sicily_1093 Air Express




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Fly It Today! (FIT), an air express company, charges different amounts for packages depending on their weight. For example, one set of rates may be:

Package weight    Cost per pound
0 to 9 pounds             $10
10 to 49 pounds         $5
50 to 99 pounds         $3
100 pounds or more  $2

This rate structure has upset some customers who have realized that it costs less to ship a 10pound package ($50) than an 8 pound package ($80) and it costs less to ship a 100 poundpackage ($200) than a 90 pound one ($270). FIT wants to check packages to determine if the customer can pay a lower price by adding weight to the package. If this is the case, they want to know the minimum weight to be added to obtain the lowest price possible.


The input file will have one or more data sets. Each data set begins with exactly 4 lines, giving the shipping rates. These will be:

 weight1 rate1
 weight2 rate2
 weight3 rate3

You may assume all of these values are positive integers less than 1001 and weight1 < weight2 < weight3 . The values represent the rate table below:

sicily_1093 Air Express_第1张图片

There will then be 1 or more lines of customer package sizes. Each of these will be a positive integer less than 1001. The end of customer package sizes is indicated by the single integer 0.
The end of input will be indicated by end of file.


For each input set, print the input set number. Then, for each of the customer package sizes in the input set, create a line of output formatted as follows:

Weight () has best price $ (add

Where is the weight of the customer package, as defined in the input set, is the lowest price the customer can pay to send that package (with, optionally, added weight) based on the input set shipping rates, and

is the number of pounds to be added to the package to obtain the price (

must be greater than or equal to 0). If more than one different weight results in the best possible price, use the smaller weight.
Have a blank line after the output for each input set.

Sample Input
9 10
49 5
99 3
10 10
20 20
30 30

Sample Output
Set number 1:
Weight (8) has best price $50 (add 2 pounds)
Weight (10) has best price $50 (add 0 pounds)
Weight (90) has best price $200 (add 10 pounds)
Weight (100) has best price $200 (add 0 pounds)
Weight (200) has best price $400 (add 0 pounds)

Set number 2:
Weight (1) has best price $10 (add 0 pounds)
Weight (12) has best price $240 (add 0 pounds)
Weight (29) has best price $870 (add 0 pounds)
Weight (50) has best price $5000 (add 0 pounds)




// 1093.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2014 Junjie_Huang@SYSU(SNO:13331087). All Rights Reserved.

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int min(int a, int b, int c) {
  return a < b ? (a < c ? a : c) : (b < c ? b : c);

int main() {
  int weight1, weight2, weight3;
  int rate1, rate2, rate3, rate4;
  int set_number = 1;

  while (cin >> weight1 >> rate1) {
    cin >> weight2 >> rate2 >> weight3 >> rate3 >> rate4;
    int bound1 = (weight1 + 1) * rate2,
      bound2 = (weight2 + 1) * rate3,
      bound3 = (weight3 + 1) * rate4;
    int min_bound = min(bound1, bound2, bound3);

    cout << "Set number " << set_number << ":" << endl;

    // here we calculate the result by considering each situation.
    int weight = 0;
    while (cin >> weight && weight) {
      if (weight <= weight1) {
        if (weight * rate1 <= min_bound) {
          cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $" << weight*rate1
            << " (add 0 pounds)" << endl;
        } else {
          if (min_bound == bound1) {
            cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $" << bound1
              << " (add " << weight1 + 1 - weight << " pounds)" << endl;
          } else if (min_bound == bound2) {
            cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $" << bound2
              << " (add " << weight2 + 1 - weight << " pounds)" << endl;
          } else if (min_bound == bound3) {
            cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $" << bound3
              << " (add " << weight3 + 1 - weight << " pounds)" << endl;
      } else if (weight <= weight2) {
        if (bound2 <= bound3) {
          if (weight * rate2 <= bound2) {
            cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $"
              << weight * rate2 << " (add 0 pounds)" << endl;
          } else {
            cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $" << bound2
              << " (add " << weight2 + 1 - weight << " pounds)" << endl;
        } else {
          if (weight * rate2 <= bound3) {
            cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $"
              << weight * rate2 << " (add 0 pounds)" << endl;
          } else {
            cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $" << bound3
              << " (add " << weight3 + 1 - weight << " pounds)" << endl;
      } else if (weight <= weight3) {
        if (weight * rate3 <= bound3) {
          cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $"
            << weight * rate3 << " (add 0 pounds)" << endl;
        } else {
          cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $" << bound3
            << " (add " << weight3 + 1 - weight << " pounds)" << endl;
      } else {
        cout << "Weight (" << weight << ") has best price $"
          << weight * rate4 << " (add 0 pounds)" << endl;
    cout << endl;  // here will present extra whiteline at the end of file.

  return 0;

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