Find your vm's IP with virsh and arp

Basically use virsh commands to get the VMs' MAC address first and then use arp to get the IPs.

$ virsh domiflist $DOM
$ arp -i $BRIDGE

For example:

$ virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 2     suse_13_2                      running

$ virsh domiflist suse_13_2
Interface  Type       Source     Model       MAC
vnet0      network    default    rtl8139     52:54:00:d2:cd:5d

$ arp -i virbr0
Address                  HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface                   (incomplete)                              virbr0          ether   52:54:00:d2:cd:5d   C                     virbr0

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