Day 9


1.Wind and solar energy are disrupting a century-old model of providing electricity.

disrupt:to interrupt or throw something into disorder

e.g. 1) If a war were to erupt, it would disrupt the peace of an entire region and its      people.

        2)The bad weather disrupts the travel plans of people in airports.


interrupt:to make something stop for a period of time

2.All told,the village produces five times more electricity than it needs, and the villagers are handsomely rewarded for their greenness;in 2016 they pocketed about ...

handsomely:in a generously handsome manner

e.g.Nike spent handsomely on the World Cup as well.

pocket win or get an amount of money take money for yourself that does not belong to you, especially when you are responsible for looking after

e.g. He said the officials pocketed some of the taxes they collected.

3.And the things it is based on — subsidies for investment, very little spending on fuel, and moving electricity generation to the edge of , or off, the grid — are anathema to electricity markets and business models developed for the fossil-fuel age.


1.a set of wires that carries the electricity supply

e.g. The village will soon be connected to the national grid.

2.a pattern of straight lines that cross each other to form squares

e.g. Each spreadsheet page is made up of a grid of columns and rows.

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