
an ex-con 有前科的人   win you back 赢回你的心   do it up big for you 为你办场大的

plastic surgery 整形手术  cranky 暴躁的      in a pyramid scheme 金字塔骗局

hottie 尤物 patsy 容易受骗的人  flyer 宣传单   raft 橡皮艇 sailboat 帆船 sinus-es 鼻窦pl

shed 屋外搭小棚子 mind-liquefying n. 脑进水 Mitzvah 犹太人成人礼

unicorn 独角兽   zoloft 抗抑郁药 hyperactive sweat glands 汗腺过度发达

much crossover 有许多交集   play along 融入  

star-spangled sombreros 带星的墨西哥宽边帽

 cheer shorts 运动短裤  cargo shorts 工装裤   on your dresser 梳妆台 pool balls 台球

pork chop 猪排  a big, old platter 传统大菜  a completely hollow offer 十足的虚伪提议

drop that and leave 说完就走    rip me off 骗了我  freshen up that wine 再加点酒smarten up 更机灵些   I spilled 酒洒了些  need a refill 

"guys and dolls"  deviled eggs 沙拉式蛋黄的煮鸡蛋  punch:混合果汁酒 

punch bowl

 Eisenhower documentaries

Lewis and Clark  paddling

Stop it. You are embarrassing me. 害羞鸟

——Be careful. some of those guys are single in the group. (爱狗圈里有单身人士)

——What a surprise! (一点也不奇怪!爱狗如命嘛~)

I am sorry I'm lashing out. 抱歉我冲你发火。

Don't worry. Soon it will be like he never existed.

He knew what he was getting into when he married me. 跟我结婚的时候就知道我是什么德性。

I knew you could leave without one last kiss! 不吻别不会离开的。

Life is a little messy. 生活是个杯具。

The "C" just got smudged. C字被涂花了。

It's not like Jay doesn't get out of his comfort zone for you. Jay不是不会为了你做自己不愿做的事。

