不少人奔着2017 Whitney Biennal展览而来,而在另一个角落,一场关于人像作品的展览也即将告一段落,主题是Human Interest: Portraits from the Whitney’s Collection。今晚只看了这一部分,其中让我印象深刻的还是许多对不同年代女性精神状态的刻画和展现,从蛋彩画、油画到拼贴画、摄影作品,下面分享我最喜欢的五幅作品。:D
The Subway, 1950
很喜欢Whitney Museum网站上一个中学生写的与之相关的小小说:
“There will be no more A trains going Uptown. Please transfer to the C at Chambers Street if you want to go uptown,” said the nasal voice from a microphone. Penelope sighed. She was going to have to get off of the train at the next stop, something she did not want to do. She was tired and stressed out. She was already very late for dinner. Her husband could not get home later than her. When the train reached Chambers Street, she ran as fast as her tired, old legs would let her. She ran through the long subway corridor and pushed past the anonymous figures in front of her. When she got to the end of the hall, she realized that she had no idea where she was going. There were no signs in sight. She was lost. At that moment, she became overwhelmingly embarrassed. Was everyone looking at her? She could not tell. The dim lighting and shadowed faces of the man in the same space as her began to terrify her. She felt very dizzy, as if she might faint. She could not ask anyone for help. She did not trust these people. “Why am I here? Where am I,” she thought, as a wave of terror flooded her body.
By Vita
A woman in the sun,1961
这是画家Edward Hopper以其妻子为原型的作品,创作时他妻子已经78岁了。我喜欢他展现的思考的随性的女性,the woman who is thinking and feeling.
Lever Building II,1970
看到那个穿着连衣裙犹豫不决的女性了吗?职场里的女性是否都比男性少了一丝魄力和坚定?这个社会是否还像当年一样对女性存在不少歧视?我们可以如何改变?Idelle Weber作为女性画家开始关注这一点。
Self Portrait on Top of Brian Kissing, NYC,1983
ANan Goldin (1953-)
Untitled, 1980
至于摄影手法,摄影师是这样说的:“I counted off one, two, three, and the models would have to jerk, fling, twist, fall. Sometimes I’d pick a specific place on the body to throw something at as if they were getting shot.”
图片来源:Whitney Museum of American Art,Zoey摄影