Pale Moon 15.3 - Firefox“苍月”优化版发布

知名火狐修改版浏览器——苍月浏览器Pale Moon今天正式发布15.3版本。修改版提升了浏览器性能,减少内存占用并增加了对64位处理器的支持,并对现有的Firefox配置、书签和扩展提供完美支持。该版本基于Firefox最新正式版开发,64位版也同步更新。

Changes in Pale Moon 15.3:
* The compiler has been changed to a newer version (Visual Studio 2012). This has a few consequences:
o Better handling of the browser overall: things like smooth scrolling, the user interface and page loading should be noticeably smoother on the vast majority of computers.
o Automatic vectorization: If your hardware supports it, more advanced processor instructions are used.
o Support for multiple cores.
o The 64-bit version of Pale Moon will no longer support Windows XP.
* Incremental garbage collection for Javascript.
* Minimize intermediate surface size in Azure to mitigate performance regression.
* Fix SVG clip paths in Azure.
* Fix drawing artifacts in Azure.
* Fix fuzzy equal function.
* Some fixes for the Windows Aero user interface that popped up with the new compiler.

下载:Pale Moon 15.3
下载:Pale Moon 15.3 x64
下载:Pale Moon 15.3 Portable
下载:Pale Moon 15.3 x64 Portable
