导语:在所有人的努力下,国内疫情已经得到了有效的控制。然而这场防疫攻坚战并没有结束,不断出现的境外输入性病例成为我们守护战“疫”成果的新挑战。21世纪英文报重磅出品:疫情科普视频系列《TEENS战“疫”语言点》——严控输入性病例,我们做了哪些努力?美国主持人 Laura 小姐姐带你一探究竟!赶紧点开视频,跟上 TEENS,在家学习的同时,也要照顾好自己喔!
Hello, everyone. I’m your host, Laura. In today’s episode of TEENS’ ANTI-VIRUS LANGUAGE TIPS, we will keep you updated on a new focus in our fight against the novel coronavirus.
With an open, transparent and responsible attitude, the Chinese government has actively stepped up international cooperation on fighting the outbreak. China's efforts have been highly recognized by the World Health Organization and the international community as a whole.
More and more cases are being found in other countries. At the same time, cities including Beijing and Shenzhen have seen imported cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia.
As the epidemic worsens globally, containing the risk of imported cases has become a major task for China. The word “import” is often used in business when people bring products into a country to be sold. The opposite word is “export”, which means to send a product to another country to be sold. When an imported case happens, a patient brings the disease into the country.
As medical experts point out, traveling is the easiest way for cross-infections to happen. If we are not careful with imported cases, our efforts to contain the novel coronavirus could be put under great risk.
That is why cities around China are taking responsible measures to deal with the potential rise of imported cases. For example, travelers are asked todeclare their health conditionswhen they arrive in China. Those who come from a country with “relatively serious virus conditions” are asked to remain in quarantine for 14 days.
China is making every effort to not only protect the life and health of its own people, but also contribute to the security of global public health.
That’s all for today’s episode of TEENS’ ANTI-VIRUS LANGUAGE TIPS. Thanks for watching and see you next time.