管理并发任务池 concurrent.futures

concurrent.futures — Manage Pools of Concurrent Tasks

concurrent.futures - 管理并发任务池

Purpose: Easily manage tasks running concurrently and in parallel.

The concurrent.futures modules provides interfaces for running tasks using pools of thread or process workers. The APIs are the same, so applications can switch between threads and processes with minimal changes.
concurrent.futures 模块提供了用于使用线程池或者进程池运行任务的接口。API是相同的,因此应用程序可以在线程和进程之间以最小的代价切换。

The module provides two types of classes for interacting with the pools. Executors are used for managing pools of workers, and futures are used for managing results computed by the workers. To use a pool of workers, an application creates an instance of the appropriate executor class and then submits tasks for it to run. When each task is started, a Future instance is returned. When the result of the task is needed, an application can use the Future to block until the result is available. Various APIs are provided to make it convenient to wait for tasks to complete, so that the Future objects do not need to be managed directly.

Using map() with a Basic Thread Pool


The ThreadPoolExecutor manages a set of worker threads, passing tasks to them as they become available for more work. This example uses map() to concurrently produce a set of results from an input iterable. The task uses time.sleep() to pause a different amount of time to demonstrate that, regardless of the order of execution of concurrent tasks, map() always returns the values in order based on the inputs.


from concurrent import futures
import threading
import time

def task(n):
    print('{}: sleeping {}'.format(
    time.sleep(n / 10)
    print('{}: done with {}'.format(
    return n / 10

ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
print('main: starting')
results = ex.map(task, range(5, 0, -1))
print('main: unprocessed results {}'.format(results))
print('main: waiting for real results')
real_results = list(results)
print('main: results: {}'.format(real_results))

The return value from map() is actually a special type of iterator that knows to wait for each response as the main program iterates over it.

$ python3 futures_thread_pool_map.py

main: starting
Thread-1: sleeping 5
Thread-2: sleeping 4
main: unprocessed results .result_iterator at 0x1013c80a0>
main: waiting for real results
Thread-2: done with 4
Thread-2: sleeping 3
Thread-1: done with 5
Thread-1: sleeping 2
Thread-1: done with 2
Thread-1: sleeping 1
Thread-2: done with 3
Thread-1: done with 1
main: results: [0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]
Scheduling Individual Tasks

In addition to using map(), it is possible to schedule an individual task with an executor using submit(), and use the Future instance returned to wait for that task’s results.


from concurrent import futures
import threading
import time

def task(n):
    print('{}: sleeping {}'.format(
    time.sleep(n / 10)
    print('{}: done with {}'.format(
    return n / 10

ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
print('main: starting')
f = ex.submit(task, 5)
print('main: future: {}'.format(f))
print('main: waiting for results')
result = f.result()
print('main: result: {}'.format(result))
print('main: future after result: {}'.format(f))

The status of the future changes after the tasks is completed and the result is made available.

$ python3 futures_thread_pool_submit.py

main: starting
Thread-1: sleeping 5
main: future:
main: waiting for results
Thread-1: done with 5
main: result: 0.5
main: future after result: returned float>
Waiting for Tasks in Any Order

Invoking the result() method of a Future blocks until the task completes (either by returning a value or raising an exception), or is canceled. The results of multiple tasks can be accessed in the order the tasks were scheduled using map(). If it does not matter what order the results should be processed, use as_completed() to process them as each task finishes.


from concurrent import futures
import random
import time

def task(n):
    return (n, n / 10)

ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5)
print('main: starting')

wait_for = [
    ex.submit(task, i)
    for i in range(5, 0, -1)

for f in futures.as_completed(wait_for):
    print('main: result: {}'.format(f.result()))

Because the pool has as many workers as tasks, all of the tasks can be started. They finish in a random order so the values generated by as_completed() are different each time the example runs.

$ python3 futures_as_completed.py

main: starting
main: result: (3, 0.3)
main: result: (5, 0.5)
main: result: (4, 0.4)
main: result: (2, 0.2)
main: result: (1, 0.1)

Future Callbacks


To take some action when a task completed, without explicitly waiting for the result, use add_done_callback() to specify a new function to call when the Future is done. The callback should be a callable taking a single argument, the Future instance.


from concurrent import futures
import time

def task(n):
    print('{}: sleeping'.format(n))
    print('{}: done'.format(n))
    return n / 10

def done(fn):
    if fn.cancelled():
        print('{}: canceled'.format(fn.arg))
    elif fn.done():
        error = fn.exception()
        if error:
            print('{}: error returned: {}'.format(
                fn.arg, error))
            result = fn.result()
            print('{}: value returned: {}'.format(
                fn.arg, result))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
    print('main: starting')
    f = ex.submit(task, 5)
    f.arg = 5
    result = f.result()

The callback is invoked regardless of the reason the Future is considered “done,” so it is necessary to check the status of the object passed in to the callback before using it in any way.

$ python3 futures_future_callback.py

main: starting
5: sleeping
5: done
5: value returned: 0.5
Canceling Tasks

A Future can be canceled, if it has been submitted but not started, by calling its cancel() method.


from concurrent import futures
import time

def task(n):
    print('{}: sleeping'.format(n))
    print('{}: done'.format(n))
    return n / 10

def done(fn):
    if fn.cancelled():
        print('{}: canceled'.format(fn.arg))
    elif fn.done():
        print('{}: not canceled'.format(fn.arg))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
    print('main: starting')
    tasks = []

    for i in range(10, 0, -1):
        print('main: submitting {}'.format(i))
        f = ex.submit(task, i)
        f.arg = i
        tasks.append((i, f))

    for i, t in reversed(tasks):
        if not t.cancel():
            print('main: did not cancel {}'.format(i))


cancel() returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the task was able to be canceled.

$ python3 futures_future_callback_cancel.py

main: starting
main: submitting 10
10: sleeping
main: submitting 9
9: sleeping
main: submitting 8
main: submitting 7
main: submitting 6
main: submitting 5
main: submitting 4
main: submitting 3
main: submitting 2
main: submitting 1
1: canceled
2: canceled
3: canceled
4: canceled
5: canceled
6: canceled
7: canceled
8: canceled
main: did not cancel 9
main: did not cancel 10
10: done
10: not canceled
9: done
9: not canceled
Exceptions in Tasks

If a task raises an unhandled exception, it is saved to the Future for the task and made available through the result() or exception() methods.


from concurrent import futures

def task(n):
    print('{}: starting'.format(n))
    raise ValueError('the value {} is no good'.format(n))

ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
print('main: starting')
f = ex.submit(task, 5)

error = f.exception()
print('main: error: {}'.format(error))

    result = f.result()
except ValueError as e:
    print('main: saw error "{}" when accessing result'.format(e))

If result() is called after an unhandled exception is raised within a task function, the same exception is re-raised in the current context.

$ python3 futures_future_exception.py

main: starting
5: starting
main: error: the value 5 is no good
main: saw error "the value 5 is no good" when accessing result

Context Manager


Executors work as context managers, running tasks concurrently and waiting for them all to complete. When the context manager exits, the shutdown() method of the executor is called.


from concurrent import futures

def task(n):

with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as ex:
    print('main: starting')
    ex.submit(task, 1)
    ex.submit(task, 2)
    ex.submit(task, 3)
    ex.submit(task, 4)

print('main: done')

This mode of using the executor is useful when the thread or process resources should be cleaned up when execution leaves the current scope.

$ python3 futures_context_manager.py

main: starting
main: done

Process Pools


The ProcessPoolExecutor works in the same way as ThreadPoolExecutor, but uses processes instead of threads. This allows CPU-intensive operations to use a separate CPU and not be blocked by the CPython interpreter’s global interpreter lock.


from concurrent import futures
import os

def task(n):
    return (n, os.getpid())

ex = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
results = ex.map(task, range(5, 0, -1))
for n, pid in results:
    print('ran task {} in process {}'.format(n, pid))

As with the thread pool, individual worker processes are reused for multiple tasks.

$ python3 futures_process_pool_map.py

ran task 5 in process 60245
ran task 4 in process 60246
ran task 3 in process 60245
ran task 2 in process 60245
ran task 1 in process 60245

If something happens to one of the worker processes to cause it to exit unexpectedly, the ProcessPoolExecutor is considered “broken” and will no longer schedule tasks.


from concurrent import futures
import os
import signal

with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as ex:
    print('getting the pid for one worker')
    f1 = ex.submit(os.getpid)
    pid1 = f1.result()

    print('killing process {}'.format(pid1))
    os.kill(pid1, signal.SIGHUP)

    print('submitting another task')
    f2 = ex.submit(os.getpid)
        pid2 = f2.result()
    except futures.process.BrokenProcessPool as e:
        print('could not start new tasks: {}'.format(e))

The BrokenProcessPool exception is actually thrown when the results are processed, rather than when the new task is submitted.
当结果处理完成后,BrokenProcessPool 异常被抛出,而不是等到新的任务被提交。

$ python3 futures_process_pool_broken.py

getting the pid for one worker
killing process 62059
submitting another task
could not start new tasks: A process in the process pool was
terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending.

你可能感兴趣的:(管理并发任务池 concurrent.futures)