上传AppStore被拒(4.5-Apps using background location services must provide a reason that clarifies the purpose of the use, using mechanisms described in the Human Interface Guidelines)



4.5 - Apps using background location services must provide a reason that clarifies the purpose of the use, using mechanisms described in the Human Interface Guidelines

4.5 Details

Your app uses background location services but does not clarify the purpose of its use in the location modal alert as required in the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.

We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

Next Steps

Please reconfigure the UIAlertControllerStyleAlert in your code and specify the intended purpose of using background location in its message field.


For additional information and instructions on configuring and presenting an alert, see the Accessing User Data section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and the UIKit Framework Reference.


上传AppStore被拒(4.5-Apps using background location services must provide a reason that clarifies the purpose of the use, using mechanisms described in the Human Interface Guidelines)_第1张图片



所以在工程 info.plist文件里面增加 NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription 并且要配上详细说明文字但要简洁,告诉用户你为什么要访问他的位置!(因人而异,根据你自己的需求制定需要提示的语言)






你可能感兴趣的:(上传AppStore被拒(4.5-Apps using background location services must provide a reason that clarifies the purpose of the use, using mechanisms described in the Human Interface Guidelines))