猜数字游戏 python 源自crossin编程教室

from random import randint

name = raw_input('请输入你的名字:')

f = open(r'D:\xuexi\data.txt')  

lines = f.readlines()


scores = {}

for l in lines:

s = l.split()

scores[s[0]] = s[1:]

score = scores.get(name)

if score is None:

score = [0,0,0]

game_times = int(score[0])

min_times = int(score[1])

total_times = int(score[2])

if game_times > 0:

avg_times = float(total_times) / game_times


avg_times = 0

print '%s,you guess %d times,min %d guess the answer,avg %.2f guess the answer' %(name,game_times,min_times,avg_times)

num = randint(1,100)

times = 0

print 'guess what i think?'

bingo = False

while bingo == False:

times += 1

answer = input()

if answer < num:

print 'too small'

if answer > num:

print 'too big'

if answer == num:

print "bingo"

bingo = True

if game_times == 0 or times < min_times:

min_times = times

total_times += times

game_times += 1

scores[name] = [str(game_times),str(min_times),str(total_times)]

result = ' '

for n in scores:

line = n + ' ' + ' '.join(scores[n]) + '\n'

result += line

f = open(r'D:\xuexi\data.txt','w')



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