
But this year was different, and not just because Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated for president by a major party. The conventions highlighted a new political fault line: not between left and right, but between open and closed.


Major Party

A major party is a political party that holds substantial influence in a country's politics, standing in contrast to a minor party. It should not be confused with majority party.

在这句话里,a major party 指的就是共和党。major party 和 majority party 看起来很像,但千万不要搞错了。

major party 指的是主要党。就像在定义里所讲的那样,主要党指的是在一个国家里政治力量比较强的政党。比如美国的民主党和共和党,台湾的国民党和民进党,都是主要党。

majority party 指的是多数党。这个概念是存在于「两党制」的条件下的,如果这个国家本身不是两党制的,比如我们国家~那就没有多数党的概念,这时候如果一个手抖写错了,就是政治错误了哈。


Fault Line

fault 在我们的印象里就是「错误」的意思,所以 fault line 这个词组,非常容易在第一眼看到的时候,理解成「错误的线」,联系上下文语境就会把这句话理解成:大会强调了一个新的政治错误线路。而这句话,显然看不懂是什么意思。

其实 fault 在地理学上,有一个意思是:

fault :an extended break in a rock formation, marked by the relative displacement and discontinuity of strata on either side of a particular plane.


而 fault line,也可以写作,fault trace,指的就是在地表岩层上的巨大裂缝。

A fault trace or fault line is the intersection of a fault plane with the ground surface.



所以我觉得,翻译是一个可以做一辈子不厌倦的职业。因为他会迫使你去认识,去理解,去向别人解释一些东西,这些东西,也许是你一开始自己都不清楚的。在自己理解的过程中,就会出现 major party 和 majority party 这样看起来很像,但完全不一样的词组。也会出现 fault line 这样,绝对不能想当然,必须要翻翻字典,查查资料,确定涵义的词。这个过程中,让人保持了对这个世界的敬畏之心。

就好像乔帮主说的那样,stay hungry,stay foolish 。无论在哪个行业,这都是最基本的职业之心。


But this year was different, and not just because Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated for president by a major party. The conventions highlighted a new political fault line: not between left and right, but between open and closed.

