周末。地点是在充满历史文化气息的Unionville Village(请参看下面的地图)。
Youth Support Hub很荣幸成为如此大规模活动的volunteer partner,为大家争取到了大量的义工职位。志愿者们将负责在festival上的各类general event support,确保每一个活动、每一个游戏、每一个节目都顺利进行。请注意:虽然Unionville Festival是6月3日和4日两天,但是Youth Support Hub只会参加6月3日的义工,集体给大家统一申请。如果你想在6月4日的活动上做志愿者,则需要自行申请:http://www.unionvillefestival.com
所有的volunteer需要在5月24日晚8点参加一场培训讲座,地点会在Unionville区域内(具体地址会另行邮件通知)。培训讲座上会更加详细的介绍志愿者任务和分配时间。该培训必须参加,否则也无法volunteer。不过orientation的时间也会算在volunteer hour里 ^_^
1. 请仔细斟酌自己的availability后再申请,确保自己能够参加orientation和6月3日的活动;
2. 请认真填写申请表,确保信息完整。不完整的申请会被直接取消志愿资格;
3. 申请截止日期:2017年5月12日晚7点
另外,我们也有一个Unionville Festival志愿者微信群,你可以扫描下面的二维码加入,更多的信息更新都会在群里发布:
The annual Unionville Festival is one of the biggest summer festivals in town. Delicious food, live music, fun games, exciting parade, free prizes... everything you want will be at this one place. It is going to be a super blast!
This year, the 48th Unionville Festival will take place on the weekend of June 3rd and 4th, in the historical Unionville Village (please see map below).
Please note that, although Unionville Festival takes place on both June 3rd and 4th, Youth Support Hub will only volunteer as a group on June 3rd. We will submit everyone's application collectively. If you wish to volunteer on June 4th, you will need to apply individually on your own at http://www.unionvillefestival.com.
As a volunteer, you will be responsible for a variety of general suppprt tasks, making sure all the games and activities run smoothly. There will be a mandatory orientation for all volunteers on May 24th, 8PM, in Unionville (exact venue will be notified through email). Orientation time will count towards your volunteer hours ^_^
If you are interested in volunteering for Unionville Festival, please submit an application by clicking on the link below:
A few final notes:
1. You must be at least 14 years old at the time of the festival to volunteer;
2. Please consider your availability carefully before signing up. Make sure you can attend both the orientation and the actual festival on June 3rd;
3. Please fill out the application form fully. Incomplete applications will result in disqualification;
4. Application deadline: May 12th, 2017, at 7PM.
If you use Wechat, please join the volunteer chat group by scanning the QR code below. Event updates will be announced in the group.