
  1. 首先生成个list或者numpy, 然后初始化dataset:

dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(img_ids)

img_ids 是包含所有需要训练的图片id集合, 这行代码执行完之后, 在dataset里面的每一个元素都是一个tensor, 每个tensor的值是图片id.

  1. 执行shuffle, 在这里先执行shuffle而不是之后执行, 是为了降低memory cost.

    dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=1000).repeat(1)

tensorflow 官网上有关于是先shuffle还是先repeat的介绍, 原文如下:

Thetf.data.Dataset.repeattransformation repeats the input data a finite (or infinite) number of times; each repetition of the data is typically referred to as an *epoch*. Thetf.data.Dataset.shuffletransformation randomizes the order of the dataset's examples.

If therepeattransformation is applied before theshuffletransformation, then the epoch boundaries are blurred. That is, certain elements can be repeated before other elements appear even once. On the other hand, if theshuffletransformation is applied before the repeat transformation, then performance might slow down at the beginning of each epoch related to initialization of the internal state of theshuffletransformation. In other words, the former (repeatbeforeshuffle) provides better performance, while the latter (shufflebeforerepeat) provides stronger ordering guarantees.

翻译过来大概意思就是说, 先repeat再shuffle会模糊每一个epoch的边界, 意思是dataset如果epcoh是>1的话, repeat再shuffle, 会使得某些元素在一个eopch里重复出现好几次, 造成网络在初始训练的时候, 训练前期效果可能没有那么好; 先shuffle再repeat, 虽然可以保证数据的一致性, 但会在每一次repeat开始的时候进行shuffle, 降低运行速度.

  1. 之后, 就需要对dataset里面的没一个数据进行预处理, 根据项目的需求, 进行map操作:
	dataset = dataset.map(
        lambda img_id:tuple(
                func = paser_func,
                inp = [img_id],
                Tout = [tf.float32, tf.float32]
            )), num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

这个是使用tf.py_function对python的函数进行封装, 需要声明三个变量, func就是python预处理的函数, inp就是函数的参数, Tout就是python函数返回的数据类型, 如果是np.float32会自动转换成tf.float32. num_parallel_calls函数是为了提高数据map的处理速度, 并行处理,tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE可以让程序自动的选择最优的线程并行个数. ps: 在1.x中, inp传进去的img_id, 原本是string型会被转换成byte类型, 直接转下就可以

if type(img_id) == type(b'123'):
    img_id = str(img_id, encoding='utf-8')

然而在2.0中, 直接使用img_id = img_id.numpy()取出byte类型值来, 再进行string值转换.
map操作除了可以有上面的写法外, 还可以去掉lambda,额外使用一个函数再一次封装:

dataset = dataset.map(tf_parse_func, num_parallel_calls = tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def tf_parse_func(img_id):
    [img, label] = tf.py_function(paser_func, [img_id], [tf.float32, tf.float32])
    return img, label

其实就是把lambda函数用普通的函数替换掉, ps: lambda img_id:tuple()中tuple的意思是, lambda封装的函数返回值应该是个tuple类型的, 即要么是个列表, 要么直接返回多个值的意思

  1. 接着就是执行batch和prefetch操作, 确定dataset的batch个数, prefetch可以让数据队列预先缓存一定个数的batch, 提高对GPU的利用率.
    因为数据需要从CPU拷贝到GPU上, 而一般GPU的操作都比较快,反而是CPU上的操作比较慢, prefetch可以预先缓存好一定个数的batch,提高对GPU的
dataset = dataset.batch(params['batch_size'], drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  1. 完成这些步骤之后, 就可以将dataset的数据取出来放进去网络训练, 需要说明的是, 在tf 2.0中, 不需要像在1.x里那么负责, 直接可以把dataset当作一个迭代器处理, 十分方便:
for epco in range(10):
    	for step, (img, label) in enumerate(dataset):
        	output = net(img)
        	loss = loss_func(output, label)


Here is a summary of the best practices for designing performant TensorFlow input pipelines:

  • Use the prefetch transformation to overlap the work of a producer and consumer. In particular, we recommend adding prefetch to the end of your input pipeline to overlap the transformations performed on the CPU with the training done on the accelerator. Either manually tuning the buffer size, or using tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE to delegate the decision to the tf.data runtime.
  • Parallelize the map transformation by setting the num_parallel_calls argument. Either manually tuning the level of parallelism, or using tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE to delegate the decision to the tf.data runtime.
  • If you are working with data stored remotely and / or requiring deserialization, we recommend using the interleave transformation to parallelize the reading (and deserialization) of data from different files.
  • Vectorize cheap user-defined functions passed in to the map transformation to amortize the overhead associated with scheduling and executing the function.
  • If your data can fit into memory, use the cache transformation to cache it in memory during the first epoch, so that subsequent epochs can avoid the overhead associated with reading, parsing, and transforming it.
  • If your pre-processing increases the size of your data, we recommend applying the interleave, prefetch, and shuffle first (if possible) to reduce memory usage.
  • We recommend applying the shuffle transformation before the repeat transformation.
