unix 编程 共享内存总结









UNIX 有三种方法可以让大家知道这个约会地点。

第一种:server进程用一个私有的key创建一个标示符 放到一个众所周知的地方。




There are various ways for a client and a server to rendezvous at the same IPC structure.

  1. The server can create a new IPC structure by specifying a key of IPC_PRIVATE and store the returned identifier somewhere (such as a file) for the client to obtain. The key IPC_PRIVATE guarantees that the server creates a new IPC structure. The disadvantage to this technique is that file system operations are required for the server to write the integer identifier to a file, and then for the clients to retrieve this identifier later.

    The IPC_PRIVATE key is also used in a parentchild relationship. The parent creates a new IPC structure specifying IPC_PRIVATE, and the resulting identifier is then available to the child after the fork. The child can pass the identifier to a new program as an argument to one of the exec functions.

  2. The client and the server can agree on a key by defining the key in a common header, for example. The server then creates a new IPC structure specifying this key. The problem with this approach is that it's possible for the key to already be associated with an IPC structure, in which case the get function (msgget, semget, or shmget) returns an error. The server must handle this error, deleting the existing IPC structure, and try to create it again.

  3. The client and the server can agree on a pathname and project ID (the project ID is a character value between 0 and 255) and call the function ftok to convert these two values into a key. This key is then used in step 2. The only service provided by ftok is a way of generating a key from a pathname and project ID.


key_t ftok(const char *path, int id);

Returns: key if OK, (key_t)-1 on error


int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int flag);

一个参数是 我们约定的KEY。 第二个参数指定共享内存的大学。第三个参数共享内存标识符。


void *shmat(int shmid, const void *addr, int flag);


详情可以查阅 UNIX高级编程 第二版15章 第九节。
