2019-12-19 lesson11~12

Is this your shirt?

  • Teacher: Whose shirt is that?
  • Teacher: Is this your shirt,Dave?
  • Dave: No,sir.It's not my shirt,my shirt's blue.
  • Teacher: Is this shirt Tim's?
  • Dave: Perhaps it is,sir.Tim's shirt's white.
  • Teacher: Tim!
  • Tim: Yes,sir?
  • Teacher: Is this your shirt?
  • Tim: Yes, sir.
  • Teacher: Here you are. Catch!
  • Tim: Thank you sir.

whose is this ...? This is my/your/his/her...

whose is that ...? That is my/your/his/her...

  • whose is that handbag? Is it Tim's?
  • It isn't Tim's, It's Stella's.
  • Whose is that car? Is it Tom's?
  • It isn't Tom's, It's Paul's.
  • whose is that coat/umbrella/pen/dress/suit/shirt/blouse/tie?
  • it's xxx's.

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