
1、Some of the anatomical and physiological features of human beings, especially those of the central nervous system, play a major role in the development of human psychology and intellectual development. For example, since the birth of the child, the type of high-level neurological activity shows a natural difference. You can observe the children who have just been born for a few days in the delivery room. Some are quieter and easy to fall asleep: some are more lively, hands and feet move: some are anxious, crying. Although these natural neural types can be changed in the living conditions of the day after tomorrow. However, we have to consider these factors when we train our children in mental training and intellectual development.


2、 Scientists have found that many genetic diseases are the direct cause of mental retardation in children. For example, there is a "trichromosomal disease" in which a chromosome is added to the 21st chromosome in the genetic process, so that the child has physical and intellectual defects in his life, also called "congenital stupid" (large About 1/650 of the newborns). There is also a "phenylketonuria", because in the genetic process, human blood lacks an enzyme that can decompose phenylpyruvate, which damages the central nervous system of the human body and causes mental retardation in children. However, if the disease is detected early, before the age of 6 years, through diet therapy (reducing phenylpyruvate through diet), intelligence can be restored to normal (current medical development has been able to diagnose and treat certain congenital diseases).


3、 Foreign scientists have shown through twin studies that the twins with the same genetic factors have similar levels in terms of thinking ability, memory ability, language development and intellectual quality. Many people use the intelligence test method. It proves that there is a certain similarity between the brothers and sisters in terms of potassium power. The closer the kinship is, the greater the similarity. The British Galden thinks that the twin correlation coefficient is about 0.80, the ordinary brothers and sisters about 0.50, the cousin is about 0. . 25. The Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that more than 50% of low-energy and stupid children are determined by congenital genetic factors. These all indicate that people's intelligence level and personality traits are related to heredity. Foreign scholars are concerned that after more than 100 pairs of identical twins have been studied for 20 years, it is believed that the role of heredity accounts for 40%--50% in terms of psychological development and personality characteristics.


4、 Psychologists in Beijing, China, based on the study of 37 pairs of identical twins and 43 pairs of fraternal twins, select 24 pairs of twins that grew up in the same or similar ring mirrors (preschool, Eight pairs of primary and secondary schools, from the five aspects of computing power, academic performance, intellectual quality, language development, etc., they concluded that "the impact of genetics on children's intellectual development is obvious." [31899810 ]



