Presentation Skills 2: Talking About Numbers, Charts

Presentation Skills 2: Talking About Numbers, Charts

and Graphs


1. As all of you are well aware, competition in the laptop computer sector is

intense. We continue to fight with our competitors for market share, and this is

the case both in the developed markets in the West, as well as more developing

markets in Asia and Africa. You may ask yourself, why is this market so




2. Well, the answer is simple. There is a huge untapped potential market out

there, with a huge untapped potential for profit.



1. If I bring up the first graph here, it shows the increase in terms of number of

computer owners across the globe. As you can see in the 1980's computer

ownership amounted to 0.5% of the total world population. Since the 1990's,

computer ownership has risen dramatically. In the new millennium we saw an

even larger explosion in computer owners, with figures rising to around 4-5%

an increase of 1,000% compared with the 1980's.

如果我调出第一幅图,显示了全球计算机拥有数量的增长。 你能看到1980年代电




2. If we move on to discuss the figures for China specifically, we can see in

Chart B that the overall figure for computer ownership stands at around 60

million, which represents a huge increase in a very short time period. Now of

course 60 million is just a drop in the ocean if you compare the total population

of China, and this is a key reason why the personal computer market is such a

hot market.


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Lesson Transcript

by EnglishPod中国

6千万, 这是在短时间内很大的增长。



1. For us at Alpha, and of course for all our competitors as well, we have

millions of potential customers who are looking to join the internet generation.

If we do this right we really can reap huge rewards in a very short time frame.




2. I'd now like to move on to discuss the x420 brand itself, and compare and

contrast with some of our key competitors.



market share ˈmɑrkət ˈʃer 市场份额

laptop ˈlæpˌtɑp 手提电脑

cut-throat ˈkət ˈθroʊt 竞争激烈的

untapped ʌnˈtæpt 未开发的

reap ˈriːp 获得

stands at ˈstændz ət 占据

amounted to əˈmæʊntɪd tə 折合


statistics stəˈtɪstɪks 统计信息

graph ˈgræf 图表

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Lesson Transcript

by EnglishPod中国

figures ˈfɪgjərz 数据

pie chart ˈpaɪ ˈtʃɑrt 饼图

table ˈteɪbəl 图表,制图


Now that you've studied this lesson on your own, it's time to use the following activities to practice the language you've learned with your teacher.

Class Activities: (30-35 minutes)

Objective:In this lesson, we learn about sales, numbers and charts, all very important elements of any sales or marketing presentation. We will also look at some great presentation tips and professional language and vocabulary.

1)   Read the dialogue with the students---5 minutes

Read the dialogue with the students line by line. Switch roles after the first run. Pay attention to students’ pronunciation; give feedback and help when needed.

2)   Dialogue Comprehension----5 minutes

Ask the student the following questions. The answers are in the dialogue:

Approximately what percentage of the world’s population owned computers in the 1980’s?

Why is the laptop computer market so cut-throat?

What does the first graph explain that he shows?

What does he say about the 60 million computer owners in China?

3.)  Cultural Takeaway----10 minutes

It is often a good idea to give out a paper copy (often called a handout), an outline, a glossary of key words, and sources so people can take them away and not spend too much time taking notes on key concepts.

Equipment Vocabulary

blackboard                 whiteboard               paperboard

chalk                            marker                      eraser

podium                       lectern                       overhead

What should you put on a visual?  

Name, conference/company and company logo, date and title of presentation

Do not use full sentences unless you are giving a quote

key words                  technical words        lists

examples                    diagrams                    charts

Vocabulary of graphs/charts

Line graph                 Bar chart                    Pie chart

Flip chart                    Diagram                     Flow chart

Organizational chart                                    

There are many benefits and strategies for using visuals in a presentation.  Ask your student when they think it might be a good idea to use visuals? Why?

Why use visuals?

* to focus the audience's attention

* to illustrate points easier to understand in visual form but difficult in a  

   verbal form (for example: statistics)

* to reinforce ideas

* to change focus to a visual form

* to involve and motivate the audience

* to involve all the senses

* to serve as logical proof

* to save time and avoid putting information on a board

* to avoid turning your back to the audience when writing on a board

* to help the speaker 

3.)  Fluency Builder----10 minutes

The language of graphs and charts refers to the words and phrases used when describing what happens on charts. This language is especially useful when making presentations.

Charts and graphs measure various statistics and are helpful when presenting large amounts of information that need to be understood quickly. This includes: facts and figures, statistical information, profit and loss, sales numbers, etc.

The following list are common verbs and nouns used to speak about positive and negative movements, as well as predictions.  These words and phrases are often used when explaining a graph or chart and the movement that is being illustrated.



to climb - a climb

to ascend - an ascent

to rise - a riseto improve - an improvement

to recover - a recovery

to increase - an increase 


to fall - a fall

to decline - a decline

to plunge - a plunge

to decrease - a decrease

to worsen - a slip

to deteriorate - a dip

Predicting Future Movement

to project - a projection

to forecast - a forecast

to predict - a prediction

5) Role Play---10 minutes

You are the CEO of a PC maker. Your company is evaluating whether to enter the smartphone market. Your student is the consultant that your firm hired to conduct market research. He/she is presenting the following graph. Get your student to describe some of the key trends, e.g. increase, decrease, the rate of increase, projecting future trends, etc.

Presentation Skills 2: Talking About Numbers, Charts_第1张图片

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