create table stu(s_id varchar(5),
s_name varchar(5),
s_sex varchar(1),
s_age int(3),s_day date);
insert into stu values
create table scores (s_id varchar(5),
c_id varchar(3),score float);
insert into scores values
create table coure(
c_id varchar(2),t_id char(1),c_name varchar(10));
insert into coure values
create table teacher(
t_id char(1),t_name varchar(5));
insert into teacher values
select stu.s_name,score from stu left join scores on
stu.s_id=scores.s_id left join coure on scores.c_id=coure.c_id
where score<90 and c_name="python基础";
# 结果
张莹莹 83
马云 79.5
select stu.s_id,stu.s_name,score from stu left join scores on
stu.s_id=scores.s_id where c_id=01 and score>=90; # 法一 表格连接
select stu.s_id,s_name from stu where s_id in
(select s_id from scores where c_id=01 and score>90);# 法二 子查询 该方法没有将分数查询下来
# 结果
001 李华 135
002 王二 90
003 赵敏 110
005 朱亚军 120
select stu.s_id,stu.s_name,count(*),sum(score) from stu
left join scores on stu.s_id=scores.s_id group by s_id;
# 结果
001 李华 3 360.5
002 王二 2 192
003 赵敏 3 285.5999984741211
004 张莹莹 2 183
005 朱亚军 3 360.5999984741211
006 马云 2 169.5
select stu.s_id,s_name,avg(score) from stu left join scores on
stu.s_id=scores.s_id group by s_id having avg(score)>=100;
# 结果
001 李华 120.16666666666667
005 朱亚军 120.1999994913737
select stu.s_id,s_name,score from stu left join scores on
stu.s_id=scores.s_id group by stu.s_id having avg(score)>=100;
select s_id,s_name from stu where s_id in# 法二 子查询 无分数
(select s_id from scores group by s_id having avg(score)>=100);
# 结果
001 李华 135
005 朱亚军 120
select stu.s_id,s_name,avg(score) from stu left join scores on
stu.s_id=scores.s_id where score<90 group by s_id having count(*)>=2;
select stu.s_id,s_name,avg(score) from stu left join scores on
stu.s_id=scores.s_id where score<100 group by s_id having count(*)>=2;
select stu.s_id,s_name from stu where s_id in #子查询
(select s_id from scores where score<100 group by s_id having count(*)>=2);
# 结果为:
003 赵敏 87.79999923706055
006 马云 84.75
select * from stu left join scores on stu.s_id=scores.s_id
where score<100 and c_id=01 order by score desc;
# 答案
002 王二 男 24 1997-3-16 002 01 90
select * from stu left join scores on stu.s_id=scores.s_id # 多表连接
left join coure on scores.c_id=coure.c_id left join teacher on
coure.t_id=teacher.t_id where teacher.t_name="汪院长" group by stu.s_id;
# 结果
001 李华 男 23 1996-8-16 001 01 135 01 3 数据库原理 3 汪院长
002 王二 男 24 1997-3-16 002 01 90 01 3 数据库原理 3 汪院长
003 赵敏 女 23 1990-5-26 003 01 110 01 3 数据库原理 3 汪院长
005 朱亚军 男 25 1999-8-16 005 01 120 01 3 数据库原理 3 汪院长
select * from stu where s_id in # 子查询
(select s_id from scores where c_id in
(select c_id from coure where t_id in
(select t_id from teacher where t_name="汪院长")));
# 答案
001 李华 男 23 1996-8-16
002 王二 男 24 1997-3-16
003 赵敏 女 23 1990-5-26
005 朱亚军 男 25 1999-8-16
select a.s_id,平均分,c_id,score from # 法一 子查询
(select s_id,round(avg(score),2)平均分 from scores group by s_id)a
left join scores on a.s_id=scores.s_id order by 平均分 desc;
# 结果为:
s_id 平均分 c_id score
005 120.20 01 120
005 120.20 03 100.6
005 120.20 02 140
001 120.17 01 135
001 120.17 03 100
001 120.17 02 125.5
002 96.00 03 102
002 96.00 01 90
003 95.20 02 80
003 95.20 01 110
003 95.20 03 95.6
004 91.50 03 83
004 91.50 02 100
006 84.75 02 90
006 84.75 03 79.5
# 该结果看起来很让人不爽,于是可以将其转换为二维表,以学号与课程号做行标题和列标题
select s_id,
round(sum(c_id='01')*score,2) '01', #转为二维表的方式
round(sum(c_id='02')*score,2) '02',
round(sum(c_id='03')*score,2) '03',
round(avg(score),2) 平均分
from scores group by s_id order by 平均分 desc;
# 结果为: ps 这样看是不是很爽呢?代码也很简单
#s_id 01 02 03 平均分
005 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.20
001 135.00 135.00 135.00 120.17
002 90.00 0.00 90.00 96.00
003 110.00 110.00 110.00 95.20
004 0.00 100.00 100.00 91.50
006 0.00 90.00 90.00 84.75
select stu.* from (select s_id,round(avg(score),2) 平均成绩 from
scores group by s_id order by 平均成绩 desc limit 3)aa ,stu where
# 结果
001 李华 男 23 1996-8-16
002 王二 男 24 1997-3-16
005 朱亚军 男 25 1999-8-16
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