

From buds, to full bloom, and finally Withers, this is the life of the flower. Fortunately, in this process, someone is enjoying, someone is accompanying...

从花蕾,到盛开,最后凋谢,这便是花的一生。 幸运的是,在这个过程,有人在欣赏,有人在陪伴……


The heart is clear, all is sunshine ; The heart is good and the meeting is a good man . The heart is beautiful, the listening is music. . You are smiling, the world is filled with smiles [smiles]. If you are kind, life will be good. You are optimistic, the future is full of hope [victory]! Good morning! [the sun] [the sun] [sun]

心是晴的,所见都是阳光;心是善的,所遇都是好人;心是美的,所听都是乐声..  。你是笑着的,世界就洋溢微笑[微笑];你是善意的,生活就报以善果[微笑];你是乐观的,未来就充满希望[胜利]!早上好![太阳][太阳][太阳]


Daily gratitude can attract good things for us, because we all see the attention of others and their good side, the mood nature is good, calm and in a good mood, of course, it is more satisfactory. You focus on what attracts and you magnify what,

Gratitude makes everything happen!




Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.

