关于OkHttp使用@Body 使用JsonObject的问题


        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
            data.put("realname", "chyy");
            data.put("mobile", "15122411111");
            data.put("nickname", "SnowDragon");
            data.put("password", Md5Utils.md5("111111"));
            data.put("confirmedPassword", Md5Utils.md5("111111"));

goRegister(@Body String data);


goRegister(@Body JSONObject data);



Retrofit by default uses GSON to convert HTTP bodies to and from JSON. The object which is specified with @Body annotation will be passed to GSON for serialization, which basically converts the JAVA object to JSON representation. This JSON representation will be the HTTP request body.

JSONObject stores all the key-value mapping in a member variable by name nameValuePairs. Here is an excerpt of JSONObject implementation:

public class JSONObject {
    private final Map nameValuePairs;

When you pass JSONObject to @Body annotation, this JSONObject is seraliazed, hence the HTTP request body contains : {"nameValuePairs": "actual JSON Object"}.
所以才会出现 nameValuePairs 这个参数


可以新建一个class,这里就叫 HTTPRegisterBody

public class HTTPRegisterBody {
    public BodyData data;

    public static  class BodyData {

        public BodyData(String realname, String mobile, String nickname, String password, String confirmedPassword) {
            this.realname = realname;
            this.mobile = mobile;
            this.nickname = nickname;
            this.password = password;
            this.confirmedPassword = confirmedPassword;

        public String realname;
        public String mobile;
        public String nickname;
        public String password;
        public String confirmedPassword;


@Headers({"Content-type: application/json", "Accept: */*"})
    Observable goRegister(@Body HTTPRegisterBody data);

   HTTPRegisterBody httpRegisterBody = new HTTPRegisterBody();
   httpRegisterBody.data = new HTTPRegisterBody.BodyData("chyy","15122411111",


你可能感兴趣的:(关于OkHttp使用@Body 使用JsonObject的问题)