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1) 奔驰汽车/无人机物流系统测试完成将扩大应用领域
据美国汽车杂志11月28日报道,日前,梅赛德斯-奔驰已经在瑞士苏黎世启动一个无人机物流配送系统,并展开实验和试运行。在9月份推出的 ... 无人机将货物从仓库运送到Vito车顶上的降落平台,再由货车司机收货,并进行最后一段的运送。 ... 无人驾驶汽车搭配上无人机作为辅助,对货物进行收取和发送。在车辆驶 ...
2) AI Will Transform the Economy. But How Much, and How Soon?
New York Times
This bundle of research is itself a sign of the A.I. boom. Researchers across disciplines are scrambling to understand the likely trajectory, reach and influence of the technology — already finding its way into things like self-driving cars and image recognition online — in all its dimensions. Doing so raises ...
3) As GM Gets Self-Driving Buzz, Autonomous Vehicles Navigate Niches
We still live in the early days of autonomous vehicles. We're toddlers, technologically speaking, and our algorithms are still learning to walk, er, drive. That's the impression you get from reading the various recaps of an autonomous car test run that General Motors hosted for journalists this week in San ...
4) 3 Top Autonomous Car Stocks to Buy Now
Motley Fool
That's why it's important for investors to spend some time considering autonomous-car technology and, more importantly, know which companies are rising to the top of this growing industry. Sure, we're still years away from seeing autonomous vehicles on a daily basis, but Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA), Intel ...
5) 无人码头,集装箱装卸全自动
无人机送货、无人码头、智能仓储物流、无人驾驶……29日,南京举行的2017(第三届)长江航运互联网大会上,1200多位来自长江流域的船东与全国航运界、互联网界代表一起研讨描绘的长江智能航运场景,令人惊叹。 互联网和人工智能技术席卷而来,长江航运业也迎来前所未有的转型发展机遇。中国船东协会 ...
6) 南康成全国首个无人机物流试点
过了“双十一”,网购爱好者最大的烦恼就是购买的物品迟迟不来,为了让物流配送提速,江西已成功开展无人机物流试点。11月29日,江南都市报全媒体记者获悉,近日,民航总局提出要加大支持江西开展无人机物流 ... 近几年,民用无人驾驶航空器领域迅猛发展,世界多国纷纷出台政策扶持民用无人机行业的发展。
7) H20.AI's snares $40M Series C investment led by Wells Fargo and Nvidia
H20.AI started almost six years ago with a mission to simplify and democratize artificial intelligence. Today the company announced a $40M Series C round. Nvidia and Wells Fargo led the round with participation from New York Life, Crane Venture Partners, Nexus Venture Partners and Transamerica ...
8) AI can figure out a place's politics by analyzing cars on Google Street View
Popular Science
They then had to classify those vehicles—a whopping 22 million of them, representing 8 percent of all U.S. autos—by make, model, and year. To do that, they trained an AI tool called a neural network to identify them. (Specifically, they used a convolutional neural network, which is known for being good ...