Day48_Ivy_20170603_Tsinghua Bilingual Project_NO.201704


Hattie and fox,Ape in cape, the very hungry caterpillar, todayis Monday, I am the music man,Unit 0b1-2


Unit 0b 1. Jack in the box

Unit 0b 2. Merry-go-round

Unit 0b 3.Big Bad Bug


Big Bad Bug

Ivy and Mom used one lid, apackageofnapkin and three snowflake bricks as a big bad bug and mommy and grandmakangaroo to perform the scene play in the cartoon.

Mom: Mommykangaroocome back. Sheopened the door and came in. Now she is cooking dinner. Oh, look, a big bad bugis coming. Mommykangaroosay,I’ll

make it go away. Oh, my gosh, it is coming towards me.Oh, no. Grandmakangaroois reading newspaper now. She wants to catch itbut she can’t. She say, I’ll make it go away. Oh, my gosh, it is coming towardsme. Then She jumped onto the table.Baby kangaroo comesback. He catch the big bad bug. Now the bug went away.

Ivythought it was funny and laughed loudly. Ivy: Baby kangarooknock, knock, knock. …… It went away.




Ivyhit a balloon with her head. But theballoon fell down to the ground and popped immediately. Ivy cried sadly.

Mom:Don’t cry. Do you know why the balloon popped?


Mom:Follow me. Touch the ground. Do you feel it warm or cold?


Mom:And touch the black rock or stone. What’s your feeling?Is it cold or hot?

Ivy: Hot.

Mom: The balloon lied on the ground. It became bigger andbigger. And it popped at last. Just because the ground is hot. So do you wantto play other things?

Ivy: Ok.


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