

2017-03-02 11:12:20 Royecode 阅读数 2920更多

分类专栏: Study


/* === Shared === */ 
QStackedWidget, QLabel, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QCheckBox, 
QGroupBox, QStatusBar, QToolButton, QComboBox, QDialog { 
background-color: #222222; 
color: #BBBBBB; 
font-family: “Segoe UI”; 

/* === QWidget === */ 
QWidget:window { 
background: #222222; 
color: #BBBBBB; 
font-family: “Segoe UI”; 

/* === QToolTip === */ 
QToolTip { 
background-color: #000000; 
border: 2px solid #333333; 
color: yellow; 

/* === QPushButton === */ 
QPushButton { 
border: 1px solid #333333; 
padding: 4px; 
min-width: 65px; 
min-height: 12px; 

QPushButton:hover { 
background-color: #333333; 
border-color: #444444; 

QPushButton:pressed { 
background-color: #111111; 
border-color: #333333; 
color: yellow; 

QPushButton:disabled { 
color: #333333; 

/* === Checkable items === */ 
QCheckBox::indicator, QRadioButton::indicator, QTreeView::indicator { 
width: 16px; 
height: 16px; 
background-color: #111111; 
border: 1px solid #333333; 

QRadioButton::indicator { 
border-radius: 8px; 

QCheckBox::indicator::checked, QRadioButton::indicator::checked, QTreeView::indicator::checked { 
background-color: qradialgradient(cx:0.5, cy:0.5, fx:0.25, fy:0.15, radius:0.3, stop:0 #BBBBBB, stop:1 #111111); 

QCheckBox::indicator:disabled, QRadioButton::indicator:disabled, QTreeView::indicator:disabled { 
background-color: #444444; 

QCheckBox::indicator::checked:disabled, QRadioButton::indicator::checked:disabled, QTreeView::indicator::checked:disabled { 
background-color: qradialgradient(cx:0.5, cy:0.5, fx:0.25, fy:0.15, radius:0.3, stop:0 #BBBBBB, stop:1 #444444); 

/* === QComboBox === */ 
QComboBox { 
background-color: black; 
border: 1px solid #333333; 
color: white; 
padding:1px 2em 1px 3px; 

QComboBox::drop-down { 
subcontrol-origin: padding; 
subcontrol-position: top right; 
border-left: 1px solid #333333; 

QComboBox::down-arrow { 
border: 2px solid #333333; 
width: 6px; 
height: 6px; 
background: #5f5f5f; 

/* === QGroupBox === */ 
QGroupBox { 
border: 2px solid #333333; 
margin-top: 2ex; 

QGroupBox::title { 
color: yellow; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 
subcontrol-position: top left; 
margin-left: 5px; 

/* === QTabWidget === */ 
QTabWidget::pane { 
background: #222222; 
border: 2px solid #333333; 

/* === QTabBar === */ 
QTabBar::tab { 
background: transparent; 
border: 1px solid #333333; 
border-bottom: none; 
color: #BBBBBB; 
padding-left: 5px; 
padding-right: 10px; 
padding-top: 3px; 
padding-bottom: 3px; 

QTabBar::tab:hover { 
background-color: #333333; 
border: 1px solid #444444; 
border-bottom: none; 

QTabBar::tab:selected { 
background-color: #111111; 
border: 1px solid #333333; 
border-top: 1px solid yellow; 
border-bottom: none; 
color: yellow 

/* === QToolBar === */ 
QToolBar { 
background-color: #222222; 
border: none; 
padding: 1px; 

QToolBar:handle { 
background: #222222; 
border-left: 1px dotted yellow; 
color: #BBBBBB; 

QToolBar::separator { 
width: 6px; 
background-color: #222222; 

/* === QToolButton === */ 
QToolButton { 
border: 1px solid #333333; 
margin: 1px; 

QToolButton:hover { 
background-color: #333333; 
border: 1px solid #444444; 

QToolButton[popupMode=”1”] { /* only for MenuButtonPopup */ 
padding-right: 20px; /* make way for the popup button */ 

QToolButton::menu-button { 
border-left: 1px solid #333333; 
background: transparent; 
width: 16px; 

QToolButton::menu-button:hover { 
border-left: 1px solid #444444; 
background: transparent; 
width: 16px; 

QToolButton:checked, QToolButton:pressed { 
background-color: #111111; 
color: yellow; 

/* === QMenu === */ 
QMenu { 
background-color: black; 
border: 1px solid gray; 
color: white; 
padding: 1px; 

QMenu::item { 
padding: 2px 25px 2px 20px; 
border: 1px solid transparent; 

QMenu::item:disabled { 
color: #666666; 

QMenu::item:selected { 
border-color: gray; 
background: #222222; 

QMenu::icon:checked {


QMenu::separator { 
height: 1px; 
background: #222222; 
margin-left: 10px; 
margin-right: 10px; 
margin-top: 1px; 
margin-bottom: 1px; 

QMenu::indicator { 
width: 13px; 
height: 13px; 

/* === QMenuBar === */ 
QMenuBar { 
background-color: black; 
color: white; 

QMenuBar::item { 
background: transparent; 

QMenuBar::item:disabled { 
color: gray; 

QMenuBar::item:selected { 
background: #222222; 

QMenuBar::item:pressed { 
background: #444444; 

/* === QScrollBar:vertical === */ 
QScrollBar:vertical { 
background: #111111; 
width: 16px; 
margin: 16px 0 16px 0; 

QScrollBar::handle:vertical { 
background: #555555; 
min-height: 16px; 

QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { 
background: #444444; 
height: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: bottom; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { 
background: #444444; 
height: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: top; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical { 
background: none; 

QScrollBar:up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar:down-arrow:vertical { 
border: 2px solid #333333; 
width: 6px; 
height: 6px; 
background: #5f5f5f; 

/* === QScrollBar:horizontal === */ 
QScrollBar:horizontal { 
background: #111111; 
height: 16px; 
margin: 0 16px 0 16px; 

QScrollBar::handle:horizontal { 
background: #555555; 
min-width: 16px; 

QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal { 
background: #444444; 
width: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: right; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal { 
background: #444444; 
width: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: left; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::add-page:horizontal, QScrollBar::sub-page:horizontal { 
background: none; 

QScrollBar:left-arrow:horizontal, QScrollBar:right-arrow:horizontal { 
border: 2px solid #333333; 
width: 6px; 
height: 6px; 
background: #5f5f5f; 

/* =================== */ 
QLineEdit, QListView, QTreeView, QTableView, QAbstractSpinBox { 
background-color: black; 
color: #BBBBBB; 
border: 1px solid #333333; 

QAbstractScrollArea, QLineEdit, QTextEdit, QAbstractSpinBox, QComboBox { 
border-color: #333333; 
border: 1px solid #333333;


/* === QHeaderView === */ 
QHeaderView::section { 
background: #222222; 
border: 0; 
color: #BBBBBB; 
padding: 3px 0 3px 4px; 

/* === QListView === */ 
QListView::item:hover { 
background: #333333; 

QListView::item:selected { 
background: #111111; 
color: yellow; 

/* === QTableView === */ 
QTableView::item:hover { 
background: #333333; 

QTableView::item:hover { 
background: #111111; 
color: yellow; 

/* === QTreeView === */ 
QTreeView::item { 
background: black; 

QTreeView::item:hover { 
background: #333333; 

QTreeView::item:selected { 
background: #111111; 
color: yellow; 

QTreeView::branch {


QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item {


QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:!adjoins-item {


QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children:has-siblings {


QTreeView::branch:has-children:!has-siblings:closed {


QTreeView::branch:!has-children:!has-siblings:adjoins-item {


QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:has-siblings {


QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:!has-siblings {


/* === Customizations === */ 
QFrame#infoLabel { 
border: 1px inset #333333; 

.QWidget { 
background-color: beige; 

QToolBar { 
background-color: beige; 

QDialog, QFileDialog { 
background-color: beige; 

QTabWidget::pane { /* The tab widget frame */ 
border-top: 2px solid #C2C7CB; 

QTabWidget::tab-bar { 
left: 5px; /* move to the right by 5px */ 

QTabBar, QTabWidget { 
background-color: beige; 

QTabBar::tab { 
background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 
stop: 0 #E1E1E1, stop: 0.4 #DDDDDD, 
stop: 0.5 #D8D8D8, stop: 1.0 #D3D3D3); 
border: 1px solid darkkhaki; 
border-bottom-color: #C2C7CB; /* same as the pane color */ 
border-top-left-radius: 4px; 
border-top-right-radius: 4px; 
min-width: 8ex; 
padding: 2px; 

QTabBar::tab:selected, QTabBar::tab:hover { 
background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 
stop: 0 #fafafa, stop: 0.4 #f4f4f4, 
stop: 0.5 #e7e7e7, stop: 1.0 #fafafa); 

QTabBar::tab:selected { 
border-color: #9B9B9B; 
border-bottom-color: #C2C7CB; /* same as pane color */ 

QTabBar::tab:!selected { 
margin-top: 2px; /* make non-selected tabs look smaller */ 

/* Nice Windows-XP-style password character. */ 
QLineEdit[echoMode=”2”] { 
lineedit-password-character: 9679; 

QHeaderView::section { 
background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, 
stop:0 #616161, stop: 0.5 #505050, 
stop: 0.6 #434343, stop:1 #656565); 
color: white; 
padding-left: 4px; 
border: 1px solid #6c6c6c; 


background-color: red; 

/* We provide a min-width and min-height for push buttons 
so that they look elegant regardless of the width of the text. */ 
QPushButton { 
background-color: palegoldenrod; 
border-width: 2px; 
border-color: darkkhaki; 
border-style: solid; 
border-radius: 5; 
padding: 3px; 
min-width: 9ex; 
min-height: 2.5ex; 

QPushButton:hover { 
background-color: khaki; 

/* Increase the padding, so the text is shifted when the button is 
pressed. */ 
QPushButton:pressed { 
padding-left: 5px; 
padding-top: 5px; 
background-color: #d0d67c; 

QLabel, QAbstractButton { 
font: bold; 

/* Mark mandatory fields with a brownish color. */ 
.mandatory { 
color: brown; 

/* Bold text on status bar looks awful. */ 
QStatusBar QLabel { 
font: normal; 

QStatusBar::item { 
border-width: 1; 
border-color: darkkhaki; 
border-style: solid; 
border-radius: 2; 

QStackedWidget, QComboBox, QLineEdit, QSpinBox, QTextEdit, QListView, QWebView, QTreeView, QHeaderView { 
background-color: cornsilk; 
selection-color: #0a214c; 
selection-background-color: #C19A6B; 

QListView { 
show-decoration-selected: 1; 

QListView::item:hover { 
background-color: wheat; 

/* We reserve 1 pixel space in padding. When we get the focus, 
we kill the padding and enlarge the border. This makes the items 
glow. */ 
QLineEdit, QFrame { 
border-width: 1px; 
padding: 1px; 
border-style: solid; 
border-color: darkkhaki; 
border-radius: 5px; 

/* As mentioned above, eliminate the padding and increase the border. */ 
QLineEdit:focus, QFrame:focus { 
border-width: 3px; 
padding: 0px; 

/* A QLabel is a QFrame */ 
QLabel { 
border: none; 
padding: 0; 
background: none; 

/* A QToolTip is a QLabel */ 
QToolTip { 
border: 2px solid darkkhaki; 
padding: 5px; 
border-radius: 3px; 
opacity: 200; 

/* Nice to have the background color change when hovered. */ 
QRadioButton:hover, QCheckBox:hover { 
background-color: wheat; 

/* Force the dialog’s buttons to follow the Windows guidelines. */ 
QDialogButtonBox { 
button-layout: 0; 

Style by evilworks, 2012-2013. [email protected] 
This file is Public Domain. 

/* === Shared === */ 
QStackedWidget, QLabel, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QCheckBox, 
QGroupBox, QStatusBar, QToolButton, QComboBox, QDialog, QTabBar { 
font-family: “Segoe UI”; 
background-color: #888; 
color: #000; 

/* === QWidget === */ 
QWidget:window { 
font-family: ‘Segoe UI’; 
background-color: #888; 

/* === QPushButton === */ 
QPushButton { 
border: 1px solid #555; 
padding: 4px; 
min-width: 65px; 
min-height: 12px; 

QPushButton:hover { 
background-color: #999; 

QPushButton:pressed { 
background-color: #333; 
border-color: #555; 
color: #AAA; 

QPushButton:disabled { 
color: #333333; 

/* === QComboBox === */ 
QComboBox { 
background-color: #AAA; 
border: 1px solid #555; 
color: black; 

QComboBox::drop-down { 
subcontrol-origin: padding; 
subcontrol-position: top right; 
border-left: 1px solid #333333; 

/* === QGroupBox === */ 
QGroupBox { 
border: 1px solid #555; 
margin-top: 2ex; 

QGroupBox::title { 
color: black; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 
subcontrol-position: top left; 
border: 1px solid #555; 

/* === QTabBar === */ 
QTabBar::tab { 
border-bottom: none; 
color: #000; 
padding: 4px; 
background-color: #888; 
border: 1px solid #555; 

QTabBar::tab:hover { 
background-color: #AAA; 

QTabBar::tab:selected { 
background-color: #000; 
color: white; 

/* === QTabWidget === */ 
QTabWidget::pane { 
background: #888; 
border: 1px solid #555; 

/* === QToolBar === */ 
QToolBar { 
background: #949494; 
border: none; 
padding-left: 0px; 
padding-right: 0px; 
margin: 2px; 

QToolBar::separator { 
width: 1px; 
margin-left: 3px; 
margin-right: 3px; 
background-color: #555; 

/* === QToolButton === */ 
QToolButton { 
border: 1px solid #666; 
margin: 1px; 

QToolButton:hover { 
background-color: #AAA; 

QToolButton[popupMode=”1”] { /* only for MenuButtonPopup */ 
padding-right: 20px; /* make way for the popup button */ 

QToolButton::menu-button { 
border-left: 1px solid #666; 
background: transparent; 
width: 16px; 

QToolButton::menu-button:hover { 
border-left: 1px solid #666; 
background: transparent; 
width: 16px; 

QToolButton:checked, QToolButton:pressed { 
background-color: #000; 
border: 1px solid #555; 
color: white; 

/* === QScrollBar:vertical === */ 
QScrollBar:vertical { 
width: 16px; 
margin: 16px 0 16px 0; 
background: #333; 

QScrollBar::handle:vertical { 
background: #888; 
min-height: 16px; 
border-top: 1px solid #666; 
border-bottom: 1px solid #666; 

QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { 
background: #888; 
height: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: bottom; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { 
background: #888; 
height: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: top; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical { 
background: none; 

/* === QScrollBar:horizontal === */ 
QScrollBar:horizontal { 
height: 16px; 
margin: 0 16px 0 16px; 
background: #333; 

QScrollBar::handle:horizontal { 
background: #888; 
min-width: 16px; 
border-left: 1px solid #666; 
border-right: 1px solid #666; 

QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal { 
background: #888; 
width: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: right; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal { 
background: #888; 
width: 16px; 
subcontrol-position: left; 
subcontrol-origin: margin; 

QScrollBar::add-page:horizontal, QScrollBar::sub-page:horizontal { 
background: none; 

/* === QMenu === */ 
QMenu { 
background-color: black; 
border: 1px solid gray; 
color: white; 
padding: 1px; 

QMenu::item { 
padding: 2px 25px 2px 20px; 
border: 1px solid transparent; 

QMenu::item:disabled { 
color: #666666; 

QMenu::item:selected { 
border-color: gray; 
background: #222222; 

QMenu::icon:checked {


QMenu::separator { 
height: 1px; 
background: #222222; 
margin-left: 10px; 
margin-right: 10px; 
margin-top: 1px; 
margin-bottom: 1px; 

QMenu::indicator { 
width: 13px; 
height: 13px; 

/* === QMenuBar === */ 
QMenuBar { 
background-color: black; 
color: white; 

QMenuBar::item { 
background: transparent; 

QMenuBar::item:disabled { 
color: gray; 

QMenuBar::item:selected { 
background: #222222; 

QMenuBar::item:pressed { 
background: #444444; 

/* =================== */ 
QLineEdit, QListView, QTreeView, QTableView, QAbstractSpinBox { 
background-color: #AAA; 
color: #000; 
border: 1px solid #555; 

QAbstractScrollArea, QLineEdit, QTextEdit, QAbstractSpinBox, QComboBox { 
border: 1px solid #555; 

/* === QHeaderView === */ 
QHeaderView::section { 
height: 20px; 

QHeaderView::section { 
background: #666; 
border: 0; 
color: #000; 
padding-left: 4px; 

/* === QListView === */ 
QListView::item:hover { 
background: #AAA; 

QListView::item:selected { 
background: #333; 
color: #AAA; 

/* === QTableView === */ 
QTableView::item:hover { 
background: #333333; 

QTableView::item:hover { 
background: #111111; 
color: yellow; 

/* === QTreeView === */ 
QTreeView::item { 
background: #AAA; 

QTreeView::item:hover { 
background: #CCC; 

QTreeView::item:selected { 
background: #333; 
color: #AAA; 

QTreeView::branch {


QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item {


QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:!adjoins-item {


QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children:has-siblings {


QTreeView::branch:has-children:!has-siblings:closed {


QTreeView::branch:!has-children:!has-siblings:adjoins-item {


QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:has-siblings {


QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:!has-siblings {

