

本文由ITAM发表于ITAM的Medium官方主页。这是一篇让人感到兴奋的文章,ITAM在文中深入诠释了ITAM持续发展和壮大的内在逻辑,内容为王,分发为王后,ITAM GAMES既做内容又做分发,必将能够在区块链时代大放光明。




如今,人们正在消耗大量内容。许多内容公司都受益于早期的移动行业时代,盖茨的建议基于早期的互联网时代。诸如“King(Candy Crush)”,“Super Cell(Clash of Clans)”等公司就是一对例子。

但随着互联网市场的扩大,Buzzfeed的Jonah Pretti提出了互联网行业的新报价。他说,“内容为王,但分配是王后......她穿着裤子。”Jonah也是对的。目前,互联网充斥着内容,用户很难选择他们想要消费的内容。



我们建立了ITAM STORE,成为区块链行业的女王。我们特别选择成为区块链“游戏”平台的原因是因为游戏在早期阶段促进了互联网和移动行业。游戏是大量用户进入行业的原因,我们相信ITAM STORE将为区块链行业做同样的事情。


许多平台通过他们的服务主导了市场,而且许多这些平台企业现在都知道他们的业务基础植根于良好的内容。目前,许多优秀平台正在创建自己的原创内容。 Netflix有它的原创系列,任天堂有Mario和Zelda,它们已经成为他们的基石。因此,这意味着内容仍然对业务起着至关重要的作用。

ITAM GAMES正在开发一款名为“BlueDawn”的内部游戏,作为一个平台优势。通过原创内容,我们将扩展ITAM STORE生态系统。就像游戏在移动行业中的设计方式不同一样,“BlueDawn”计划成为具有独特游戏经济系统的优秀区块链游戏的典范。

作为平台服务,ITAM GAMES必须在平台上获得更多用户,以便更多好内容有理由登上平台。在平台上获得更多好内容也与让更多用户加入平台有关。它可能看起来像先有鸡还是先有蛋的情况,我们不知道哪个是第一个。但它本质上意味着用户和内容都是平台成功的关键因素。

ITAM GAMES知道平台的用户和内容有多重要。这就是为什么我们将使用我们的代币销售资金来营销我们的平台,以便新用户进入区块链游戏空间并以最低保证购买游戏,并为用户提供良好的内容。

以下链接是我们针对没有付费广告的服务的统计信息。 https://itam.tistory.com/24?category=762882

目前,我们正在设法让ITAM STORE运行Facebook和YouTube广告。一般而言,美国广告的应用下载机率为10%; ITAM商店广告的投票率为58%,相当高。如果我们可以在我们的平台上提供优质游戏,我们相信作为第一个区块链游戏市场我们将拥有巨大的优势。

我们的第一款MO RPG“DARK TOWN”即将上市,我们将在今年内推出50多款传统手机游戏。我们将为我们的商店提供开发人员控制台,以便任何人都可以在ITAM STORE上注册他们的游戏。

作为区块链领域的前沿,ITAM GAMES将努力成为区块链的国王和王后。


In the early years of the Internet industry, Bill Gate predicted that many contents (games, video, music) would be the “King of the Internet” and will dominate the industry. And what Gates predicted came out to be true; music and movie contents have expanded their markets through the Internet.

Nowadays, people are consuming enormous amounts of content. Many content companies have benefited from the early mobile industry era with Gates’ advice based on the early Internet era. Companies such as “King (Candy Crush),” “Super Cell (Clash of Clans)” are a couple examples.

But as the Internet market expanded, Jonah Pretti from Buzzfeed came up with a new quote for the Internet industry. He stated, “Content is king, but distribution is queen … and she wears the pants.” And Jonah was also right. Currently, the Internet is flooded with content, and users have a hard time choosing which content they would like to consume.

Yes, content is the king. But mobile stores like the Google Play Store have become dominant platforms where all the good contents are distributed.

We believe service platforms will rule the blockchain space, just like how Netflix and YouTube did on the Internet and mobile industries. Throughout the years, the blockchain industry has been focused on developing public blockchain protocols, which is sort of like a traditional OS(IOS, ANDROID). We believe that developing for blockchain protocols has reached a level where actual services can be launched on the blockchain, and it’s now the time to be making DAPPs. OS and content is crucial for business, but in the end they’re bounded by platforms, such as Amazon, Youtube, Netflix, etc.

We have built the ITAM STORE to become the queen of the blockchain industry . The reason we specifically chose to become a blockchain “game” platform is because it was games that essentially boosted both the Internet and mobile industries in their early stages. Games were what brought mass amount of users to the industry, and we believe the ITAM STORE will do the same for the blockchain industry.

“Still, content is the king”

Many platforms have dominated the market with their services, and many of these platform businesses now know that the foundation of their business is rooted in good content. Currently, many good platforms are creating their own original content. Netflix has its original series, and Nintendo has Mario and Zelda, which have become the cornerstones for them. Thus, this means that the contents still play a crucial role for the business.

ITAM GAMES is developing an in-house game called “BlueDawn” to have an advantage as a platform. Through original contents, we will be expanding the ITAM STORE ecosystem. Just like how the games are designed differently on mobile industries, “BlueDawn” is planned to become an exemplar of a great blockchain game with its own unique game economy system.

As a platform service, ITAM GAMES has to gain more users on the platform so that more good contents have reasons to on-board the platform. And getting more good contents on the platform is also in relation to getting more users to on-board the platform as well. It might seem like a chicken-and-egg scenario, where we don’t know which comes first. But what it essentially means is that both users and contents are crucial elements for a platform’s success.

ITAM GAMES knows how significant both the users and contents are for the platform. And that is why we are going to use our funds from our token sales for marketing our platform, so that new users will enter the blockchain gaming space and purchase games with minimum guarantee, and to provide good contents to the users.

The link below is our statistic for our service without paid Ads.https://itam.tistory.com/24?category=762882

Currently, we are running Facebook and YouTube Ads for the ITAM STORE. On average, Ads in the US have a 10% app download turnout rate; the ITAM Store Ad has 58% turnout rate, which is fairly high. If we can provide good games on our platform, we believe that we will have great advantages as the first blockchain gaming market.

Our first MO RPG ‘DARK TOWN’ is ready for launch, and we have 50+ traditional mobile games to be launched within this year. We will be providing a developer console for our Store so that anyone can register their games on the ITAM STORE.

As a frontier for the blockchain space, ITAM GAMES will work hard to become both the King & Queen of blockchain.



ITAM Telegram:https://t.me/itamgames

ITAM 媒体:https://medium.com/itam

ITAM Twitter:https:twitter.com/itamgames




EOS Cannon:2017年9月,EOS Cannon诞生于至暗一刻,在政策严格,币价暴跌的时候,有一群EOS的坚定信仰者抱团取暖,一起迎过17年末的币市高潮,又在18年的熊市里依然笃定持币,稳步前行。EOS Cannon社区不仅仅是一个超级节点的竞选社区,更是EOS中国重要的合作伙伴。

Cannon Capital:Cannon Capital 是由全球持仓量最大的EOS社区——EOS Cannon的创始人楷书发起成立的基金公司,邀请来自海内外银行、BAT、区块链媒体、交易所、开源技术社区、知名区块链项目基金会的创始人和高管,担任管理、顾问团队,致力于通过投资及顾问服务,发掘优秀团队,助力EOS网络与区块链行业的发展,打造一只稳定增值的EOS计价基金。

Cannon α:Cannon α 是一支以EOS计价的投资基金,致力于在早期帮助全球的开发团队及其创业项目,进行EOSIO生态领域的应用及技术项目开发,实现项目的成功运作及后续管理,同时帮助EOS Cannon出块节点的孵化器发展。投资领域包括:底层技术,基于eos的通用型工具,游戏,金融及应用平台等。Cannon α发行了股权代币CAN,在三年赎回的规则外允许通过CAN的交易实现基金份额的转让。


ITAM GAMES:ITAM GAMES是Cannon α合作孵化的由韩国团队运营开发的区块链游戏平台,其聚合和游戏行业多年从业经验的人才,致力于帮助传统游戏厂商将其开发游戏转换为区块链游戏以及自研原生区块链游戏,引领玩家进去“play to earn”的全新游戏领域。其发行的ITAM TOKEN即将进行公开售卖。

N叔作为EOS、CAN和KEY的投资既得利益者和佳能的忠实拥护者以及MYKEY、ITAM GAMES的深度参与者,不应该只是持有等待升值,也应该具备主人翁的精神,为这些项目的成长注入自己的一份心血,涓涓细流,汇聚成海,再微薄的力量,数量多起来也变得极其可观。如果你和N叔一样,也是这些项目的坚定投资者,请一起为他们发声,为他们加油,为EOSCannon投票。






ITAM Bounty 链接:

Facebook: https://api.itam.games/bounty/v1/count-bounty?_id=eosnowgofree&type=Facebook

Twitter: https://api.itam.games/bounty/v1/count-bounty?_id=eosnowgofree&type=Twitter

Telegram_en: https://api.itam.games/bounty/v1/count-bounty?_id=eosnowgofree&type=Telegram_en

Medium: https://api.itam.games/bounty/v1/count-bounty?_id=eosnowgofree&type=Medium

YouTube: https://api.itam.games/bounty/v1/count-bounty?_id=eosnowgofree&type=YouTube

