It seems we have to live with coronavirus for some time, at least till a vaccine is invented. From now on it will be a masked life. It is true that masks have become an integral part of our routine. But it creates many difficulties also……
图源:BBC 视频
图源:BBC 视频
Israeli inventors have developed a coronavirus mask with a remote control mouth that lets diners eat food without taking it off, a device they say could make a visit to a restaurant less risky.
A squeeze of a lever, much like a cyclist operates a handbrake, opens a slot in the front of the mask so that food can pass through.
图源:BBC 视频
图源:BBC 视频
图源:BBC 视频
疫情期间,也有人表示,戴口罩看不清对方表情,沟通交流起来简直是太不方便了。于是意大利企业Dienpi便想到了一个点子 —— 做透明口罩啊!
A toothy grin with a stranger, a smile to a paying customer. In Italy, fashion company Dienpi is adding good vibes to safety, with their new smile-friendly surgical masks.
What began worldwide as an essential item for the deaf and mute, has now become the latest must-have for Italian businesses reemerging after months of lockdown.
“Transparent masks are for everyone,” says Doriana Marini, CEO and founder of Dienpi.
“Anyone can use this device to have easier communication, not just with words, but also with gestures, facial expressions, lip movements….for example, to send a kiss (laughs),” she adds.
For one dental hygienist showing teeth is key, especially for patients with hearing loss.
“Especially in my job when I try to explain tooth brushing techniques, the patient relies also on watching lip movements,” says Adele Mattioli.
而印度摄影师比涅什·G·保罗则想出了一条妙计 —— 把脸给你打印在口罩上!
图源:Russia Today 视频
据《印度斯坦时报》(Hindustan Times) 报道,这款口罩上印的“人脸”比例大小与口罩之下的原本脸型一致,这下就不会有认不出人的尴尬了~
图源:Russia Today 视频
It is true that masks have become an integral part of our routine. But it creates many difficulties also — once you wear it, it is difficult to identify you because it covers the nose, mouth and chin completely.
A digital photographer in Etumanoor in Kottayam, Binesh G Paul ,38, has developed a unique mask to overcome this identity crisis. After wearing it others can identify you quickly since in the new mask, the covered portion will be superimposed on the mask as it is. Binesh elaborates on how this mask will be made.
图源:Russia Today 视频
图源:Russia Today 视频
图源:Russia Today 视频
“First we take a photo of the concerned person in a high resolution camera. Then we carry out sublimation printing and transfer the image to a particular paper. Later, the image will be enlarged and we cut the particular portion and superimpose it on the cloth mask with a high degree temperature. At times, we take the measurement of the chin,” he explained. A photo-imposed mask can be made in 20 minutes and it will cost Rs 60 a piece.
综合来源:BBC、Reuters、Bloomberg、Wink News、Hindustan Times、Russia Today