Private 执棋颜色 As Integer, 摁住的棋子 As Long, 在移动棋子 As Boolean, 交换棋子颜色中 As Boolean, 需同意色 As Integer
Private 棋局() As 棋子, 字比 As Single, 线比 As Single, 进度比 As Single
Private 胜利字比 As Single, 胜利高比 As Single, 网线比 As Single, 网线宽 As Single
Private 移动绘制时间记忆 As Single
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Long
Me.Caption = Me.Caption & " - Ver." & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision
方向向量(0).y = 1
方向向量(1).x = 1
方向向量(1).y = 1
方向向量(2).x = 1
方向向量(3).x = 1
方向向量(3).y = -1
方向向量(4).y = -1
方向向量(5).x = -1
方向向量(5).y = -1
方向向量(6).x = -1
方向向量(7).x = -1
方向向量(7).y = 1
字比 = 棋盘.FontSize / 棋盘.Width
线比 = 持子提示框.BorderWidth / 棋盒(1).Width
进度比 = 交换剩余时间提示.BorderWidth / 棋盘.Width
胜利字比 = 胜利提示.FontSize / 棋盘.Width
胜利高比 = 胜利提示.Height / 棋盘.ScaleWidth
网线比 = 1 / 棋盘.Width
网线宽 = 1
ReDim 棋局(0) '初始化动态数组棋局,使其拥有元素:棋局(0)
棋盘.Scale (0, 0)-(16, 16)
移动绘制时间记忆 = Timer()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.WindowState <> 1 Then
棋盘.Height = Me.Height - 1198
棋盘.Width = 棋盘.Height
棋盘.Scale (0, 0)-(16, 16)
棋盘.Left = Me.Width / 2 - 棋盘.Width / 2
棋盒(1).Left = 棋盘.Left / 7
棋盒(1).Width = 棋盘.Left / 7 * 5
棋盒(1).Height = 棋盒(1).Width
棋盒(1).Top = Me.Height - 棋盒(1).Height - 835
棋盒(2).Left = 棋盘.Left + 棋盘.Width + 棋盘.Left / 7
棋盒(2).Width = 棋盒(1).Width
棋盒(2).Height = 棋盒(1).Height
持子提示框.Width = 棋盒(1).Width * 1.1
持子提示框.Height = 持子提示框.Width
持子提示框.BorderWidth = 线比 * 棋盒(1).Width
Dim tmp As Single
tmp = 棋盒(1).Width * 0.05
If 摁住的棋子 = 1 Or 执棋颜色 = 1 Then
持子提示框.Top = 棋盒(1).Top - tmp
持子提示框.Left = 棋盒(1).Left - tmp
ElseIf 摁住的棋子 = 2 Or 执棋颜色 = 2 Then
持子提示框.Top = 棋盒(2).Top - tmp
持子提示框.Left = 棋盒(2).Left - tmp
End If
交换剩余时间提示.BorderWidth = 进度比 * 棋盘.Width
交换剩余时间提示.X1 = 棋盘.ScaleHeight / 2
交换剩余时间提示.X2 = 棋盘.ScaleWidth / 2
If 交换时钟.Enabled = False Then
交换剩余时间提示.Y1 = 0
交换剩余时间提示.Y2 = 棋盘.ScaleHeight
End If
胜利提示.FontSize = 棋盘.Width * 胜利字比
胜利提示.Left = 0
胜利提示.Width = 棋盘.ScaleWidth
胜利提示.Height = 棋盘.ScaleWidth * 胜利高比
胜利提示.Top = 棋盘.ScaleHeight / 2 - 胜利提示.Height / 2
网线宽 = 网线比 * 棋盘.Width
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 交换时钟_Timer()
If 交换剩余时间提示.Y1 <= 12 Then
交换剩余时间提示.Y1 = 交换剩余时间提示.Y1 + 6
交换剩余时间提示.Y2 = 交换剩余时间提示.Y2 + 6
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 交换颜色一_Click()
需同意色 = 2
交换棋子颜色中 = True
交换剩余时间提示.Visible = True
交换时钟.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub 交换颜色二_Click()
需同意色 = 1
交换棋子颜色中 = True
交换剩余时间提示.Visible = True
交换时钟.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub 停止交换棋子等待()
交换棋子颜色中 = False
交换时钟.Enabled = False
交换剩余时间提示.Visible = False
交换剩余时间提示.Y1 = 0
交换剩余时间提示.Y2 = 16
End Sub
Private Sub 棋子回盒(棋子ID As Long)
Dim 棋局缓存() As 棋子, i As Long
棋局缓存 = 棋局
ReDim 棋局(UBound(棋局) - 1)
For i = 1 To 棋子ID - 1
棋局(i) = 棋局缓存(i)
For i = 棋子ID + 1 To UBound(棋局缓存)
棋局(i - 1) = 棋局缓存(i)
摁住的棋子 = 0
End Sub
Private Function 已有棋子检查(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(棋局)
With 棋局(i)
If Int(.x + 0.5) = x And Int(.y + 0.5) = y And i <> 摁住的棋子 Then
已有棋子检查 = True
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function
Private Sub 棋盒_DblClick(Index As Integer)
If Index = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 棋盒_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
If 交换棋子颜色中 Then
If 需同意色 = Index Then
Dim cT As Long
cT = 棋盒(需同意色).BackColor
If 需同意色 = 1 Then
棋盒(1).BackColor = 棋盒(2).BackColor
棋盒(2).BackColor = cT
棋盒(2).BackColor = 棋盒(1).BackColor
棋盒(1).BackColor = cT
End If
End If
If 摁住的棋子 > 0 Then
棋子回盒 摁住的棋子
持子提示框.Visible = False
ElseIf 执棋颜色 > 0 Then
执棋颜色 = 0
持子提示框.Visible = False
执棋颜色 = Index
持子提示框.Top = 棋盒(Index).Top - 棋盒(Index).Width * 0.05
持子提示框.Left = 棋盒(Index).Left - 棋盒(Index).Width * 0.05
持子提示框.Visible = True
End If
End If
If Index = 1 Then
PopupMenu 棋盒菜单一
PopupMenu 棋盒菜单二
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 棋迹_Click()
棋迹.Checked = Not 棋迹.Checked
End Sub
Private Sub 棋盘_DblClick()
End Sub
Private Sub 棋盘_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
If 执棋颜色 > 0 And 已有棋子检查(Int(x + 0.5), Int(y + 0.5)) = False Then
ReDim Preserve 棋局(UBound(棋局) + 1)
With 棋局(UBound(棋局)) 'with方法可不比每次取用类属性时键全类名
.x = x '等价于:棋局(UBound(棋局)).x=x
.y = y
.c = 执棋颜色
End With
执棋颜色 = 0 '棋子落下后手上棋子清空
摁住的棋子 = UBound(棋局) '将落下的棋子作为当前摁住的棋子
在移动棋子 = True
ElseIf 摁住的棋子 > 0 And 已有棋子检查(Int(x + 0.5), Int(y + 0.5)) = False Then
With 棋局(摁住的棋子)
.x = x
.y = y
End With
摁住的棋子 = 0
持子提示框.Visible = False
ElseIf 摁住的棋子 = 0 And 执棋颜色 = 0 Then
摁住的棋子 = 获得点上棋子(x, y)
在移动棋子 = False
If 摁住的棋子 > 0 Then
持子提示框.Top = 棋盒(棋局(摁住的棋子).c).Top - 棋盒(棋局(摁住的棋子).c).Width * 0.05
持子提示框.Left = 棋盒(棋局(摁住的棋子).c).Left - 棋盒(棋局(摁住的棋子).c).Width * 0.05
持子提示框.Visible = True
End If
End If
PopupMenu 棋盘菜单
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 棋盘_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 1 And 摁住的棋子 > 0 And 已有棋子检查(Int(x + 0.5), Int(y + 0.5)) = False And Timer() - 移动绘制时间记忆 > 0.01 Then
在移动棋子 = True
With 棋局(摁住的棋子)
.x = x
.y = y
End With
移动绘制时间记忆 = Timer()
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 棋盘_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 1 And 在移动棋子 = True Then
在移动棋子 = False
摁住的棋子 = 0
持子提示框.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Function 获得点上棋子(x As Single, y As Single) As Long
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(棋局)
With 棋局(i)
If x >= .x - 0.4 And x <= .x + 0.4 And y >= .y - 0.4 And y <= .y + 0.4 Then
获得点上棋子 = i '函数将返回i的值
Exit Function '找到点上棋子后立马结束函数,不再遍历后面的棋子是否符合
End If
End With
End Function
Private Sub 棋盘绘制()
Dim i As Long
If 整理.Checked Then
End If
棋盘.Cls '清空棋盘内容
棋盘.DrawWidth = 网线宽
棋盘.ForeColor = vbBlack
棋盘.FontSize = 棋盘.Width * 字比
For i = 1 To 15
棋盘.Line (i, 1)-(i, 15)
棋盘.Line (1, i)-(15, i)
棋盘.CurrentX = 0
棋盘.CurrentY = i - 0.4
棋盘.Print i
棋盘.CurrentX = i - 0.2
棋盘.CurrentY = 0
棋盘.Print Chr(64 + i)
棋盘.DrawWidth = 网线宽 * 3
棋盘.Line (1, 1)-(1, 15)
棋盘.Line (15, 1)-(15, 15)
棋盘.Line (1, 1)-(15, 1)
棋盘.Line (1, 15)-(15, 15)
棋盘.DrawWidth = 网线宽
棋盘.FillColor = vbBlack
棋盘.Circle (4, 4), 0.1, vbBlack
棋盘.Circle (12, 4), 0.1, vbBlack
棋盘.Circle (4, 12), 0.1, vbBlack
棋盘.Circle (12, 12), 0.1, vbBlack
棋盘.Circle (8, 8), 0.1, vbBlack
If 摁住的棋子 > 0 Then
棋盘.FillColor = vbRed
棋盘.Circle (棋局(摁住的棋子).x, 棋局(摁住的棋子).y), 0.5, vbRed
End If
棋盘.FontSize = 棋盘.Width * 字比 * 0.625
For i = 1 To UBound(棋局)
棋盘.FillColor = 棋盒(棋局(i).c).BackColor
棋盘.Circle (棋局(i).x, 棋局(i).y), 0.4, 棋盒(棋局(i).c).BackColor
If 棋迹.Checked Then
棋盘.ForeColor = &H80000005 - 棋盒(棋局(i).c).BackColor
棋盘.CurrentX = 棋局(i).x - Len(Str(i)) / 9 + 0.07
棋盘.CurrentY = 棋局(i).y - 0.25
棋盘.Print i
End If
If UBound(棋局) > 8 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 胜负检查()
Dim i As Long, v As Long, s As Long, 棋盘记忆 As New Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(棋局)
棋盘记忆.Add Int(棋局(i).x + 0.5) & "," & Int(棋局(i).y + 0.5), 棋局(i).c
For i = 1 To UBound(棋局)
For v = 0 To 7
s = 方向递归(棋盘记忆, Int(棋局(i).x + 0.5), Int(棋局(i).y + 0.5), 棋局(i).c, v)
If s >= 4 Then
If 棋局(i).c = 1 Then
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 清空_Click()
ReDim 棋局(0)
End Sub
Private Sub 认输一_Click()
胜利提示.ForeColor = 棋盒(2).BackColor
胜利提示.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub 认输二_Click()
胜利提示.ForeColor = 棋盒(1).BackColor
胜利提示.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub 胜利提示_Click()
胜利提示.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub 整理棋盘()
Dim i As Long
If 执棋颜色 = 0 And 摁住的棋子 = 0 Then
For i = 1 To UBound(棋局)
With 棋局(i)
.x = Int(.x + 0.5)
.y = Int(.y + 0.5)
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 整理_Click()
整理.Checked = Not 整理.Checked
End Sub
2、MF.frm 的各项属性的设置:
Public Type 棋子
x As Single '棋盘上的x坐标
y As Single '棋盘上的y坐标
c As Integer '执棋类型/棋子颜色的索引
End Type
Public Type 向量
x As Long
y As Long
End Type
Public 方向向量(7) As 向量
Public Sub Ai提示(j() As 棋子, c As Long)
End Sub
Public Function Ai胜利检测(j() As 棋子, c As Long) As Boolean
Dim i As Long, v As Long, s As Long, 棋盘记忆 As New Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(j)
棋盘记忆.Add Int(j(i).x + 0.5) & "," & Int(j(i).y + 0.5), j(i).c
For i = 1 To UBound(j)
If j(i).c = c Then
For v = 0 To 7
s = 方向递归(棋盘记忆, Int(j(i).x + 0.5), Int(j(i).y + 0.5), j(i).c, v)
If s >= 4 Then
Ai胜利检测 = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function 方向递归(d As Dictionary, x As Long, y As Long, c As Integer, v As Long) As Long
Dim tmp As String
tmp = x + 方向向量(v).x & "," & y + 方向向量(v).y
If d.Exists(tmp) Then
If d(tmp) = c Then
方向递归 = 方向递归(d, x + 方向向量(v).x, y + 方向向量(v).y, c, v) + 1
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function