

Java tech

  • OO Modeling
  • Java related: ant/maven, rest/ws standard (jax rs/ws, jaxb ...), xml/xsd, java 7&8, jpa/jdbc/db
  • Continuous Integration by leveraging popular tool like Jenkins

More Java tech like NIO/Concurrency and perf tuning & JVM mechanism


  • Popular frameworks: spring boot including IoC, MVC, security ..., Netty, Apache projects like commons-lang, commons-xxx
  • Distributed system like DB/filesystem
  • Cluster
  • Basic knowledge: HTTP/OS/Algorithm ...
  • Hot areas: Redis/Kafka/ZooKeeper/RPC framework such as weibo motan: https://github.com/weibocom/motan & service registry/discovery ..., micro services/SOA
  • Master 2 diff programming languages like Java and Ruby/Python/Scala ...


  • http://calvin1978.blogcn.com/articles/javabookshelf.html
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1711/what-is-the-single-most-influential-book-every-programmer-should-read

Sites/Blog/Wechat Official Accounts

  • Hacker News
  • Reddit
  • ...


  • Deepen your basic knowledge and harden your skills on Java and its ecosystem such as popular open sources, know how to use and better to understand backend mechanism
  • To contribute to open source and build your tech reputation, and write blog to share your thoughts on Github or whatever site else
  • Read books and read good books (better to read them in English), digest them and share your thoughts by writing blogs
  • Use Google instead of Baidu :)
