Finding a pixel’s color value using the Bitmap classes and getPixel()

This example loads an image and then uses a combination of the Bitmap and BitmapData classes to determine the color value under the mouse cursor. Pretty basic, but kind of neat. Maybe? Sorta?
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--  -->
< mx:Application  xmlns:mx =""
="white" >

< mx:Script >
            private var bm:Bitmap;
            private var bmd:BitmapData;

            private function image_complete(evt:Event):void {
                /* Create Bitmap from Image content. */
                bm = img.content as Bitmap;

                /* Create new BitmapData object. */
                bmd = new BitmapData(img.contentWidth, img.contentHeight);

                /* Draw Bitmap into BitmapData. */

            private function image_mouseMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                /* Get the pixel currently under the mouse cursor. */
                var color:int = bmd.getPixel(evt.localX, evt.localY);

                /* Convert the color value from a number to Hex string. */
                var colorStr:String = color.toString(16).toUpperCase();

                /* Set the swatch Box instance's backgroundColor style to the color under the mouse cursor. */
                swatch.setStyle("backgroundColor", color);

                /* Make sure colorStr is at least 6 characters. */
                colorStr = "000000" + colorStr;

                /* Make sure colorStr is at MOST 6 characters. */
                lbl.text = "#" + colorStr.substr(colorStr.length - 6);
</ mx:Script >

< mx:Zoom  id ="zoom"   />

< mx:VBox >
< mx:Image  id ="img"  source ="image1.jpg"  completeEffect ="{zoom}"  complete ="image_complete(event);"  mouseMove ="image_mouseMove(event)"   />

< mx:HBox >
< mx:Box  id ="swatch"  width ="{lbl.height}"  height ="{lbl.height}"   />
< mx:Label  id ="lbl"  width ="100"  fontFamily ="_typewriter"  fontSize ="16"   />
</ mx:HBox >
</ mx:VBox >

</ mx:Application >
