On Writing Well - CH5&6

一. 感想

关于受众,Zinsser一上来就给出了明确的观点:"You are writing for yourself. Don't try to visualize the great mass audience."




正如Zinsser在前面章节中提到的——"be yourself",认清自己并形成自己独特的写作风格,很重要。虽然随着年龄的增长,我们的观点在变,写作风格也会发生变化,但我们依然是我们自己,有自己的特点,有独特的视角,有各自的粉丝。




Also bear in mind, when you’re choosing words and stringing them together, how they sound. This may seem absurd: readers read with their eyes. But in fact they hear what they are reading far more than you realize. Therefore such matters as rhythm and alliteration are vital to every sentence.

没错,读书不仅仅只用眼睛,当我们去朗读或听别人读书的时候,有韵律的声音总会让我们很惊喜。除了书中给出的例子,我印象极深的就是"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"里,每淘汰掉一个小孩儿时,那些小矮人Oompa-Loompas跳出来唱的那些像“打油诗”一样的歌谣。其实我第一次注意到它们,并不是在阅读的时候,而是因为听有声书。走在路上忽然就听到那些押韵、对仗、好玩的句子,不禁眼前一亮。

p.s 这两章确实不好读!我之前试读的时候,前面的章节看得都还算顺利,到"The Audience"这一章就迷茫了,看得我直在心里打退堂鼓。今早看到Eric在群里打预防针,心里一暖。我再次细读时,忽然意识到一个问题:我在遇到疑难(尤其是我自认为的弱项)时,常常习惯性地先怀疑自己,搞得自己很容易沮丧和焦虑。其实何必呢,不要慌,试着站在一个更客观的层面上去看待问题,会更容易找到解决问题的方法。

二. 字词

1. paradox

(1) 原文:This may seem to be a paradox.

(2) 字典解释:a situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas or qualities that are very different

(3) 造句:His paper contains many levels of paradox.

2. gnaw  [nɒː]

(1) 原文:Now I'm saying you must write for yourself and not be gnawed by worry over whether the reader is tagging along.

(2) 字典解释:to keep biting something hard = chew

(3) 造句:The kitten is gnawing my book.

3. sloppy

(1) 原文:In terms of craft, there's no excuse for losing readers through sloppy workmanship.

(2) 字典解释:lacking in order; not done carefully or thoroughly

(3) 造句:His article is disjointed and sloppy.

4. strive + for / after

(1) 原文:Simplify, prune and strive for order.

(2) 字典解释:to make a great effort to achieve something

(3) 造句:I have to continue to strive for better efficiency.

5. zest

(1) 原文:Many old men still write with the zest they had in their twenties or thirties.

(2) 字典解释:eager interest and enjoyment

(3) 造句:My boss works with the zest every day.

6. garrulous

(1) 原文:Their style is the tip-off that they have turned into garrulous bores. 

(2) 字典解释:always talking a lot = talkative

(3) 造句:Why is he so garrulous today?

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