CGAL 4.11 官方文档 软件包概述 ——胞腔复形与多面体类



Cell Complexes and Polyhedra 胞腔复形与多面体类


  •  3D Polyhedral Surface 3D多面体表面



作者:Lutz Kettner


简介:Polyhedral surfaces in three dimensions are composed of vertices, edges, facets and an incidence relationship on them. The organization beneath is a halfedge data structure, which restricts the class of representable surfaces to orientable 2-manifolds - with and without boundary. If the surface is closed we call it a polyhedron.三维空间中的多面体表面是由顶点、边、面以及他们之前的关联构成的。组织的基础是半边数据结构,这个数据结构约束可描述的表面到定向二维流行上,包含有边界和无边界的。如果表面封闭,我们称之为多面体。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 1.0
Depends on 依赖库: Halfedge Data Structures 
BibTeX 文献版本: cgal:k-ps-17b
License 版权许可: GPL 
Windows Demo 示例程序 : Polyhedron demo
Common Demo Dlls动态依赖库: dlls






  •  Halfedge Data Structures 半边结构


作者:Lutz Kettner


简介:A halfedge data structure is an edge-centered data structure capable of maintaining incidence information of vertices, edges and faces, for example for planar maps, polyhedra, or other orientable, two-dimensional surfaces embedded in arbitrary dimension. Each edge is decomposed into two halfedges with opposite orientations. One incident face and one incident vertex are stored in each halfedge. For each face and each vertex, one incident halfedge is stored. Reduced variants of the halfedge data structure can omit some of these information, for example the halfedge pointers in faces or the storage of faces at all.半边结构是一个以边为中心的数据结构,这个结构可以保持顶点、边和面的关联关系,例如对于平面图、多面体或其他嵌入在任意维度中的定向、二维表面。每一条边被分解为相反反向的两个半边。每个半边中保存有一个关联面和一个关联顶点。对于每一个边和每一个顶点,保存有一个关联半边。半边数据结构变化的减少可以忽略一些信息,例如半边指向面或存储在所有的面中。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 1.0
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:k-hds-17b
License 版本许可: LGPL






  •  Surface Mesh 表面网格



作者:Mario Botsch, Daniel Sieger, Philipp Moeller, Andreas Fabri


简介:The surface mesh class provided by this package is an implementation of the halfedge data structure allowing to represent polyhedral surfaces. It is an alternative to the packages Halfedge Data Structures and 3D Polyhedral Surface. The main differences are that it is indexed based and not pointer based, and that the mechanism for adding information to vertices, halfedges, edges, and faces is much simpler and can be used at runtime and not at compile time. 这个包提供的表面网格类是对可表示多面体表面的半边数据结构的实现。该包是半边数据结构和三维多面体表面的替代品。主要的区别在于他是基于索引的而不是基于指针的,并且向顶点、半边、边以及面上添加信息的机制很简单,并且可以在运行时使用而不是编译时使用。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 4.6
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:bsmf-sm-17b
License 版本许可: GPL






  •  Combinatorial Maps 组合地图



作者:Guillaume Damiand


简介:This package implements Combinatorial Maps in d dimensions. A combinatorial map is a data structure enabling to represent an orientable subdivided object by describing all the cells of the subdivision (for example in 3D vertices, edges, faces, volumes) and all the incidence and adjacency relationships between these cells. Information can be associated to cells thanks to attributes. In 2D, a combinatorial map is equivalent to a halfedge data structure. The package provides basic creation, modification operations, and several iterators enabling to run through some specific part of the object. 该包在D维空间中实现了组合地图。组合地图是一个数据结构,可以通过描述所有细分(例如三维顶点、边、面、体积)的胞腔来表示一个可定向的细分对象并且这些胞腔的所有关联和邻接关系。信息可以借助属性添加到胞腔上。在二维空间中,组合地图等价于半边数据结构。这个包提供了基础创建,编辑运算,以及若干能够贯穿对象某些特定部位的迭代器。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 3.9
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:d-cm-17b
License 版本许可: LGPL






  •  Generalized Maps 广义地图


作者:Guillaume Damiand


简介:This package implements Generalized Maps in d dimensions. A generalized map is a data structure enabling to represent an orientable or non orientable subdivided object by describing all the cells of the subdivision (for example in 3D vertices, edges, faces, volumes) and all the incidence and adjacency relationships between these cells. Information can be associated to cells thanks to attributes. The package provides basic creation, modification operations, and several iterators enabling to run through some specific part of the object. 该包实现了D维空间中的广义地图。广义地图是一个可以通过描述所有细分(例如三维空间中的顶点、边、面、体)的胞腔来表示定向或非定向细分对象以及这些胞腔的关联和邻接关系的的数据结构。信息可以借助属性关联到胞腔上。这个包提供了基础创建,编辑运算,以及若干能够贯穿对象某些特定部位的迭代器。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 4.9
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:d-gm-17b
License 版本许可: LGPL






  •  Linear Cell Complex 线性胞腔复形



作者:Guillaume Damiand


简介:This package implements linear cell complexes, objects in d-dimension with linear geometry. The combinatorial part of objects is described either by a combinatorial or a generalized map, representing all the cells of the object plus the incidence and adjacency relations between cells. Geometry is added to the combinatorial data-structure simply by associating a point to each vertex of the map. Taking a 2D combinatorial map, and using 3D points, gives a linear cell complex equivalent to a Polyhedron_3. 该包实现了D维空间中线性几何体的线性胞腔复形和对象。对象的组合部分由组合或广义地图描述,代表对象的胞腔加之这些胞腔的关联和邻接关系。几何体通过关联地图的每个顶点的方式被添加在组合数据结构中。以二维组合地图,同时使用三维点,给出了Polyhedron_3的线性胞腔复形替代品。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 4.0
Depends on 库依赖: Combinatorial Maps 
Depends on 库依赖: Generalized Maps 
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:d-lcc-12-17b
License 版本许可: LGPL 
Windows Demo 示例程序: 3D Linear Cell Complex
Common Demo Dlls 动态依赖库: dlls


  •  3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra  Nef多面体的三维布尔运算


作者:Peter Hachenberger, Lutz Kettner


简介:3D Nef polyhedra, are a boundary representation for cell-complexes bounded by halfspaces that supports Boolean operations and topological operations in full generality including unbounded cells, mixed dimensional cells (e.g., isolated vertices and antennas). Nef polyhedra distinguish between open and closed sets and can represent non-manifold geometry. 三维Nef多面体是一个边界,表示被包含无边界胞腔,由混合维度胞腔(例如,孤立点和触角)的支持布尔运算和拓扑运算半边界定。Nef多边形在开集和闭集两者之间会有所不同,并且可以表示非流形几何体。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 3.1
Depends on 依赖库: 2D Boolean Operations on Nef Polygons, 2D Boolean Operations on Nef Polygons Embedded on the Sphere 
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:hk-bonp3-17b
License 版权许可: GPL 
Windows Demo 示例程序: Polyhedron demo
Common Demo Dlls 动态链接库: dlls






  •  Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra 多面体的凸分解


作者:Peter Hachenberger


简介:This packages provides a function for decomposing a bounded polyhedron into convex sub-polyhedra. The decomposition yields O(r2) convex pieces, where r is the number of edges, whose adjacent facets form an angle of more than 180 degrees with respect to the polyhedron's interior. This bound is worst-case optimal.该包提供了将有界多面体分解为凸子多面体的方法。分解的算法复杂度为O(r2),其中代表边数,它的相邻面相对于多面体内部形成一个超过180度的角度。这个界限是最差情况的最佳状态。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 3.5
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:h-emspe-17b
License 版本许可: GPL 
Windows Demo 示例程序: Polyhedron demo
Common Demo Dlls 动态链接库: dlls






  •  3D Minkowski Sum of Polyhedra 多面体的三维闵可夫斯基和


作者:Peter Hachenberger


简介:This package provides a function, which computes the Minkowski sum of two point sets in R3. These point sets may consist of isolated vertices, isolated edges, surfaces with convex facets without holes, and open and closed solids. Thus, it is possible to compute the configuration space of translational robots (even in tight passage scenarios) as well as several graphics operations, like for instance the glide operation, which computes the point set swept by a polyhedron that moves along a polygonal line. 该包提供了计算R3中两个点集的闵可夫斯基和的方法。这些点集包含孤立顶点、孤立边、无洞的顶点表面以及开闭立方体。因而,它可以计算平移机器人的构形空间(即使在紧张的场景里),以及若干图形运算,例如计算由一个沿多边形移动的多面体扫过的点集的联机运算。


Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 3.5
Depends on 依赖库: 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra, Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra 
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:h-msp3-17b
License 版权许可: GPL 
Windows Demo 示例程序: Polyhedron demo
Common Demo Dlls 动态链接库: dlls






