
package mylog

import (

var Logger *go_logger.Logger

func init() {
    Logger = go_logger.NewLogger()
    consoleConfig := &go_logger.ConsoleConfig{
        Format: "%millisecond_format% [%level_string%] [%file%:%line%] %body% ",
    Logger.Attach("console", go_logger.LOGGER_LEVEL_DEBUG, consoleConfig)

    fileConfig := &go_logger.FileConfig{
        Filename: "./callcenter.log", // The file name of the logger output, does not exist automatically
        // If you want to separate separate logs into files, configure LevelFileName parameters.
        DateSlice: "d",                                                             // Cut the document by date, support "Y" (year), "m" (month), "d" (day), "H" (hour), default "no".
        Format:    "%millisecond_format% [%level_string%] [%file%:%line%] %body% ", // JsonFormat is false, logger message written to file format string
    // add output to the file
    Logger.Attach("file", go_logger.LOGGER_LEVEL_DEBUG, fileConfig)
