听演讲学英语——第26届MTV录影带大奖开场麦当娜悼念迈克尔杰克逊(chapter two)

Hi,everybody.I'm Shelly,happy to see you again.So quickly,it is already to the chapter two about Michael in his friend's  eyes.




听演讲学英语——第26届MTV录影带大奖开场麦当娜悼念迈克尔杰克逊(chapter two)_第1张图片



He performed in soccer stadiums around the world.



He sold hundreds of millions of records,he dined with prime ministers and presidents.


(注:此处的两个句子分别是主谓宾+主谓宾    dine 设宴,进餐 v.此处为它的过去式。hundreds of millions of 数亿张的…)

Girls fell in love with him, boys fell in love with him, everyone wanted to dance like him.


(注:fall in love with sb…爱上某人 want to do sth 想要干某事)

He seemed otherworldly--but he was also a human being.


(注:otherworldly 超凡脱俗的 adj. seemed可替换为was,均为连系动词)

Like most performers he was shy and plagued with insecurities.


(注:plague 困扰 v.此处为被动语态,被困扰  insecurity 不安全感 n.此处为复数)

I can't say we were great friends, but in 1991 I decided I wanted to try to get to know him better.


(注:此处的两个句子均为复句,句子里套句子。 有时宾语是一个名词,也可以是一个句子"简称宾语从句")

I asked him out to dinner, I said My treat,i'll drive--just you and me.


(注:my treat 我请客,很实用的串。just 意思很多,这里译为就…)

He agreed and showed up to my house without any bodyguards.


(注:agree和show为并列的两个谓语,时态均为过去式 show up to some place 出现在某地)

We drove to the restaurant in my car. It was dark out, but he was still wearing sunglasses.


(注:it was dark out 天已经黑了,很长用的串哦~)

I said, Michael, I feel like i'm talking to a limousine.


(注:limousine [ˈlɪməzi:n] 豪华轿车)

Do you think you can take off your glasses so I can see your eyes?


(注:take off 这里译为摘掉 当然它还有很多意思 不同场景意思也是千差万别)

He paused for a moment then he tossed the glasses out the window.


(注:pause 停顿 暂停 v. toss 扔 v.)

Looked at me with a wink and a smile and said, Can you see me now? Is that better?


(注:wink 闪烁 n. look at sb 直视某人)

In that moment. I could see both his vulnerability and his charm.


(注:in that moment 这个时候/那个时候 both…and 什么和什么 vulnerability [ˌvʌlnərə'bɪlətɪ] 脆弱性 n.)

The rest of the dinner. i was hell-bent on getting him to eat French fries, drink wine,have dessert and say bad words.


(注:the rest of…在接下来的什么/在剩下来的什么  hell-bent 固执的,拼命的 adj. say bad words 爆粗口)

Things he never seemed to allow himself to do.


(注:allow sb to do sth 允许某人干某事 这里的sth就是things,做了do的宾语)

Later we went back to my house to watch a movie and we sat on the couch like two kids.


(注:go back to some place 回到某地 couch 沙发)

and somewhere in the middle of the film his hand snuck over and held mine.


(注:sneak over 溜过,悄悄 此处为它的过去式snuck .  in the middle of 在…中间)

It felt like he was looking for a friend more than a romance, and i was happy to oblige him.


(注:oblige [əˈblaɪdʒ] 使感激 v. look for 寻找 more than 而不是)

In that moment, he didn't feel like a superstar. He felt like a human being.


(注:don't feel like…不觉得像… a human being 一个普通人)

We went out a few more times together,and then for one reason or another we fell out of touch.


(注:go out a few more times together 一起出去过几次,很棒的词串。we fall out of touch我们失去了联系 ,lose contact with sb也是与某人失去联系的意思)

Then the witch hunt began, and it seemed like one negative story after another was coming out about Michael.


(注:witch 女巫  come out 传出    one positive story after another好消息一个接着一个)

I felt his pain, I know what it's like to walk down the street and feel like the whole world is turned against you.


(注:against sb 与某人为敌 walk down the street走在街上)

I know what it's like to feel helpless and unable to defend yourself.


(注:defend myself 为自己辩护;保护我自己)

Because the roar of the lynch mob is so loud that you are convinced your voice can never be heard.


(注:roar 嘶吼声 n. lynch 私刑;处死 n. mob 围攻 n.    be convinced 使确信)

听演讲学英语——第26届MTV录影带大奖开场麦当娜悼念迈克尔杰克逊(chapter two)_第2张图片

Ok,today's sharing is over.Maybe now,you guys have found the difference compared with before.I sincerely hope this artical will help you to study english very well.

If it just helps you a little bit,i also will be very happy,thank you,thank you for your reading.

See you next time,dear guys.

你可能感兴趣的:(听演讲学英语——第26届MTV录影带大奖开场麦当娜悼念迈克尔杰克逊(chapter two))