一 Helm部署
1.1 获取资源
1.2 配置traefik
1 deployment: 2 enabled: true 3 # Number of pods of the deployment 4 replicas: 3 5 ports: 6 traefik: 7 port: 9000 8 expose: true 9 nodePort: 9000 10 web: 11 port: 8000 12 expose: true 13 nodePort: 80 14 websecure: 15 port: 8443 16 expose: true 17 nodePort: 443 18 service: 19 enabled: true 20 type: NodePort
二 手动部署
2.1 创建CRD资源
1 --- 2 ## IngressRoute 3 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 4 kind: CustomResourceDefinition 5 metadata: 6 name: ingressroutes.traefik.containo.us 7 8 spec: 9 group: traefik.containo.us 10 version: v1alpha1 11 names: 12 kind: IngressRoute 13 plural: ingressroutes 14 singular: ingressroute 15 scope: Namespaced 16 17 --- 18 ## Middleware 19 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 20 kind: CustomResourceDefinition 21 metadata: 22 name: middlewares.traefik.containo.us 23 24 spec: 25 group: traefik.containo.us 26 version: v1alpha1 27 names: 28 kind: Middleware 29 plural: middlewares 30 singular: middleware 31 scope: Namespaced 32 33 --- 34 ## IngressRouteTCP 35 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 36 kind: CustomResourceDefinition 37 metadata: 38 name: ingressroutetcps.traefik.containo.us 39 40 spec: 41 group: traefik.containo.us 42 version: v1alpha1 43 names: 44 kind: IngressRouteTCP 45 plural: ingressroutetcps 46 singular: ingressroutetcp 47 scope: Namespaced 48 49 --- 50 ## IngressRouteUDP 51 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 52 kind: CustomResourceDefinition 53 metadata: 54 name: ingressrouteudps.traefik.containo.us 55 56 spec: 57 group: traefik.containo.us 58 version: v1alpha1 59 names: 60 kind: IngressRouteUDP 61 plural: ingressrouteudps 62 singular: ingressrouteudp 63 scope: Namespaced 64 65 --- 66 ## TLSOption 67 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 68 kind: CustomResourceDefinition 69 metadata: 70 name: tlsoptions.traefik.containo.us 71 72 spec: 73 group: traefik.containo.us 74 version: v1alpha1 75 names: 76 kind: TLSOption 77 plural: tlsoptions 78 singular: tlsoption 79 scope: Namespaced 80 81 --- 82 ## TLSStore 83 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 84 kind: CustomResourceDefinition 85 metadata: 86 name: tlsstores.traefik.containo.us 87 88 spec: 89 group: traefik.containo.us 90 version: v1alpha1 91 names: 92 kind: TLSStore 93 plural: tlsstores 94 singular: tlsstore 95 scope: Namespaced 96 97 --- 98 ## TraefikService 99 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 100 kind: CustomResourceDefinition 101 metadata: 102 name: traefikservices.traefik.containo.us 103 104 spec: 105 group: traefik.containo.us 106 version: v1alpha1 107 names: 108 kind: TraefikService 109 plural: traefikservices 110 singular: traefikservice 111 scope: Namespaced
2.2 创建账户RBAC
1 --- 2 ## ServiceAccount 3 apiVersion: v1 4 kind: ServiceAccount 5 metadata: 6 namespace: kube-system 7 name: traefik-ingress-controller 8 --- 9 ## ClusterRole 10 kind: ClusterRole 11 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 12 metadata: 13 name: traefik-ingress-controller 14 15 rules: 16 - apiGroups: 17 - "" 18 resources: 19 - services 20 - endpoints 21 - secrets 22 verbs: 23 - get 24 - list 25 - watch 26 - apiGroups: 27 - extensions 28 resources: 29 - ingresses 30 verbs: 31 - get 32 - list 33 - watch 34 - apiGroups: 35 - extensions 36 resources: 37 - ingresses/status 38 verbs: 39 - update 40 - apiGroups: 41 - traefik.containo.us 42 resources: 43 - middlewares 44 - ingressroutes 45 - traefikservices 46 - ingressroutetcps 47 - ingressrouteudps 48 - tlsoptions 49 - tlsstores 50 verbs: 51 - get 52 - list 53 - watch 54 --- 55 ## ClusterRoleBinding 56 kind: ClusterRoleBinding 57 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 58 metadata: 59 name: traefik-ingress-controller 60 61 roleRef: 62 apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io 63 kind: ClusterRole 64 name: traefik-ingress-controller 65 subjects: 66 - kind: ServiceAccount 67 name: traefik-ingress-controller 68 namespace: kube-system
2.3 创建Service
1 --- 2 apiVersion: v1 3 kind: Service 4 metadata: 5 name: traefik 6 namespace: kube-system 7 8 spec: 9 type: NodePort 10 ports: 11 - protocol: TCP 12 name: web 13 port: 8000 14 targetPort: 8000 15 nodePort: 80 16 - protocol: TCP 17 name: admin 18 port: 8080 19 targetPort: 8080 20 nodePort: 8080 21 - protocol: TCP 22 name: websecure 23 port: 4443 24 targetPort: 4443 25 nodePort: 443 26 selector: 27 app: traefik
2.4 部署traefik
1 ## Static configuration 2 entryPoints: 3 web: 4 address: ":8000" 5 6 websecure: 7 address: ":4443" 8 9 certificatesResolvers: 10 myresolver: 11 acme: 12 tlschallenge: {} 13 email: [email protected] 14 storage: acme.json 15 caserver: https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory 16 tls: 17 certificates: 18 - certFile: /ssl/tls.crt 19 keyFile: /ssl/tls.key 20 21 api: 22 dashboard: true 23 insecure: true 24 ping: {} 25 metrics: 26 prometheus: {} 27 # Writing Logs to a File, in JSON 28 log: 29 filePath: "/var/traefik.log" 30 format: json 31 level: DEBUG 32 # Configuring a buffer of 100 lines 33 accessLog: {} 34 accessLog: 35 filePath: "/var/access.log" 36 format: json 37 providers: 38 kubernetesIngress: {} 39 kubernetescrd: {} 40 ## Static configuration 41 serversTransport: 42 insecureSkipVerify: true
1 --- 2 #kind: Deployment 3 kind: DaemonSet 4 apiVersion: apps/v1 5 metadata: 6 namespace: kube-system 7 name: traefik-ingress-controller 8 labels: 9 app: traefik 10 11 spec: 12 # replicas: 1 13 selector: 14 matchLabels: 15 app: traefik 16 template: 17 metadata: 18 labels: 19 app: traefik 20 spec: 21 serviceAccountName: traefik-ingress-controller 22 volumes: 23 - name: ssl 24 secret: 25 secretName: traefik-tls 26 - name: config 27 configMap: 28 name: traefik-config 29 containers: 30 - name: traefik 31 image: traefik:v2.2 32 volumeMounts: 33 - mountPath: "/ssl" 34 name: ssl 35 - mountPath: "/config" 36 name: config 37 args: 38 - --configfile=/config/traefik-cust.yaml 39 ports: 40 - name: web 41 containerPort: 8000 42 hostPort: 80 43 - name: websecure 44 containerPort: 4443 45 hostPort: 443 46 - name: admin 47 containerPort: 8080 48 hostPort: 8080 49 readinessProbe: 50 httpGet: 51 path: /ping 52 port: 8080 53 failureThreshold: 3 54 initialDelaySeconds: 10 55 periodSeconds: 10 56 successThreshold: 1 57 timeoutSeconds: 5 58 livenessProbe: 59 httpGet: 60 path: /ping 61 port: 8080 62 failureThreshold: 3 63 initialDelaySeconds: 10 64 periodSeconds: 10 65 successThreshold: 1 66 timeoutSeconds: 5
2.5 创建dashboard
三 traefik使用示例
3.1 route方式
- route暴露http:以暴露traefik自身的UI为例
1 apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1 2 kind: IngressRoute 3 metadata: 4 name: traefik-dashboard-route-http 5 namespace: kube-system 6 spec: 7 entryPoints: 8 - web 9 routes: 10 - match: Host(`traefik.odocker.com`) 11 kind: Rule 12 services: 13 - name: traefik 14 port: 8080
- route暴露https:以暴露Kubernetes的dashboard为例
1 apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1 2 kind: IngressRoute 3 metadata: 4 name: kubernetes-dashboard-route-https 5 namespace: kubernetes-dashboard 6 spec: 7 entryPoints: 8 - websecure 9 tls: 10 secretName: kubernetes-dashboard-certs 11 routes: 12 - match: Host(`dashboard.odocker.com`) 13 kind: Rule 14 services: 15 - name: kubernetes-dashboard 16 port: 443
3.2 ingress方式
- ingress暴露http:创建一个用于测试的demo示例
1 apiVersion: v1 2 kind: Service 3 metadata: 4 name: traefikdemo01svc 5 namespace: default 6 spec: 7 selector: 8 app: traefikdemo01 9 ports: 10 - name: http 11 port: 80 12 targetPort: 80 13 --- 14 apiVersion: apps/v1 15 kind: Deployment 16 metadata: 17 name: traefikdemo01pod 18 spec: 19 replicas: 3 20 selector: 21 matchLabels: 22 app: traefikdemo01 23 template: 24 metadata: 25 labels: 26 app: traefikdemo01 27 spec: 28 containers: 29 - name: myapp 30 image: ikubernetes/myapp:v2 31 ports: 32 - name: httpd 33 containerPort: 80
1 --- 2 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 3 kind: Ingress 4 metadata: 5 name: traefik-ingress-demo01 6 namespace: default 7 annotations: 8 kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "traefik" 9 spec: 10 rules: 11 - host: demo01.odocker.com 12 http: 13 paths: 14 - path: 15 backend: 16 serviceName: traefikdemo01svc 17 servicePort: 80
- ingress暴露https:以暴露traefik的dashboard为例
1 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 2 kind: Ingress 3 metadata: 4 name: traefik-dashboard-ingress-https 5 namespace: kube-system 6 annotations: 7 kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "traefik" 8 spec: 9 tls: 10 - secretName: traefik-tls 11 12 rules: 13 - host: traefik.odocker.com 14 http: 15 paths: 16 - path: 17 backend: 18 serviceName: traefik 19 servicePort: 8080
3.3 自动跳转
可通过配置自动跳转,使http自动跳转至https,本示例采用route方式实现,以暴露traefik dashboard为例。
[root@master01 traefik]# kubectl delete -f kubectl delete -f traefik-dashboard-ingress-https.yaml #删除3.1的route方式暴露的traefik dashboard
[root@master01 traefik]# vi traefik-cust.yaml
1 …… 2 entryPoints: 3 web: 4 address: ":80" 5 http: 6 redirections: 7 entryPoint: 8 to: websecure 9 scheme: https #追加重写至https配置 10 ……
[root@master01 traefik]# kubectl delete -n kube-system configmaps traefik-config
[root@master01 traefik]# kubectl create configmap traefik-config --from-file=traefik-cust.yaml -n kube-system
[root@master01 traefik]# kubectl apply -f traefik-deploy.yaml
[root@master01 traefik]# vi traefik-dashboard-route-http.yaml
1 apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1 2 kind: IngressRoute 3 metadata: 4 name: traefik-dashboard-route-http 5 namespace: kube-system 6 spec: 7 entryPoints: 8 - web 9 routes: 10 - match: Host(`traefik.odocker.com`) 11 kind: Rule 12 services: 13 - name: traefik 14 port: 8080
[root@master01 traefik]# vi traefik-dashboard-route-https.yaml
1 apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1 2 kind: IngressRoute 3 metadata: 4 name: traefik-dashboard-route-https 5 namespace: kube-system 6 spec: 7 entryPoints: 8 - websecure 9 tls: 10 secretName: traefik-tls 11 routes: 12 - match: Host(`traefik.odocker.com`) 13 kind: Rule 14 services: 15 - name: traefik 16 port: 8080
[root@master01 traefik]# kubectl apply -f traefik-dashboard-route-http.yaml
[root@master01 traefik]# kubectl apply -f traefik-dashboard-route-https.yaml