Chap.1. structure and function of body systems
Chap.2. biomechanics of resistance exercise
Chap.3. bioenergetics of exercise and training
Chap.4. endocrine responses to resistance exercise
Chap.5. adaptations to anarobic training programs
Chap.6. adaptations to aerobic endurance training programs
Chap.7. age- and sex-related differences and their implications for resistance exercise
Chap.8. psycology of atheletic preparation and performance
Chap.9. basic nutrition factors in health
Chap.10. nutrition strategies for maximizing performance
Chap.11. performance-enhancing substances and methods
Chap.12. principles of test selection and administration
Chap.13 administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected tests
Chap.14. warm-up and flexibility training
Chap.15. exercise technique for free weight and machine training
Chap.16. exercise technique for alternative modes and nontraditional implement training
Chap.17. program design for resistance training
Chap.18. program design and technique for plyometric training
Chap.19. program design and technique for speed and agility training
Chap.20. program design and technique for aerobic endurance training
Chap.21. periodization
Chap.22. rehabilitation and recondition
Chap.23. facility design, layout and organization
Chap.24. facility policies, procedures and legal issues
answers to study questions