2019.1.7Chapter 11

故事接近尾声,Christ苦尽甘来,终于有房子住,可以打的去上班,买自己想买的衣服,和小Christ一起看电影,逛公园,越来越接近自己的梦想了。不知道最后一部分会不会回答这本书开头提的问题,为什么The pursuit of Happyness里没有字母“I”.


without anything to make you feel happy or hopeful 没有希望的;令人沮丧的

a bleak future/prospect

cold and without any pleasant or comfortable features 阴冷的;阴郁的;荒凉的


to send a very large number of letters, questions etc to someone all at the same time 使〔大量的信件、问题等同时〕涌向〔某人〕

be deluged with sth

eg:I am being deluged with questions.

sb’s/sth’s sphere of influence

a person’s, country’s, organization’s etc sphere of influence is the area where they have power to change things 某人/某事物的势力范围,某人/某事物的影响所及的范围

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