



Pgq提供SQL API,由异步处理机制去灵活调用。用于解决实时事务的异步批处理问题。





1.2.1 OS

[root@londiste1 ~]# cat /etc/issue

CentOS release 5.9 (Final)

Kernel \r on an \m


[root@londiste1 ~]# uname -a

Linux londiste1 2.6.32-042stab076.8 #1 SMP Tue May 14 20:38:14 MSK 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux




[root@londiste2 ~]# cat /etc/issue

Fedora release 17 (Beefy Miracle)

Kernel \r on an \m (\l)


[root@londiste2 ~]# uname -a

Linux londiste2 2.6.32-042stab076.8 #1 SMP Tue May 14 20:38:14 MSK 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

1.2.2 Other


Python 2.5.6 (编译安装,系统自带版本为2.4.3)

psycopg2-2.5.1(要求python版本 >= 2.5)




Python 2.7.3






1.3.1 安装psycopg2




[root@londiste1 ~]# tar -zxvf psycopg2-2.5.1.tar.gz

[root@londiste1 psycopg2-2.5.1]# python setup.py build_ext --pg-config /opt/pg93/bin/pg_config build

[root@londiste1 psycopg2-2.5.1]# python setup.py build_ext --pg-config /opt/pg93/bin/pg_config install



[root@londiste2 ~]# tar -zxvf psycopg2-2.5.1.tar.gz

[root@londiste2 psycopg2-2.5.1]# python setup.py build_ext --pg-config /opt/pg90/bin/pg_config build

[root@londiste2 psycopg2-2.5.1]# python setup.py build_ext --pg-config /opt/pg90/bin/pg_config install



1.3.2 安装skytools




[root@londiste1 ~]# tar -zxvf skytools-3.1.5.tar.gz

[root@londiste1 ~]# cd skytools-3.1.5

[root@londiste1 skytools-3.1.5]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/skytools --with-pgconfig=/opt/pg93/bin/pg_config

[root@londiste1 skytools-3.1.5]# make

[root@londiste1 skytools-3.1.5]# make install

[root@londiste1 skytools-3.1.5]# ls /opt/skytools/

bin  lib  share

[root@londiste1 skytools-3.1.5]# mkdir -p /opt/skytools/londiste3/pid

[root@londiste1 skytools-3.1.5]# mkdir -p /opt/skytools/londiste3/log

[root@londiste1 skytools-3.1.5]# chown -R postgres:postgres /opt/skytools/londisite3



[root@londiste2 ~]# tar -zxvf skytools-3.1.5.tar.gz

[root@londiste2 ~]# cd skytools-3.1.5

[root@londiste2 skytools-3.1.5]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/skytools --with-pgconfig=/opt/pg90/bin/pg_config

[root@londiste2 skytools-3.1.5]# make

[root@londiste2 skytools-3.1.5]# make install

[root@londiste2 skytools-3.1.5]# ls /opt/skytools/

[root@londiste2 skytools-3.1.5]# mkdir -p /opt/skytools/londiste3/pid

[root@londiste2 skytools-3.1.5]# mkdir -p /opt/skytools/londiste3/log

[root@londiste2 skytools-3.1.5]# chown postgres:postgres /opt/skytools/londisite3


1.3.3 配置环境变量


export PATH=/opt/pg93/bin:/opt/skytools/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin

export PGDATA=/opt/pg93/data

export PGUSER=postgres

export PGPORT=5493

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pg93/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export PYTHONPATH=/opt/skytools/lib/python2.5/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH



export PATH=/opt/pg90/bin:/opt/skytools/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin

export PGDATA=/opt/pg90/data

export PGUSER=postgres

export PGPORT=5490

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pg90/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export PYTHONPATH=/opt/skytools/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH













9.3rc1 for linux






9.0.13 for linux






2.1.1、配置master 创建provider进程配置文件

[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ cat db_p.ini


job_name = l3_db_p

db = host= port=5493 user=postgres password=highgo dbname=db_p

queue_name = replika

logfile = /opt/skytools/londiste3/log/l3_db_p.log

pidfile = /opt/skytools/londiste3/pid/l3_db_p.pid 初始化londiste root节点

[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_p.ini create-root node1 'host= port=5493 user=postgres password=highgo dbname=db_p'

2013-09-20 04:03:33,298 31459 INFO plpgsql is installed

2013-09-20 04:03:33,299 31459 INFO Installing pgq

2013-09-20 04:03:33,299 31459 INFO   Reading from /opt/skytools/share/skytools3/pgq.sql

2013-09-20 04:03:33,826 31459 INFO pgq.get_batch_cursor is installed

2013-09-20 04:03:33,827 31459 INFO Installing pgq_ext

2013-09-20 04:03:33,827 31459 INFO   Reading from /opt/skytools/share/skytools3/pgq_ext.sql

2013-09-20 04:03:34,121 31459 INFO Installing pgq_node

2013-09-20 04:03:34,121 31459 INFO   Reading from /opt/skytools/share/skytools3/pgq_node.sql

2013-09-20 04:03:34,511 31459 INFO Installing londiste

2013-09-20 04:03:34,511 31459 INFO   Reading from /opt/skytools/share/skytools3/londiste.sql

2013-09-20 04:03:34,857 31459 INFO londiste.global_add_table is installed

2013-09-20 04:03:34,956 31459 INFO Initializing node

2013-09-20 04:03:34,958 31459 INFO Location registered

2013-09-20 04:03:35,333 31459 INFO Node "node1" initialized for queue "replika" with type "root"

2013-09-20 04:03:35,349 31459 INFO Done


[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ psql db_p

psql (9.3rc1)

Type "help" for help.


db_p=# \dn

   List of schemas

   Name   |  Owner  


 londiste | postgres

 pgq      | postgres

 pgq_ext  | postgres

 pgq_node | postgres

 public   | postgres

(5 rows)


db_p=# set search_path to londiste,pgq,pgq_ext,pgq_node;


db_p=# \d+

                                  List of relations

  Schema  |          Name           |   Type   |  Owner   |    Size    | Description


 londiste | applied_execute         | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 londiste | pending_fkeys           | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 londiste | seq_info                | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 londiste | seq_info_nr_seq         | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 londiste | table_info              | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 londiste | table_info_nr_seq       | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | batch_id_seq            | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | consumer                | table    | postgres | 16 kB      |

 pgq      | consumer_co_id_seq      | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_1                 | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_1_0               | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_1_1               | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_1_2               | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_1_id_seq          | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_1_tick_seq        | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_template          | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | queue                   | table    | postgres | 16 kB      |

 pgq      | queue_queue_id_seq      | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | retry_queue             | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | subscription            | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | subscription_sub_id_seq | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | tick                    | table    | postgres | 16 kB      |

 pgq_ext  | completed_batch         | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq_ext  | completed_event         | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq_ext  | completed_tick          | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq_ext  | partial_batch           | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq_node | local_state             | table    | postgres | 16 kB      |

 pgq_node | node_info               | table    | postgres | 16 kB      |

 pgq_node | node_location           | table    | postgres | 16 kB      |

 pgq_node | subscriber_info         | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

(30 rows) 启动worker

[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ londiste3 -d db_p.ini worker

[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ ps -ef | grep lond

postgres 31494     1  0 04:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/londiste3 -d db_p.ini worker

postgres 31498 30695  0 04:06 pts/0    00:00:00 grep lond 配置pgq ticker

[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ cat pgqd.ini



logfile = /opt/skytools/londiste3/log/pgqd.log

pidfile = /opt/skytools/londiste3/pid/pgqd.pid 启动ticker daemon

[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ pgqd -d pgqd.ini

2013-09-20 05:45:25.481 32500 LOG Starting pgqd 3.1.5


2.1.2、配置slave 创建provider进程配置文件

[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ cat db_s.ini


job_name = l3_db_s

db = host= port=5490 user=postgres password=highgo dbname=db_s

queue_name = replika

logfile = /opt/skytools/londiste3/log/l3_db_s.log

pidfile = /opt/skytools/londiste3/pid/l3_db_s.pid

{注:queue_name必须一致} 初始化londiste root节点

[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_s.ini create-leaf node2 'host= port=5490 user=postgres password=highgo dbname=db_s' --provider='host= port=5493 user=postgres password=highgo dbname=db_p'

2013-09-20 04:09:22,336 18763 INFO plpgsql is installed

2013-09-20 04:09:22,337 18763 INFO Installing pgq

2013-09-20 04:09:22,337 18763 INFO   Reading from /usr/share/skytools3/pgq.sql

2013-09-20 04:09:22,932 18763 INFO pgq.get_batch_cursor is installed

2013-09-20 04:09:22,933 18763 INFO Installing pgq_ext

2013-09-20 04:09:22,934 18763 INFO   Reading from /usr/share/skytools3/pgq_ext.sql

2013-09-20 04:09:23,235 18763 INFO Installing pgq_node

2013-09-20 04:09:23,236 18763 INFO   Reading from /usr/share/skytools3/pgq_node.sql

2013-09-20 04:09:23,615 18763 INFO Installing londiste

2013-09-20 04:09:23,615 18763 INFO   Reading from /usr/share/skytools3/londiste.sql

2013-09-20 04:09:23,977 18763 INFO londiste.global_add_table is installed

2013-09-20 04:09:24,123 18763 INFO Initializing node

2013-09-20 04:09:24,169 18763 INFO Location registered

2013-09-20 04:09:24,184 18763 INFO Location registered

2013-09-20 04:09:24,225 18763 INFO Subscriber registered: node2

2013-09-20 04:09:24,259 18763 INFO Location registered

2013-09-20 04:09:24,274 18763 INFO Location registered

2013-09-20 04:09:24,293 18763 INFO Node "node2" initialized for queue "replika" with type "leaf"

2013-09-20 04:09:24,309 18763 INFO Done

LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection



[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ psql db_s

psql (9.0.13)

Type "help" for help.


db_s=# \dn

        List of schemas

        Name        |  Owner  


 information_schema | postgres

 londiste           | postgres

 pg_catalog         | postgres

 pg_toast           | postgres

 pg_toast_temp_1    | postgres

 pgq                | postgres

 pgq_ext            | postgres

 pgq_node           | postgres

 public             | postgres

(9 rows)


db_s=# set search_path to londiste,pgq,pgq_ext,pgq_node;


db_s=# \d+

                                  List of relations

  Schema  |          Name           |   Type   |  Owner   |    Size    | Description


 londiste | applied_execute         | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 londiste | pending_fkeys           | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 londiste | seq_info                | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 londiste | seq_info_nr_seq         | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 londiste | table_info              | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 londiste | table_info_nr_seq       | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | batch_id_seq            | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | consumer                | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq      | consumer_co_id_seq      | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | event_template          | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq      | queue                   | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq      | queue_queue_id_seq      | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | retry_queue             | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq      | subscription            | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq      | subscription_sub_id_seq | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq      | tick                    | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq_ext  | completed_batch         | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq_ext  | completed_event         | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq_ext  | completed_tick          | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq_ext  | partial_batch           | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

 pgq_node | local_state             | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq_node | node_info               | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq_node | node_location           | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |

 pgq_node | subscriber_info         | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |

(24 rows) 启动worker

[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ londiste3 -d db_s.ini worker

[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ ps -ef | grep lond

postgres 18812     1  0 04:13 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /bin/londiste3 -d db_s.ini worker

postgres 18815 16517  0 04:13 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto lond


[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_s.ini status

Queue: replika   Local node: node2


node1 (root)

  |                           Tables: 0/0/0

  |                           Lag: 12m46s, Tick: 1

  +--: node2 (leaf)

                              Tables: 0/0/0

                              Lag: 12m46s, Tick: 1


[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_s.ini members

Member info on node2@replika:

node_name        dead             node_location

---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------

node1            False            host= port=5493 user=postgres password=highgo dbname=db_p

node2            False            host= port=5490 user=postgres password=highgo dbname=db_s





db_p=# create table t1 (

db_p(# id int primary key,

db_p(# name varchar(20)

db_p(# );


db_p=# \d

        List of relations

 Schema | Name | Type  |  Owner  


 public | t1  | table | postgres

(1 row)


[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_p.ini add-table public.t1

2013-09-20 04:44:06,562 31866 INFO Table added: public.t1


[postgres@londiste1 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_p.ini tables              

Tables on node

table_name       merge_state      table_attrs

---------------  ---------------  ---------------

public.t1        ok              


db_p=# \d t1

             Table "public.t1"

 Column |         Type          | Modifiers


 id     | integer               | not null

 name   | character varying(20) |


    "t1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)


    _londiste_replika AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON t1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgq.logutriga('replika')

_londiste_replika_truncate AFTER TRUNCATE ON t1 FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgq.sqltriga('replika')




db_s=# create table t1 (

db_s(# id int primary key,

db_s(# name varchar(20)

db_s(# );

NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t1_s_pkey" for table "t1_s"


db_s=# \d

        List of relations

 Schema | Name | Type  |  Owner  


 public | t1  | table | postgres

(1 row)


[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_s.ini add-table public.t1

2013-09-20 04:44:06,562 31866 INFO Table added: public.t1


db_s=# \d t1

             Table "public.t1"

 Column |         Type          | Modifiers


 id     | integer               | not null

 name   | character varying(20) |


    "t1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)


    _londiste_replika AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON t1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgq.logutriga('replika', 'deny')

_londiste_replika_truncate AFTER TRUNCATE ON t1 FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgq.sqltriga('replika', 'deny')



[postgres@londiste2 londiste3]$ londiste3 db_s.ini tables

Tables on node

table_name       merge_state      table_attrs

---------------  ---------------  ---------------

public.t1        None            





db_p=# insert into t1 values (1,'lsk');




db_s=# select * from t1 ;

 id | name


  1 | lsk

(1 row)
