




  1. 模型本地空间与世界空间二种模式。

  2. 根据情况动态生成操作模型,如在移动模型时,选择的轴变色,旋转时,视角与模型的方向产生不同模型。

  3. 移动根据鼠标平面映射到对应移动平面,点保存上轴上距离不变(作为对比,可以看到Unity上长距离移动,鼠标位置在轴上的位置位移会不断拉大)。

  4. 不管模型与摄像机的距离,旋转与移动操作都是合适的大小。

  5. 旋转方向的确定,简单说,就是在旋转时,如果用鼠标移动来确定旋转的方向,这个问题看似简单,我以前就没搞出来。

  6. 在移动本台,我们需要更方便的操作,所以在移动平台会有些操作,如更容易选中,生成的模型会更大等。




    /// FWidget::GetAbsoluteTranslationDelta 
    /// 算法思想,如果移动X轴,选取以Y轴或是Z轴为法线并过模型上的面,鼠标移动映射在这个面上。
    /// 其中,如果选择Y轴面,要去掉Z轴上运动值,参看NormalToRemove
    public Vector3 GetAbsoluteTranslationDelta(AbsoluteMovementParams inParams)
        //鼠标移动的位置 对应的面,请看GetAxisPlaneNormalAndMask方法
        Plane movementPlane = new Plane(inParams.PlaneNormal, inParams.Position);
        Vector3 eyeVector = inParams.EyePos + inParams.PixelDir * (inParams.Position - inParams.EyePos).magnitude;
        Vector3 requestedPositon = inParams.Position;

        float dotPlaneNormal = Vector3.Dot(inParams.PixelDir, inParams.PlaneNormal);
        if (Mathf.Abs(dotPlaneNormal) > 0.00001)
            //摄像机到点击位置 与 面的交点 ,把requestedPositon映射到面上位置
            requestedPositon = LinePlaneIntersection(inParams.EyePos, eyeVector, movementPlane);
        var deltaPosition = requestedPositon - inParams.Position;
        Vector3 offset = GetAbsoluteTranslationInitialOffset(requestedPositon, inParams.Position);
        deltaPosition -= initialOffset;
        //.Log("delta:" + deltaPosition);
        //去掉deltaPosition到NormalToRemove上投影 outDrag与NormalToRemove 互相垂直,outDrag+NormalToRemove = deltaPosition
        float movementAxis = Vector3.Dot(deltaPosition, inParams.NormalToRemove);
        Vector3 outDrag = deltaPosition - inParams.NormalToRemove * movementAxis;
        //Debug.Log("outDrag:" + outDrag);
        //get the distance from the original position to the new proposed position 
        //Vector3 deltaFromStart = inParams.Position + outDrag - initialPosition;
        Vector3 eyeToNewPosition = inParams.Position + outDrag - inParams.EyePos;
        //模型到摄像机方向与摄像机方向 夹角大于90度
        float behindDot = Vector3.Dot(eyeToNewPosition, inParams.CameraDir);
        if (behindDot <= 0)
            outDrag = Vector3.zero;
        return outDrag;



    #region 渲染旋转
    public void Render_Rotate()
        if (currentAxis == AxisType.None)

    public void Render_RotateArc()
        Vector3 toWidget = ((this.transform.position - Camera.main.transform.position)).normalized;
        Vector3 XAxis = coordSystem * Vector3.right;
        Vector3 YAxis = coordSystem * Vector3.up;
        Vector3 ZAxis = coordSystem * Vector3.forward;

        var redMesh = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.X, this.transform.position, ZAxis, YAxis, 0, Mathf.PI / 2.0f, toWidget, Color.red, ref xAxisDir);
        var greenMesh = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.Y, this.transform.position, XAxis, ZAxis, 0, Mathf.PI / 2.0f, toWidget, Color.green, ref yAxisDir);
        var blueMesh = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.Z, this.transform.position, XAxis, YAxis, 0, Mathf.PI / 2.0f, toWidget, Color.blue, ref zAxisDir);
        var faceMesh = CombineMesh(true, redMesh.FaceMesh, greenMesh.FaceMesh, blueMesh.FaceMesh);

        //var lineMesh = CombineMesh(true, redMesh.LineMesh, greenMesh.LineMesh, blueMesh.LineMesh);        
        float x = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(toWidget, bLocation ? axisTransform.right : Vector3.right));
        float y = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(toWidget, bLocation ? axisTransform.up : Vector3.up));
        float z = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(toWidget, bLocation ? axisTransform.forward : Vector3.forward));
        var redLineMesh = CreateLine(Vector3.zero, -XAxis * innerRadius * x, Color.red);
        var greenLineMesh = CreateLine(Vector3.zero, -YAxis * innerRadius * y, Color.green);
        var blueLineMesh = CreateLine(Vector3.zero, -ZAxis * innerRadius * z, Color.blue);
        var lineMesh = CombineMesh(true, redLineMesh, greenLineMesh, blueLineMesh);

        meshFilter.mesh = CombineMesh(false, faceMesh, lineMesh);
        meshRender.sharedMaterials = new Material[2] { faceMat, lineMat };

    /// FWidget::DrawRotationArc 渲染选择某个轴后的对应模型,360度的面
    public void Render_RotateAll()
        Vector3 toWidget = (this.transform.position - Camera.main.transform.position).normalized;
        Vector3 XAxis = coordSystem * Vector3.right;    // Quaternion.Inverse(coordSystem) *
        Vector3 YAxis = coordSystem * Vector3.up;       // 
        Vector3 ZAxis = coordSystem * Vector3.forward;  // 

        float adjustDeltaRotation = bLocation ? -totalDeltaRotation : totalDeltaRotation;
        float absRotation = Mathf.Abs(totalDeltaRotation) % 360.0f;
        float angleRadians = absRotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        float startAngle = adjustDeltaRotation < 0.0f ? -angleRadians : 0.0f;
        float filledAngle = angleRadians;

        LineFaceMesh meshRotation = null;
        LineFaceMesh meshAll = null;
        if (currentAxis == AxisType.X)
            meshRotation = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.X, this.transform.position, ZAxis, YAxis, startAngle, startAngle + filledAngle, toWidget, Color.red);
            meshAll = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.X, this.transform.position, ZAxis, YAxis, startAngle + filledAngle, startAngle + 2.0f * Mathf.PI, toWidget, Color.yellow);
        else if (currentAxis == AxisType.Y)
            meshRotation = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.Y, this.transform.position, XAxis, ZAxis, startAngle, startAngle + filledAngle, toWidget, Color.green);
            meshAll = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.Y, this.transform.position, XAxis, ZAxis, startAngle + filledAngle, startAngle + 2.0f * Mathf.PI, toWidget, Color.yellow);
        else if (currentAxis == AxisType.Z)
            meshRotation = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.Z, this.transform.position, XAxis, YAxis, startAngle, startAngle + filledAngle, toWidget, Color.blue);
            meshAll = DrawRotationArc(AxisType.Z, this.transform.position, XAxis, YAxis, startAngle + filledAngle, startAngle + 2.0f * Mathf.PI, toWidget, Color.yellow);

        meshFilter.mesh = CombineMesh(false, meshRotation.FaceMesh, meshAll.FaceMesh);
        meshRender.sharedMaterials = new Material[2] { lineMat, faceMat };

    public LineFaceMesh DrawRotationArc(AxisType type, Vector3 inLocation, Vector3 axis0, Vector3 axis1, float inStartAngle, float inEndAngle, Vector3 toWidget, Color32 color)
        Vector2 outAxis = new Vector2();
        return DrawRotationArc(type, inLocation, axis0, axis1, inStartAngle, inEndAngle, toWidget, color, ref outAxis);
    public LineFaceMesh DrawRotationArc(AxisType type, Vector3 inLocation, Vector3 axis0, Vector3 axis1, float inStartAngle, float inEndAngle, Vector3 toWidget, Color32 color, ref Vector2 outAxisDir)
        bool bMirrorAxis0 = Vector3.Dot(axis0, toWidget) <= 0.0f;
        bool bMirrorAxis1 = Vector3.Dot(axis1, toWidget) <= 0.0f;

        Vector3 renderAxis0 = bMirrorAxis0 ? axis0 : -axis0;
        Vector3 renderAxis1 = bMirrorAxis1 ? axis1 : -axis1;
        var mesh = DrawThickArc(renderAxis0, renderAxis1, inStartAngle, inEndAngle, toWidget, color);

        float direction = (bMirrorAxis0 ^ bMirrorAxis1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
        var axisSceen0 = ScreenToPixel(this.transform.position + renderAxis0 * 64);
        var axisSceen1 = ScreenToPixel(this.transform.position + renderAxis1 * 64);

        outAxisDir = ((axisSceen1 - axisSceen0) * direction).normalized;
        return mesh;

    public Vector2 ScreenToPixel(Vector3 pos)
        Vector4 loc = pos;
        loc.w = 1;
        //MVP 后的位置,其值在 DX/OpenGL 范围各不相同
        Vector4 mvpLoc = Camera.main.projectionMatrix * Camera.main.worldToCameraMatrix * loc;
        float InvW = 1.0f / mvpLoc.w;
        var x = (0.5f + mvpLoc.x * 0.5f * InvW) * Camera.main.pixelWidth;
        var y = (0.5f - mvpLoc.y * 0.5f * InvW) * Camera.main.pixelHeight;

        return new Vector2(x, y);

    /// 动态生成以axis0和axis1组成的平面,以axis0为0度,画从inStartAngle到inEndAngle弧形
    public LineFaceMesh DrawThickArc(Vector3 axis0, Vector3 axis1, float inStartAngle, float inEndAngle, Vector3 toWidget, Color32 color)
        LineFaceMesh lineFace = new LineFaceMesh();
        Mesh mesh = lineFace.FaceMesh;
        //Mesh lineMesh = lineFace.LineMesh;

        int numPoints = (int)(circleSide * (inEndAngle - inStartAngle) / (Mathf.PI / 2.0f)) + 1;
        Vector3 zAxis = Vector3.Cross(axis0, axis1);

        Vector3[] posArray = new Vector3[2 * numPoints + 2];
        Color32[] colorArray = new Color32[2 * numPoints + 2];
        Vector2[] uvArray = new Vector2[2 * numPoints + 2];
        //Vector3[] linePosArray = new Vector3[4 * numPoints + 4];

        int index = 0;
        Vector3 lastVertex = Vector3.zero;
        for (int radiusIndex = 0; radiusIndex < 2; ++radiusIndex)
            float radius = (radiusIndex == 0) ? outerRadius : innerRadius;
            float tcRadius = radius / (float)innerRadius;

            for (int vectexIndex = 0; vectexIndex <= numPoints; vectexIndex++)
                float percent = vectexIndex / (float)numPoints;
                float angle = Mathf.Lerp(inStartAngle, inEndAngle, percent);
                float angleDeg = angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                Vector3 vertexDir = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleDeg, zAxis) * axis0;

                float tcAngle = percent * Mathf.PI / 2;

                Vector2 tc = new Vector2(tcRadius * Mathf.Cos(angle), tcRadius * Mathf.Sin(angle));
                Vector3 vertexPos = vertexDir * radius;

                posArray[index] = vertexPos;
                uvArray[index] = tc;
                colorArray[index] = color;

                lastVertex = vertexPos;
        mesh.vertices = posArray;
        mesh.uv = uvArray;
        mesh.colors32 = colorArray;

        int innerStart = numPoints + 1;
        int[] triArray = new int[3 * 2 * numPoints];
        index = 0;
        for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < numPoints; vertexIndex++)
            triArray[index++] = vertexIndex;
            triArray[index++] = vertexIndex + 1;
            triArray[index++] = vertexIndex + innerStart;
            triArray[index++] = vertexIndex + 1;
            triArray[index++] = vertexIndex + innerStart + 1;
            triArray[index++] = vertexIndex + innerStart;
        mesh.triangles = triArray;
        lineFace.LineMesh = CreateLine(Vector3.zero, zAxis * innerRadius, color);
        return lineFace;

    public Mesh CreateLine(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color32 color)
        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.vertices = new Vector3[2] { start, end };
        mesh.uv = new Vector2[2] { Vector2.zero, Vector2.zero };
        mesh.colors32 = new Color32[2] { color, color };
        mesh.SetIndices(new int[] { 0, 1 }, MeshTopology.Lines, 0);
        return mesh;

    //Mesh.CombineMeshes 需要已经正确的subMesh indices,而这里的mesh的indices都是从0开始,自己写个
    public Mesh CombineMesh(bool mergeSubMeshes, params Mesh[] meshs)
        List vectors = new List();
        List uvs = new List();
        List colors = new List();
        List<int> startIndexs = new List<int>();
        int start = 0;
        int indexCount = 0;
        bool bUV = true;
        bool bColor = true;
        foreach (var mesh in meshs)
            if (mesh.uv.Length == 0)
                bUV = false;
            if (mesh.colors32.Length == 0)
                bColor = false;
            start += mesh.vertexCount;
            indexCount += mesh.GetIndices(0).Length;

        var combineMesh = new Mesh();
        if (bUV)
            combineMesh.SetUVs(0, uvs);
        if (bColor)

        combineMesh.subMeshCount = mergeSubMeshes ? 1 : meshs.Length;
        int[] allIndices = new int[indexCount];
        int autoIndex = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < meshs.Length; i++)
            var indices = meshs[i].GetIndices(0);
            int count = indices.Length;
            int[] tris = new int[count];
            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                allIndices[autoIndex++] = indices[j] + startIndexs[i];
                tris[j] = indices[j] + startIndexs[i];
            if (!mergeSubMeshes)
                combineMesh.SetIndices(tris, meshs[i].GetTopology(0), i);
        if (mergeSubMeshes)
            combineMesh.SetIndices(allIndices, meshs[0].GetTopology(0), 0);
        return combineMesh;

  因为UE4中有RHI,所以只管放入相应Rendering Command,下面会自动合并,优化,而Unity因为高度集成,相反在写这些代码时比较麻烦,如上,我本意在场景里定义一个空的模型,加上我这个脚本后就能实现相应旋转,移动的功能,不引入别的任何内容,也不生成子GameObject,所以动态生成对应的MeshFilter与MeshRenderer要考虑如下需求。

  1. 只有一个MeshFilter与MeshRender,这样我们可能要自己组装多个SubMesh.

  2. 每个轴用不同的颜色表示,并且每轴需要二种绘制方式,三角面,线条。

  3. 我们要优化渲染,需要最少的Material能完成就用最少的Material,以及最少的SubMesh.

  4. 渲染需要,深度测试通过,但是不要写入深度缓存中,不受灯光影响。

  5. 层次显示需要,面要透明,而线不需要透明。

  一般来说,每个面用不同颜色表示,在Unity中就需要不同的Material,或运行时设置Material的变量,这样每个面就不能合并显示,我们需要能利用模型本身颜色的Shader,并且要满足上面第四点,通过Unity官方提供的Unity5Shader这个项目,我们找到GUI/Text Shader,满足上面的条件,这样,生成三个轴对应的面模型时,使用颜色数据,就能合并成一个SubMesh,使用一个Material渲染,我们知道,同一个SubMesh,不可能出现一个画三角面,一个线,这样我们最少有二个SubMesh。大家对照下Render_RotateArc这个方法,结合ComBineMesh这个方法,可能有的同学会问,Unity不是本身就提供了Mesh.CombineMeshs,使用这个合并不就OK了,Mesh.CombineMeshs这个方法需要本身的SubMesh对应的Indices里索引已经是全局数据的索引才可以用的,什么意思了,我们这边生成的三个Mesh,其indices里的数据都是针对本身的vectices的索引,用CombineMeshs合并后,后面的Mesh对应的索引就错了。


  选择旋转轴的算法没用UE4的,用的一种非常简单的方法,大致思路,找到射线与圆的二个交点,把交点转到模型空间中,查看交点的x,y,z的值,那个值接近0,就是那个轴,想具体理解可见我前文 一个简单的旋转控制器与固定屏幕位置 ,里面也有求得移动轴的算法。 


Vector4 aposition = axisTransform.position;
            aposition.w = 1;
            float w = (Camera.main.projectionMatrix * Camera.main.worldToCameraMatrix * aposition).w;
            widgetScale = w * (4.0f / Camera.main.pixelWidth / Camera.main.projectionMatrix[0, 0]);

  代码完整链接 UWidget.zip,就一个文件,在Unity场景中,根节点下建立一个GameObject,把这个脚本放上面去就行,对应UI如设置 世界/本地,旋转,移动都有相应API调用。
