DCM(Discrete choice models,离散选择模型)的目标是预测出一个人会做怎样的选择。这些模型与逻辑回归有共同之处,但在误差项的分布假设方面又有不同。
我们使用Python Biogeme估算DCM,这是由Michel Bierlaire博士在Bierlaire,M.(2003);BIOGEME:A free package for the estimation of discrete choice models中发表的。虽然不是纯Python(估算的引擎是用C++写的),但这是估算DCM最好的开源软件。Python Biogeme还在活跃更新中,可从http://biogeme.epfl.ch下载;径直访问Download部分,选择你的操作系统对应的版本。由于软件包是免费的,因此你需要在Yahoo的Biogeme用户群中注册:。
我们使用软件包时遇到了问题。这个软件包要求Python 3.2之上的版本。尽管本书使用的是Python 3.5(安装在~/anaconda文件夹中),
但是Python Biogeme会到/usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5路径下寻找Python,这个路径在我们的机器上根本不存在。
我们只好手动创建这个路径,然后重新安装软件。 我们也在Windows上试了,可以正常运行。不过,有些朋友可能会在安装和运行时遇到问题,这也是要大家注意一下的。 如果你遇到了任何问题,你可以在Biogeme用户群中询问;一般很快就有回复了。如果你实在没法子了,也可以给原作者发邮件,[email protected],能帮的原作者一定帮。 */
/* pip install biogeme Looking in indexes: Collecting biogeme Using cached (816 kB) Requirement already satisfied: scipy in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from biogeme) (1.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: numpy in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from biogeme) (1.18.2) Requirement already satisfied: cython in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from biogeme) (0.29.14) Requirement already satisfied: pandas in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from biogeme) (0.25.3) Requirement already satisfied: unidecode in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from biogeme) (1.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from pandas->biogeme) (2.8.1) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from pandas->biogeme) (2019.3) Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in d:\tools\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas->biogeme) (1.12.0) Installing collected packages: biogeme Successfully installed biogeme-3.2.5 FINISHED */
步骤:Python Biogeme要求数据以制表符分隔,每一行包括所有选项的属性、选出的选项以及做出选择时每个选项是否可选。值的类型只能是数字。下面的代码可在dcm_dataPrep.py文件中看到:
1 import pandas as pd 2 import numpy as np 3 import re 4 5 # read datasets 6 choices_filename = '../../Data/Chapter10/choices.csv' 7 alternatives_filename = '../../Data/Chapter10/options.json' 8 9 choices = pd.read_csv(choices_filename) 10 alternatives = pd.read_json(alternatives_filename).transpose() 11 12 # retrieve all considered alternatives 取回所有考虑的选项 13 considered = [alt.split(';') 14 for alt in list(choices['available'])] 15 16 # create flag of all available alternatives 标出所有可能的选项 17 available = [] 18 alternatives_list = list(alternatives.index) 19 alternatives_list = [ 20 re.sub(r'\.', r'_', alt) for alt in alternatives_list] 21 no_of_alternatives = len(alternatives_list) 22 23 for cons in considered: 24 f = [0] * len(alternatives_list) 25 26 cons = [re.sub(r'\.', r'_', alt) for alt in cons] 27 28 for i, alt in enumerate(alternatives_list): 29 if alt in cons: 30 f[i] = 1 31 32 available.append(list(f)) 33 34 # append to the choices DataFrame 追加到选项DataFrame中 35 alternatives_av = [alt + '_AV' for alt in alternatives_list] 36 available = pd.DataFrame(available, columns=alternatives_av) 37 choices = choices.join(available) 38 39 # drop the available column as we don't need it anymore 40 #丢掉不需要的列 41 del choices['available'] 42 43 # encode the choice variable 编码选择变量 44 choice = list(choices['choice']) 45 choice = [re.sub(r'\.', r'_', alt) for alt in choice] 46 choice = [alternatives_list.index(c) + 1 for c in choice] 47 48 choices['choice'] = pd.Series(choice) 49 50 # and add the alternatives' attributes 加上选项属性 51 # first, normalize price to be between 0 and 1 首先,将价格归一为0到1之间的数 52 max_price = np.max(alternatives['price']) 53 alternatives['price'] = alternatives['price'] / max_price 54 55 # next, create a vector with all attributes 然后,创建所有选项的向量 56 attributes = [] 57 attributes_list = list(alternatives.values) 58 59 for attribute in attributes_list: 60 attributes += list(attribute) 61 62 # fill in to match the number of rows 填充以匹配行数 63 attributes = [attributes] * len(choices) 64 65 # and their names 名字 66 attributes_names = [] 67 68 for alternative in alternatives_list: 69 for attribute in alternatives.columns: 70 attributes_names.append(alternative + '_' + attribute) 71 72 # convert to a DataFrame 转化为DataFrame 73 attributes = pd.DataFrame(attributes, 74 columns=attributes_names) 75 76 # and join with the main dataset 和主数据集连接 77 choices = choices.join(attributes) 78 79 # save as a TSV with .dat extension 输出为.dat文件 80 with open('../../Data/Chapter10/choices.dat', 'w') as f: 81 f.write(choices.to_csv(sep='\t', index=False))
/* choice available AA777.4.V AA777.1.C;AA777.2.Z;AA777.4.V;AS666.1.C;AS666.3.Y;AS666.4.V;DL001.2.Z;DL001.3.Y;DL001.4.V;UA110.1.C;UA110.3.Y;UA110.4.V UA110.3.Y AA777.1.C;AA777.2.Z;AA777.3.Y;AA777.4.V;AS666.1.C;AS666.2.Z;AS666.4.V;DL001.2.Z;UA110.2.Z;UA110.3.Y;UA110.4.V DL001.1.C AA777.1.C;AA777.2.Z;AA777.3.Y;AA777.4.V;AS666.3.Y;AS666.4.V;DL001.1.C;DL001.3.Y;UA110.3.Y;UA110.4.V */
/* { "AA777.1.C": { "compartment": 1, "frequentFlyer": 1, "price": 410, "refund": 1 }, "AA777.2.Z": { "compartment": 1, "frequentFlyer": 1, "price": 320, "refund": 0 }, */
读入数据集后,我们先关注考虑的选项列表。从choices DataFrame对象提取出可选的列,并将行拆成独立的选项。我们将用这个创建一个带有所有可选选项的DataFrame对象。
要做到这一点,需要所有可选选项的列表。从DataFrame对象alternatives提取所有索引。不过这些值里包含了点号,比如AA777.1.C。如果直接使用Python Biogeme会有问题,所以用re包的.sub(...)方法将点号替换成下划线。
创建相应的列名,以便在Python Biogeme中使用;要达到这一目标,在每个选项的名字后加上_AV后缀。
首先,将价格归一化到0和1之间。直接从数据集中取出最大价格,然后所有价格都除以这个值。也可以用Python Biogeme做到这一点,但是推荐直接处理,仅仅用Python Biogeme估算模型。
/* [array([1., 1., 1., 1.]), array([1. , 1. , 0.7804878, 0. ]), array([0. , 1. , 0.51219512, 1. ]), array([0. , 0. , 0.36585366, 0. ]), array([1. , 1. , 0.95121951, 1. ]), array([1. , 1. , 0.76829268, 0. ]), array([0. , 1. , 0.47560976, 1. ]), array([0. , 0. , 0.31707317, 0. ]), array([1. , 1. , 0.97560976, 1. ]), array([1. , 1. , 0.7804878, 0. ]), array([0. , 1. , 0.48780488, 1. ]), array([0. , 0. , 0.31707317, 0. ]), array([1. , 1. , 0.92682927, 1. ]), array([1. , 0. , 0.75609756, 0. ]), array([0. , 1. , 0.48780488, 1. ]), array([0. , 0. , 0.30487805, 0. ])] */
MNL(Multinomial Logit,多项Logit)模型是由Daniel McFadden于1973年在其研讨会论文中提出的,。
这个模型基于十分严格的假设:IID(Independent and Identically Distributed,独立同分布)的误差项和IIA(Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives,独立于无关选项)。
准备:需要安装好Python Biogeme包。
步骤:Python Biogeme的语法和Python本身的很像。对于Biogeme而言,Python只是一层很薄的包装,里面还是C++代码(MNL目录中的dcm_mnl.py文件)。下面的代码经过删减了:
1 from biogeme import * 2 from headers import * 3 from loglikelihood import * 4 from statistics import * 5 6 # Specify parameters to be estimated 7 # 8 # Arguments: 9 # - 1 Name, typically, the same as the variable. 10 # - 2 Starting value. 11 # - 3 Lower bound. 12 # - 4 Upper bound. 13 # - 5 flag whether to estimate the parameter (0) 14 # or keep it fixed (1). 15 16 # add the coefficients to be estimated 17 18 ASC = Beta('ASC',0,-10,10,1,'ASC') 19 C_price = Beta('C_price',0,-10,10,0,'C price') 20 Z_price = Beta('Z_price',0,-10,10,0,'Z price') 21 Y_price = Beta('Y_price',0,-10,10,0,'Y price') 22 V_price = Beta('V_price',0,-10,10,0,'V price') 23 24 B_comp = Beta('B_comp',0,-10,10,0,'compartment') 25 B_refund = Beta('B_refund',0,-3,3,0,'refund') 26 27 # Utility functions 28 29 # compartment attributes 30 c = {} 31 32 c[1] = AA777_1_C_compartment 33 c[2] = AA777_2_Z_compartment 34 c[3] = AA777_3_Y_compartment 35 ... 36 c[13] = UA110_1_C_compartment 37 c[14] = UA110_2_Z_compartment 38 c[15] = UA110_3_Y_compartment 39 c[16] = UA110_4_V_compartment 40 41 # price attributes 42 p = {} 43 44 p[1] = AA777_1_C_price 45 p[2] = AA777_2_Z_price 46 p[3] = AA777_3_Y_price 47 ... 48 p[14] = UA110_2_Z_price 49 p[15] = UA110_3_Y_price 50 p[16] = UA110_4_V_price 51 52 # refund attributes 53 r = {} 54 55 r[1] = AA777_1_C_refund 56 r[2] = AA777_2_Z_refund 57 r[3] = AA777_3_Y_refund 58 ... 59 r[13] = UA110_1_C_refund 60 r[14] = UA110_2_Z_refund 61 r[15] = UA110_3_Y_refund 62 r[16] = UA110_4_V_refund 63 64 # The dictionary of utilities is constructed. 65 V = {} 66 67 V[1] = C_price * p[1] + B_refund * r[1] + B_comp * c[1] 68 V[2] = Z_price * p[2] + B_refund * r[2] + B_comp * c[2] + ASC 69 V[3] = Y_price * p[3] + B_refund * r[3] + B_comp * c[3] 70 ... 71 V[13] = C_price * p[13] + B_refund * r[13] + B_comp * c[13] 72 V[14] = Z_price * p[14] + B_refund * r[14] + B_comp * c[14] 73 V[15] = Y_price * p[15] + B_refund * r[15] + B_comp * c[15] 74 V[16] = Y_price * p[16] + B_refund * r[16] + B_comp * c[16] 75 76 # availability flags 77 availability = { 78 1: AA777_1_C_AV, 79 2: AA777_2_Z_AV, 80 3: AA777_3_Y_AV, 81 4: AA777_4_V_AV, 82 5: AS666_1_C_AV, 83 6: AS666_2_Z_AV, 84 7: AS666_3_Y_AV, 85 8: AS666_4_V_AV, 86 9: DL001_1_C_AV, 87 10: DL001_2_Z_AV, 88 11: DL001_3_Y_AV, 89 12: DL001_4_V_AV, 90 13: UA110_1_C_AV, 91 14: UA110_2_Z_AV, 92 15: UA110_3_Y_AV, 93 16: UA110_4_V_AV 94 } 95 96 # The choice model is a logit, with availability conditions 97 logprob = bioLogLogit(V, availability, choice) 98 99 # Defines an iterator on the data 100 rowIterator('obsIter') 101 102 # Define the likelihood function for the estimation 103 BIOGEME_OBJECT.ESTIMATE = Sum(logprob, 'obsIter') 104 105 # Statistics 106 nullLoglikelihood(availability,'obsIter') 107 choiceSet = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] 108 cteLoglikelihood(choiceSet, choice, 'obsIter') 109 availabilityStatistics(availability, 'obsIter') 110 111 # Parameters 112 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['optimizationAlgorithm'] = 'BIO' 113 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['numberOfThreads'] = '8' 114 115 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 C utility'] = V[1] 116 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 Z utility'] = V[2] 117 ... 118 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 Y utility'] = V[11] 119 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 V utility'] = V[12] 120 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 C utility'] = V[13] 121 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Z utility'] = V[14] 122 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Y utility'] = V[15] 123 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 V utility'] = V[16]
/* d: cd D:\Java2018\practicalDataAnalysis\Codes\Chapter10\MNL D:\tools\Python37\python D:\tools\Python37\Lib\site-packages\biogeme\ dcm_mnl ../../../Data/Chapter10/choices.dat dcm_mnl ../../../Data/Chapter10/choices.dat import os >>> os.chdir('D:\Java2018\practicalDataAnalysis\Codes\Chapter10\MNL') os.getcwd() pythonbiogeme dcm_mnl ../../../Chapter10/choices.dat import os os.chdir('D:\Java2018\practicalDataAnalysis\Codes\Chapter10\MNL') os.getcwd() 'D:\\Java2018\\practicalDataAnalysis\\Codes\\Chapter10\\MNL' >>> biogeme dcm_mnl ../../../Chapter10/choices.dat SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> biogeme dcm_mnl ../../../Chapter10/choices.dat SyntaxError: invalid syntax pip install biogeme --no-cache-dir import biogeme.version as ver print(ver.getText()) biogeme 3.2.3 [September 25, 2019] Version entirely written in Python Home page: Submit questions to Michel Bierlaire, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) */
/* ../ dcm_mnl ../../../Data/Chapter10/choices.dat */
对于可识别的模型,要归一化一个参数,即固定为0。通常,这个参数是ASC(alternative specific constants,方案特定变量)中的一个。参考K.Train《Properties of Discrete Choice Models》一书的第2章。
Python Biogeme给出的报告如下(删减版;完整版可在浏览器中访问dcm_mnl.html查看):
重点是,Diagnostic要看Convergence reached。后面我们会看到,Run time也是一项重要数据,尤其是在处理复杂模型时。
·Kenneth Train的一本(免费)好书:;
·Python Biogeme的介绍:。
这就违反了IIA假设:P(car)/P(train)没变,P(car)/P(blue bus)和P(train)/P(blue bus)都变了。
准备:需要安装好Python Biogeme包。
1 from biogeme import * 2 from headers import * 3 from loglikelihood import * 4 from statistics import * 5 6 # Specify parameters to be estimated 7 # 8 # Arguments: 9 # - 1 Name, typically, the same as the variable. 10 # - 2 Starting value. 11 # - 3 Lower bound. 12 # - 4 Upper bound. 13 # - 5 flag whether to estimate the parameter (0) 14 # or keep it fixed (1). 15 16 # add the coefficients to be estimated 17 C_price = Beta('C_price',-7.29885,-10,10,0,'C price' ) 18 V_price = Beta('V_price',-5.07495,-10,10,0,'V price' ) 19 Y_price = Beta('Y_price',-4.40754,-10,10,0,'Y price' ) 20 Z_price = Beta('Z_price',-8.70638,-10,10,0,'Z price' ) 21 22 ASC = Beta('ASC',0,-10,10,1,'ASC' ) 23 B_comp = Beta('B_comp',3.52571,-10,10,0,'compartment' ) 24 B_refund = Beta('B_refund',-0.718748,-3,3,0,'refund' ) 25 26 # Utility functions 27 28 # The data are associated with the alternative index 29 # compartment attributes 30 c = {} 31 32 c[1] = AA777_1_C_compartment 33 c[2] = AA777_2_Z_compartment 34 c[3] = AA777_3_Y_compartment 35 c[4] = AA777_4_V_compartment 36 c[5] = AS666_1_C_compartment 37 c[6] = AS666_2_Z_compartment 38 c[7] = AS666_3_Y_compartment 39 c[8] = AS666_4_V_compartment 40 c[9] = DL001_1_C_compartment 41 c[10] = DL001_2_Z_compartment 42 c[11] = DL001_3_Y_compartment 43 c[12] = DL001_4_V_compartment 44 c[13] = UA110_1_C_compartment 45 c[14] = UA110_2_Z_compartment 46 c[15] = UA110_3_Y_compartment 47 c[16] = UA110_4_V_compartment 48 49 # price attributes 50 p = {} 51 52 p[1] = AA777_1_C_price 53 p[2] = AA777_2_Z_price 54 p[3] = AA777_3_Y_price 55 p[4] = AA777_4_V_price 56 p[5] = AS666_1_C_price 57 p[6] = AS666_2_Z_price 58 p[7] = AS666_3_Y_price 59 p[8] = AS666_4_V_price 60 p[9] = DL001_1_C_price 61 p[10] = DL001_2_Z_price 62 p[11] = DL001_3_Y_price 63 p[12] = DL001_4_V_price 64 p[13] = UA110_1_C_price 65 p[14] = UA110_2_Z_price 66 p[15] = UA110_3_Y_price 67 p[16] = UA110_4_V_price 68 69 # refund attributes 70 r = {} 71 72 r[1] = AA777_1_C_refund 73 r[2] = AA777_2_Z_refund 74 r[3] = AA777_3_Y_refund 75 r[4] = AA777_4_V_refund 76 r[5] = AS666_1_C_refund 77 r[6] = AS666_2_Z_refund 78 r[7] = AS666_3_Y_refund 79 r[8] = AS666_4_V_refund 80 r[9] = DL001_1_C_refund 81 r[10] = DL001_2_Z_refund 82 r[11] = DL001_3_Y_refund 83 r[12] = DL001_4_V_refund 84 r[13] = UA110_1_C_refund 85 r[14] = UA110_2_Z_refund 86 r[15] = UA110_3_Y_refund 87 r[16] = UA110_4_V_refund 88 89 # The dictionary of utilities is constructed. 90 V = {} 91 92 V[1] = C_price * p[1] + B_refund * r[1] + B_comp * c[1] 93 V[2] = Z_price * p[2] + B_refund * r[2] + B_comp * c[2] + ASC 94 V[3] = Y_price * p[3] + B_refund * r[3] + B_comp * c[3] 95 V[4] = V_price * p[4] + B_refund * r[4] + B_comp * c[4] 96 V[5] = C_price * p[5] + B_refund * r[5] + B_comp * c[5] 97 V[6] = Z_price * p[6] + B_refund * r[6] + B_comp * c[6] 98 V[7] = Y_price * p[7] + B_refund * r[7] + B_comp * c[7] 99 V[8] = V_price * p[8] + B_refund * r[8] + B_comp * c[8] 100 V[9] = C_price * p[9] + B_refund * r[9] + B_comp * c[9] 101 V[10] = Z_price * p[10] + B_refund * r[10] + B_comp * c[10] 102 V[11] = Y_price * p[11] + B_refund * r[11] + B_comp * c[11] 103 V[12] = V_price * p[12] + B_refund * r[12] + B_comp * c[12] 104 V[13] = C_price * p[13] + B_refund * r[13] + B_comp * c[13] 105 V[14] = Z_price * p[14] + B_refund * r[14] + B_comp * c[14] 106 V[15] = Y_price * p[15] + B_refund * r[15] + B_comp * c[15] 107 V[16] = Y_price * p[16] + B_refund * r[16] + B_comp * c[16] 108 109 # availability flags 110 availability = { 111 1: AA777_1_C_AV, 112 2: AA777_2_Z_AV, 113 3: AA777_3_Y_AV, 114 4: AA777_4_V_AV, 115 5: AS666_1_C_AV, 116 6: AS666_2_Z_AV, 117 7: AS666_3_Y_AV, 118 8: AS666_4_V_AV, 119 9: DL001_1_C_AV, 120 10: DL001_2_Z_AV, 121 11: DL001_3_Y_AV, 122 12: DL001_4_V_AV, 123 13: UA110_1_C_AV, 124 14: UA110_2_Z_AV, 125 15: UA110_3_Y_AV, 126 16: UA110_4_V_AV 127 } 128 129 # The choice model is a logit, with availability conditions 130 probAA777_C = bioLogit(V, availability, 1) 131 probAA777_Z = bioLogit(V, availability, 2) 132 probAA777_Y = bioLogit(V, availability, 3) 133 probAA777_V = bioLogit(V, availability, 4) 134 probAS666_C = bioLogit(V, availability, 5) 135 probAS666_Z = bioLogit(V, availability, 6) 136 probAS666_Y = bioLogit(V, availability, 7) 137 probAS666_V = bioLogit(V, availability, 8) 138 probDL001_C = bioLogit(V, availability, 9) 139 probDL001_Z = bioLogit(V, availability, 10) 140 probDL001_Y = bioLogit(V, availability, 11) 141 probDL001_V = bioLogit(V, availability, 12) 142 probUA110_C = bioLogit(V, availability, 13) 143 probUA110_Z = bioLogit(V, availability, 14) 144 probUA110_Y = bioLogit(V, availability, 15) 145 probUA110_V = bioLogit(V, availability, 16) 146 147 # Defines an itertor on the data 148 rowIterator('obsIter') 149 150 # exclude observations where AA777 C was selected 151 exclude = choice == 1 152 BIOGEME_OBJECT.EXCLUDE = exclude 153 154 # simulate 155 simulate = { 156 'P_AA777_C': probAA777_C, 157 'P_AA777_Z': probAA777_Z, 158 'P_AA777_Y': probAA777_Y, 159 'P_AA777_V': probAA777_V, 160 'P_AS666_C': probAS666_C, 161 'P_AS666_Z': probAS666_Z, 162 'P_AS666_Y': probAS666_Y, 163 'P_AS666_V': probAS666_V, 164 'P_DL001_C': probDL001_C, 165 'P_DL001_Z': probDL001_Z, 166 'P_DL001_Y': probDL001_Y, 167 'P_DL001_V': probDL001_V, 168 'P_UA110_C': probUA110_C, 169 'P_UA110_Z': probUA110_Z, 170 'P_UA110_Y': probUA110_Y, 171 'P_UA110_V': probUA110_V 172 } 173 174 ## Code for the sensitivity analysis 175 names = ['B_comp','B_refund','C_price','V_price','Y_price','Z_price'] 176 values = [[1.71083,-0.0398667,-1.67587,0.190499,0.209566,-2.13821],[-0.0398667,0.0188657,-0.00717013,-0.083915,-0.0941582,0.0155518],[-1.67587,-0.00717013,1.76813,0.0330621,0.0365816,2.18927],[0.190499,-0.083915,0.0330621,0.418485,0.452985,-0.0676863],[0.209566,-0.0941582,0.0365816,0.452985,0.498726,-0.0766095],[-2.13821,0.0155518,2.18927,-0.0676863,-0.0766095,2.74714]] 177 vc = bioMatrix(6, names, values) 178 BIOGEME_OBJECT.VARCOVAR = vc 179 180 BIOGEME_OBJECT.SIMULATE = Enumerate(simulate,'obsIter') 181 182 # Statistics 183 nullLoglikelihood(availability,'obsIter') 184 choiceSet = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] 185 cteLoglikelihood(choiceSet, choice, 'obsIter') 186 availabilityStatistics(availability, 'obsIter') 187 188 # Parameters 189 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['RandomDistribution'] ="MLHS" 190 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['NbrOfDraws'] = "1" 191 192 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 C utility'] = V[1] 193 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 Z utility'] = V[2] 194 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 Y utility'] = V[3] 195 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 V utility'] = V[4] 196 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 C utility'] = V[5] 197 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 Z utility'] = V[6] 198 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 Y utility'] = V[7] 199 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 V utility'] = V[8] 200 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 C utility'] = V[9] 201 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 Z utility'] = V[10] 202 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 Y utility'] = V[11] 203 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 V utility'] = V[12] 204 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 C utility'] = V[13] 205 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Z utility'] = V[14] 206 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Y utility'] = V[15] 207 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 V utility'] = V[16]
原理:和估算模型一样,先加载Python Biogeme使用的包。
最后,我们指定系数的名字和系数的协方差矩阵。这也可从MNL文件夹下的dcm_mnl_param.py文件导入。Python Biogeme将会在敏感度分析中使用。
使用Enumerate(...)方法仿真概率。这个方法以模拟的字典作为第一个参数,以行迭代器作为第二个参数。由于我们只对概率的估算感兴趣(而不是蒙特卡洛分析),我们将RandomDistribution指定为MLHS(Modified Latin Hypercube Sampling,修正拉丁超立方抽样),只画一次。
../ dcm_mnl_simul ../../../Data/Chapter10/choices.dat
1 import pandas as pd 2 3 # read the html tables 4 old_model = 'dcm_mnl_simul.html' 5 new_model = 'dcm_iia_simul.html' 6 7 old_model_p = pd.read_html(old_model, header = 0)[3] 8 new_model_p = pd.read_html(new_model, header = 0)[3] 9 10 # let's look at only two columns 11 cols = ['P_AA777_Y', 'P_AA777_V'] 12 13 # make sure that there are no zeros 14 old_model_p = old_model_p[cols] 15 old_model_p = old_model_p[old_model_p[cols[0]] != 0] 16 old_model_p = old_model_p[old_model_p[cols[1]] != 0] 17 18 new_model_p = new_model_p[cols] 19 new_model_p = new_model_p[new_model_p[cols[0]] != 0] 20 new_model_p = new_model_p[new_model_p[cols[1]] != 0] 21 22 # calculate the ratios 23 old_model_p['ratios_old'] = old_model_p \ 24 .apply(lambda row: row['P_AA777_V'] / row['P_AA777_Y'], 25 axis=1) 26 27 new_model_p['ratios_new'] = new_model_p \ 28 .apply(lambda row: row['P_AA777_V'] / row['P_AA777_Y'], 29 axis=1) 30 31 # join with the old model results 32 differences = old_model_p.join(new_model_p, rsuffix='_new') 33 34 # and calculate the differences 35 differences['diff'] = differences\ 36 .apply(lambda row: row['ratios_new'] - row['ratios_old'], 37 axis=1) 38 39 # calculate the descriptive stats for the columns 40 print(differences[['ratios_old', 'ratios_new', 'diff']] \ 41 .describe())
不过,如果你的模型违反了IIA,那么你就得使用更高级的模型。本技巧中,我们将认识一个稍微复杂点的巢式Logit模型。这个模型将相似的选项放到一个巢里(名字的由来)。篇幅有限,我们这里不讨论模型的原理,但是我极力推荐之前提过的Kenneth Train的书。
准备:需要装好Python Biogeme包。
1 from biogeme import * 2 from headers import * 3 from nested import * 4 from loglikelihood import * 5 from statistics import * 6 7 # Specify parameters to be estimated 8 # 9 # Arguments: 10 # - 1 Name, typically, the same as the variable. 11 # - 2 Starting value. 12 # - 3 Lower bound. 13 # - 4 Upper bound. 14 # - 5 flag whether to estimate the parameter (0) 15 # or keep it fixed (1). 16 17 # add the coefficients to be estimated 18 C_price = Beta('C_price',0,-10,10,0,'C price' ) 19 V_price = Beta('V_price',0,-10,10,0,'V price' ) 20 Y_price = Beta('Y_price',0,-10,10,0,'Y price' ) 21 Z_price = Beta('Z_price',0,-10,10,0,'Z price' ) 22 23 ASC = Beta('ASC',0,-10,10,1,'ASC' ) 24 25 B_refund = Beta('B_refund',0,-3,3,0,'refund' ) 26 B_comp = Beta('B_comp',0,-3,3,0,'compartment' ) 27 28 # nest mu parameter 29 biz_mu = Beta('biz_mu',0.5,0,1,0) 30 eco_mu = Beta('eco_mu',0.5,0,1,0) 31 32 # Utility functions 33 34 # compartment attributes 35 c = {} 36 37 c[1] = AA777_1_C_compartment 38 c[2] = AA777_2_Z_compartment 39 c[3] = AA777_3_Y_compartment 40 c[4] = AA777_4_V_compartment 41 c[5] = AS666_1_C_compartment 42 c[6] = AS666_2_Z_compartment 43 c[7] = AS666_3_Y_compartment 44 c[8] = AS666_4_V_compartment 45 c[9] = DL001_1_C_compartment 46 c[10] = DL001_2_Z_compartment 47 c[11] = DL001_3_Y_compartment 48 c[12] = DL001_4_V_compartment 49 c[13] = UA110_1_C_compartment 50 c[14] = UA110_2_Z_compartment 51 c[15] = UA110_3_Y_compartment 52 c[16] = UA110_4_V_compartment 53 54 # price attributes 55 p = {} 56 57 p[1] = AA777_1_C_price 58 p[2] = AA777_2_Z_price 59 p[3] = AA777_3_Y_price 60 p[4] = AA777_4_V_price 61 p[5] = AS666_1_C_price 62 p[6] = AS666_2_Z_price 63 p[7] = AS666_3_Y_price 64 p[8] = AS666_4_V_price 65 p[9] = DL001_1_C_price 66 p[10] = DL001_2_Z_price 67 p[11] = DL001_3_Y_price 68 p[12] = DL001_4_V_price 69 p[13] = UA110_1_C_price 70 p[14] = UA110_2_Z_price 71 p[15] = UA110_3_Y_price 72 p[16] = UA110_4_V_price 73 74 # refund attributes 75 r = {} 76 77 r[1] = AA777_1_C_refund 78 r[2] = AA777_2_Z_refund 79 r[3] = AA777_3_Y_refund 80 r[4] = AA777_4_V_refund 81 r[5] = AS666_1_C_refund 82 r[6] = AS666_2_Z_refund 83 r[7] = AS666_3_Y_refund 84 r[8] = AS666_4_V_refund 85 r[9] = DL001_1_C_refund 86 r[10] = DL001_2_Z_refund 87 r[11] = DL001_3_Y_refund 88 r[12] = DL001_4_V_refund 89 r[13] = UA110_1_C_refund 90 r[14] = UA110_2_Z_refund 91 r[15] = UA110_3_Y_refund 92 r[16] = UA110_4_V_refund 93 94 # The dictionary of utilities is constructed. 95 V = {} 96 97 V[1] = Z_price * p[1] + B_refund * r[1] + B_comp * c[1] 98 V[2] = Z_price * p[2] + B_refund * r[2] + B_comp * c[2] + ASC 99 V[3] = Y_price * p[3] + B_refund * r[3] + B_comp * c[3] 100 V[4] = V_price * p[4] + B_refund * r[4] + B_comp * c[4] 101 V[5] = C_price * p[5] + B_refund * r[5] + B_comp * c[5] 102 V[6] = Z_price * p[6] + B_refund * r[6] + B_comp * c[6] 103 V[7] = Y_price * p[7] + B_refund * r[7] + B_comp * c[7] 104 V[8] = V_price * p[8] + B_refund * r[8] + B_comp * c[8] 105 V[9] = C_price * p[9] + B_refund * r[9] + B_comp * c[9] 106 V[10] = Z_price * p[10] + B_refund * r[10] + B_comp * c[10] 107 V[11] = Y_price * p[11] + B_refund * r[11] + B_comp * c[11] 108 V[12] = V_price * p[12] + B_refund * r[12] + B_comp * c[12] 109 V[13] = C_price * p[13] + B_refund * r[13] + B_comp * c[13] 110 V[14] = Z_price * p[14] + B_refund * r[14] + B_comp * c[14] 111 V[15] = Y_price * p[15] + B_refund * r[15] + B_comp * c[15] 112 V[16] = Y_price * p[16] + B_refund * r[16] + B_comp * c[16] 113 114 # availability flags 115 availability = { 116 1: AA777_1_C_AV, 117 2: AA777_2_Z_AV, 118 3: AA777_3_Y_AV, 119 4: AA777_4_V_AV, 120 5: AS666_1_C_AV, 121 6: AS666_2_Z_AV, 122 7: AS666_3_Y_AV, 123 8: AS666_4_V_AV, 124 9: DL001_1_C_AV, 125 10: DL001_2_Z_AV, 126 11: DL001_3_Y_AV, 127 12: DL001_4_V_AV, 128 13: UA110_1_C_AV, 129 14: UA110_2_Z_AV, 130 15: UA110_3_Y_AV, 131 16: UA110_4_V_AV 132 } 133 134 # 1: nests parameter 135 # 2: list of alternatives 136 business = biz_mu, [1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14] 137 economy = eco_mu, [3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16] 138 nests = business, economy 139 140 # The choice model is a logit, with availability conditions 141 logprob = lognested(V, availability, nests, choice) 142 143 # Defines an itertor on the data 144 rowIterator('obsIter') 145 146 # DEfine the likelihood function for the estimation 147 BIOGEME_OBJECT.ESTIMATE = Sum(logprob,'obsIter') 148 149 # Statistics 150 151 nullLoglikelihood(availability,'obsIter') 152 choiceSet = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] 153 cteLoglikelihood(choiceSet,choice,'obsIter') 154 availabilityStatistics(availability,'obsIter') 155 156 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['optimizationAlgorithm'] = 'BIO' 157 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['checkDerivatives'] = '1' 158 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['numberOfThreads'] = '8' 159 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['moreRobustToNumericalIssues'] = '0' 160 161 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 C utility'] = V[1] 162 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 Z utility'] = V[2] 163 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 Y utility'] = V[3] 164 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 V utility'] = V[4] 165 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 C utility'] = V[5] 166 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 Z utility'] = V[6] 167 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 Y utility'] = V[7] 168 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 V utility'] = V[8] 169 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 C utility'] = V[9] 170 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 Z utility'] = V[10] 171 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 Y utility'] = V[11] 172 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 V utility'] = V[12] 173 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 C utility'] = V[13] 174 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Z utility'] = V[14] 175 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Y utility'] = V[15] 176 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 V utility'] = V[16]
准备:需要装好Python Biogeme包。
1 from biogeme import * 2 from headers import * 3 from loglikelihood import * 4 from statistics import * 5 6 # Specify parameters to be estimated 7 # 8 # Arguments: 9 # - 1 Name, typically, the same as the variable. 10 # - 2 Starting value. 11 # - 3 Lower bound. 12 # - 4 Upper bound. 13 # - 5 flag whether to estimate the parameter (0) 14 # or keep it fixed (1). 15 16 # add the coefficients to be estimated 17 18 C_price = Beta('C_price',0,-10,10,0,'C price' ) 19 V_price = Beta('V_price',0,-10,10,0,'V price' ) 20 Y_price = Beta('Y_price',0,-10,10,0,'Y price' ) 21 Z_price = Beta('Z_price',0,-10,10,0,'Z price' ) 22 23 ASC = Beta('ASC',0,-10,10,1,'ASC' ) 24 25 B_ref = Beta('B_ref',0,-3,3,0,'refund' ) 26 B_ref_S = Beta('B_ref_S',0,-3,3,0,'refund (std)' ) 27 B_comp = Beta('B_comp',0,-3,3,0,'compartment' ) 28 29 # Random parameters 30 B_ref_rnd = B_ref + B_ref_S * bioDraws('B_ref_rnd') 31 32 # Utility functions 33 34 # The data are associated with the alternative index 35 # compartment attributes 36 c = {} 37 38 c[1] = AA777_1_C_compartment 39 c[2] = AA777_2_Z_compartment 40 c[3] = AA777_3_Y_compartment 41 c[4] = AA777_4_V_compartment 42 c[5] = AS666_1_C_compartment 43 c[6] = AS666_2_Z_compartment 44 c[7] = AS666_3_Y_compartment 45 c[8] = AS666_4_V_compartment 46 c[9] = DL001_1_C_compartment 47 c[10] = DL001_2_Z_compartment 48 c[11] = DL001_3_Y_compartment 49 c[12] = DL001_4_V_compartment 50 c[13] = UA110_1_C_compartment 51 c[14] = UA110_2_Z_compartment 52 c[15] = UA110_3_Y_compartment 53 c[16] = UA110_4_V_compartment 54 55 # price attributes 56 p = {} 57 58 p[1] = AA777_1_C_price 59 p[2] = AA777_2_Z_price 60 p[3] = AA777_3_Y_price 61 p[4] = AA777_4_V_price 62 p[5] = AS666_1_C_price 63 p[6] = AS666_2_Z_price 64 p[7] = AS666_3_Y_price 65 p[8] = AS666_4_V_price 66 p[9] = DL001_1_C_price 67 p[10] = DL001_2_Z_price 68 p[11] = DL001_3_Y_price 69 p[12] = DL001_4_V_price 70 p[13] = UA110_1_C_price 71 p[14] = UA110_2_Z_price 72 p[15] = UA110_3_Y_price 73 p[16] = UA110_4_V_price 74 75 # refund attributes 76 r = {} 77 78 r[1] = AA777_1_C_refund 79 r[2] = AA777_2_Z_refund 80 r[3] = AA777_3_Y_refund 81 r[4] = AA777_4_V_refund 82 r[5] = AS666_1_C_refund 83 r[6] = AS666_2_Z_refund 84 r[7] = AS666_3_Y_refund 85 r[8] = AS666_4_V_refund 86 r[9] = DL001_1_C_refund 87 r[10] = DL001_2_Z_refund 88 r[11] = DL001_3_Y_refund 89 r[12] = DL001_4_V_refund 90 r[13] = UA110_1_C_refund 91 r[14] = UA110_2_Z_refund 92 r[15] = UA110_3_Y_refund 93 r[16] = UA110_4_V_refund 94 95 # The dictionary of utilities is constructed. 96 V = {} 97 98 V[1] = Z_price * p[1] + B_ref_rnd * r[1] + B_comp * c[1] 99 V[2] = Z_price * p[2] + B_ref_rnd * r[2] + B_comp * c[2] + ASC 100 V[3] = Y_price * p[3] + B_ref_rnd * r[3] + B_comp * c[3] 101 V[4] = V_price * p[4] + B_ref_rnd * r[4] + B_comp * c[4] 102 V[5] = C_price * p[5] + B_ref_rnd * r[5] + B_comp * c[5] 103 V[6] = Z_price * p[6] + B_ref_rnd * r[6] + B_comp * c[6] 104 V[7] = Y_price * p[7] + B_ref_rnd * r[7] + B_comp * c[7] 105 V[8] = V_price * p[8] + B_ref_rnd * r[8] + B_comp * c[8] 106 V[9] = C_price * p[9] + B_ref_rnd * r[9] + B_comp * c[9] 107 V[10] = Z_price * p[10] + B_ref_rnd * r[10] + B_comp * c[10] 108 V[11] = Y_price * p[11] + B_ref_rnd * r[11] + B_comp * c[11] 109 V[12] = V_price * p[12] + B_ref_rnd * r[12] + B_comp * c[12] 110 V[13] = C_price * p[13] + B_ref_rnd * r[13] + B_comp * c[13] 111 V[14] = Z_price * p[14] + B_ref_rnd * r[14] + B_comp * c[14] 112 V[15] = Y_price * p[15] + B_ref_rnd * r[15] + B_comp * c[15] 113 V[16] = Y_price * p[16] + B_ref_rnd * r[16] + B_comp * c[16] 114 115 # availability flags 116 availability = { 117 1: AA777_1_C_AV, 118 2: AA777_2_Z_AV, 119 3: AA777_3_Y_AV, 120 4: AA777_4_V_AV, 121 5: AS666_1_C_AV, 122 6: AS666_2_Z_AV, 123 7: AS666_3_Y_AV, 124 8: AS666_4_V_AV, 125 9: DL001_1_C_AV, 126 10: DL001_2_Z_AV, 127 11: DL001_3_Y_AV, 128 12: DL001_4_V_AV, 129 13: UA110_1_C_AV, 130 14: UA110_2_Z_AV, 131 15: UA110_3_Y_AV, 132 16: UA110_4_V_AV 133 } 134 135 # The choice model is a logit, with availability conditions 136 prob = bioLogit(V, availability, choice) 137 l = mixedloglikelihood(prob) 138 139 # Defines an itertor on the data 140 rowIterator('obsIter') 141 142 # Define the likelihood function for the estimation 143 BIOGEME_OBJECT.ESTIMATE = Sum(l, 'obsIter') 144 145 # Statistics 146 147 nullLoglikelihood(availability,'obsIter') 148 choiceSet = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] 149 cteLoglikelihood(choiceSet, choice, 'obsIter') 150 availabilityStatistics(availability, 'obsIter') 151 152 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['NbrOfDraws'] = '100' 153 BIOGEME_OBJECT.DRAWS = { 'B_ref_rnd': 'NORMAL' } 154 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['optimizationAlgorithm'] = 'BIO' 155 BIOGEME_OBJECT.PARAMETERS['numberOfThreads'] = '8' 156 157 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 C utility'] = V[1] 158 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 Z utility'] = V[2] 159 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 Y utility'] = V[3] 160 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AA777 V utility'] = V[4] 161 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 C utility'] = V[5] 162 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 Z utility'] = V[6] 163 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 Y utility'] = V[7] 164 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['AS666 V utility'] = V[8] 165 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 C utility'] = V[9] 166 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 Z utility'] = V[10] 167 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 Y utility'] = V[11] 168 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['DL001 V utility'] = V[12] 169 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 C utility'] = V[13] 170 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Z utility'] = V[14] 171 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 Y utility'] = V[15] 172 BIOGEME_OBJECT.FORMULAS['UA110 V utility'] = V[16]