On Writing Well 3-4

3 Clutter 

4 Style 






 Clutter is the laborious phrase that has pushed out the short word that means the same thing. 

long word's that no better than the short words.

several type of clutter

1.the unnecessary preposition appended to a verb(order up)

2.the verb carries the same meaning as the verb(smile happily)

3.the adjective that states a known fact(tall skyscraper)

4.phrase don't mean anything (a bit, in a sense)

5.entire sentence that repeats what the previous sentence said



The fundemental rule is be yourself

relax and have confidence

writers at their most natural when they write in the first person, or at least think I while you write, and then take the I out

Sell your self, and your subject will exert its own appeal. Believe in your own identity and your own opinions. Writing is an act of ego, and you might as well admit it. Use its energy to keep yourself going.



We longer head committees. We head them up.

If you head a department, company, or organization, you are the person in charge of it.熟词生义

例:...Michael Williams, who heads the department's Office of Civil Rights.

仿:Eric heads this reading group.

2.camouflage /ˈkæməflɑːʒ/

Verbal camouflage reached new heights during General Alexander Haig's tenure as President Reagan's secretary of state.

■something that is meant to hide something, or behaviour that is intended to hide the truth掩饰;伪装;隐瞒

例:Using smoke as (a) camouflage, the army advanced up the hill.军队利用烟雾作掩护向山上挺进。

仿: She believed that her kindness was merely a camouflage for her real intentions.


Look for the clutter in your writing and prune it ruthlessly.

A ruthless action or activity is done forcefully and thoroughly, without much concern for its effects on other people.这里能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(行为等)坚决的,果断的,不留情面的

【搭配模式】:oft ADJ in n

例:Successfully merging two banks requires a fast and ruthless attack on costs.成功合并两家银行需要坚决快速地着手解决费用问题。


...a ruthlessly efficient woman.雷厉风行的女人

仿:The judges should make judgements ruthlessly.

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