Flutter Clipboard 粘贴板使用:

在Flutter 提供了Clipboard跟ClipboardData用来操作系统的复制粘贴。

class ClipboardData {
  /// Creates data for the system clipboard.
  const ClipboardData({ this.text });

  /// Plain text variant of this clipboard data.
  final String text;

/// Utility methods for interacting with the system's clipboard.
class Clipboard {

  // Constants for common [getData] [format] types.

  /// Plain text data format string.
  /// Used with [getData].
  static const String kTextPlain = 'text/plain';

  /// Stores the given clipboard data on the clipboard.
  static Future setData(ClipboardData data) async {
    await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod(
        'text': data.text,

  /// Retrieves data from the clipboard that matches the given format.
  /// The `format` argument specifies the media type, such as `text/plain`, of
  /// the data to obtain.
  /// Returns a future which completes to null if the data could not be
  /// obtained, and to a [ClipboardData] object if it could.
  static Future getData(String format) async {
    final Map result = await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod(
    if (result == null)
      return null;
    return ClipboardData(text: result['text']);


getClipboardDatas() async {
   var clipboardData = await Clipboard.getData(Clipboard.kTextPlain);
    if (clipboardData != null) {


ClipboardData data = new ClipboardData(text:"要复制的内容");
