@GwtCompatiblepublicinterfacePredicate<T>{/** * Returns the result of applying this predicate to {@code input}. This method is <i>generally * expected</i>, but not absolutely required, to have the following properties: * * <ul> * <li>Its execution does not cause any observable side effects. * <li>The computation is <i>consistent with equals</i>; that is, {@link Objects#equal * Objects.equal}{@code (a, b)} implies that {@code predicate.apply(a) == * predicate.apply(b))}. * </ul> * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code input} is null and this predicate does not accept null * arguments */booleanapply(@NullableTinput);/** * Indicates whether another object is equal to this predicate. * * <p>Most implementations will have no reason to override the behavior of {@link Object#equals}. * However, an implementation may also choose to return {@code true} whenever {@code object} is a * {@link Predicate} that it considers <i>interchangeable</i> with this one. "Interchangeable" * <i>typically</i> means that {@code this.apply(t) == that.apply(t)} for all {@code t} of type * {@code T}). Note that a {@code false} result from this method does not imply that the * predicates are known <i>not</i> to be interchangeable. */@Overridebooleanequals(@NullableObjectobject);}
@GwtCompatiblepublicinterfaceFunction<F,T>{/** * Returns the result of applying this function to {@code input}. This method is <i>generally * expected</i>, but not absolutely required, to have the following properties: * * <ul> * <li>Its execution does not cause any observable side effects. * <li>The computation is <i>consistent with equals</i>; that is, {@link Objects#equal * Objects.equal}{@code (a, b)} implies that {@code Objects.equal(function.apply(a), * function.apply(b))}. * </ul> * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code input} is null and this function does not accept null * arguments */@NullableTapply(@NullableFinput);/** * Indicates whether another object is equal to this function. * * <p>Most implementations will have no reason to override the behavior of {@link Object#equals}. * However, an implementation may also choose to return {@code true} whenever {@code object} is a * {@link Function} that it considers <i>interchangeable</i> with this one. "Interchangeable" * <i>typically</i> means that {@code Objects.equal(this.apply(f), that.apply(f))} is true for all * {@code f} of type {@code F}. Note that a {@code false} result from this method does not imply * that the functions are known <i>not</i> to be interchangeable. */@Overridebooleanequals(@NullableObjectobject);}
jar包用途axis.jarSOAP引擎包commons-discovery-0.2.jar用来发现、查找和实现可插入式接口,提供一些一般类实例化、单件的生命周期管理的常用方法.jaxrpc.jarAxis运行所需要的组件包saaj.jar创建到端点的点到点连接的方法、创建并处理SOAP消息和附件的方法,以及接收和处理SOAP错误的方法. w
var chart = new AnyChart();
create or replace view testview
select empno,ename from emp where ename like ‘M%’
with check option;
这里我们创建了一个视图,并使用了with check option来限制了视图。 然后我们来看一下视图包含的结果:
select * from testv