L2.Thirteen equals one


Words & Expressions

*cause,an aim, belief, or organization that a group of people support or fight for

a good cause(=one that is worth supporting, for example a charity)

--The money we are raising is for a good cause.

a worthy/deserving cause(=a good cause)

--The Red Cross is a very worthy cause.

a just cause(=an aim that is fair and right)

--The rebels believed that they were fighting for a just cause.

a noble cause(=an aim that is morally good)

--He died for a noble cause

*start, to move your body suddenly, especially because you are surprised or afraid (=jump)

--She woke up with a start.

--She started from her chair and rushed to the window.

*torchlight /tɔːrtʃ/,

carry a torch for someone, to secretly love and admire someone

carry the torch of something, to support an important believe or tradition when other people do not

Ancient Greeks carried the torch of scientific study for many centuries.

*better than nothing聊胜于无

--This is not going to sound like the greatest compliment ever: It's certainly better than nothing.


grocer /ˈɡroʊsər/,录音中是/ˈɡroʊʃər/

wen t up/wen t away这样的组合中,t 可连读,更多情况是不发音

money/honey ['mʌni]注意ʌ后面u不要加r音,干脆利落

again/gain /ei/

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