





















++1、API的积累:API的合理利用不仅可以减轻自己的编码负担,而且往往可以提高程序的运行效率;这也是钻哥开始“Unity API”独立打造分类的初衷

++2、Shader编程:想要做出一款精品游戏往往需要有高效的Shader的支持;Unity提供了一套改良的“Shader Lab”系统,优化了繁杂的“Open GL”编程











++++【Unity API】分类:https://blog.csdn.net/vrunsoftyanlz/category_7637520.html


















++C3、Public Function共有函数













++++[Inherits from]


++++想要读取轴向使用Input.GetAxis方法获取默认值:“Horizontal”和“Vertical”映射于控制杆、AWSD和箭头键(方向键);“Mouse X”和“Mouse Y”映射于鼠标,“Fire1”,“Fire2”,“Fire3”映射于键盘的CtrlAltCmd键和鼠标中键或控制器的按钮;新的输入设置可以使用输入管理器来添加;



++++[移动设备(Mobile Devices)]:iOSAndroid设备能够支持多点触控;可以通过Input.touches属性集合访问在最近一帧中触摸在屏幕上的每一根手指的状态数据;





++++【Unity API】分类:https://blog.csdn.net/vrunsoftyanlz/category_7637520.html





























#B2、Static Variables静态变量

#B2、Static Variables静态变量

++B2、Static Variables静态变量































public static Vector3 acceleration;


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public float speed = 10.0F;


    void Update(){

        Vector3 dir = Vector3.zero;

        dir.x = -Input.acceleration.y;

        dir.z = Input.acceleration.x;


        if(dir.sqrMagnitude > 1){




        dir *= Time.deltaTime;

        transform.Translate(dir * speed);


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static int accelerationEventCount;


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        if(Input.accelerationEventCount > 0){

            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:We got new acceleration measurements.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static AccelerationEvent[] accelerationEvents;


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        Vector3 acceleration = Vector3.zero;


        foreach(AccelerationEvent accEvent in Input.accelerationEvents){

            acceleration += accEvent.acceleration * accEvent.deltaTime;

        }    //立钻哥哥:foreach(){}




    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool anyKey;


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){


            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:A key or mouse click has been detected.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool anyKeyDown;



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:A key or mouse click has been detected.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static Compass compass;











public static bool compensateSensors;












public static Vector2 compositionCursorPos;












public static string compositionString;












public static DeviceOrientation deviceOrientation;


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        if(Input.deviceOrientation == DeviceOrientation.FaceDown){


        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static Gyroscope gyro;











public static IMECompositionMode imeCompositionMode;












public static bool imeIsSelected;












public static string inputString;




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public GUIText gt;


    void Start(){

        gt = GetComponent<GUIText>();

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Start(){}


    void Update(){

        foreach(char c in Input.inputString){

            if(c == \b[0]){

                if(gt.text.Length != 0){

                    gt.text = gt.text.Substring(0, gt.text.Length - 1);

                }    //立钻哥哥:if(gt.text.Length != 0){}


                if(c == \n[0] || c == \r[0]){

                    Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:User entered his name:  + gt.text);


                    gt.text += c;

                }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}else{}

            }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}else{}

        }    //立钻哥哥:foreach(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static LocationService location;











public static Vector3 mousePosition;



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public GameObject particle;


    void Update(){


            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);


                Instantiate(particle, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;

            }    //立钻哥哥:if(Physics.Raycast()){}

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetButtonDown()){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static Vector2 mouseScrollDelta;











public static bool multiTouchEnabled;











public static bool simulateMouseWithTouches;












public static int touchCount;


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        if(Input.touchCount > 0){


        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static Touch[] touches;



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        int fingerCount = 0;


        foreach(Touch touch in Input.touches){

            if(touch.phase != TouchPhase.Ended && touch.phase != TouchPhase.Canceled){


            }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

        }    //立钻哥哥:foreach(){}


        if(fingerCount > 0){

            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:User has  + fingerCount +  finger(s) touching the screen.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool touchSupported;










#C3、Static Functions静态函数

#C3、Static Functions静态函数

++C3、Static Functions静态函数

























public static AccelerationEvent GetAccelerationEvent(int index);


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        Vector3 acceleration = Vector3.zero;


        int i = 0;

        while(i < Input.accelerationEventCount){

            AccelerationEvent accEvent = Input.GetAccelerationEvent(i);

            acceleration += accEvent.acceleration * accEvent.deltaTime;


        }    //立钻哥哥:while(){}




    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static float GetAxis(string axisName);




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public float speed = 10.0F;

    public float rotationSpeed = 100.0F;


    void Update(){

        float translation = Input.GetAxis(Vertical) * speed;

        float rotation = Input.GetAxis(Horizontal) * rotationSpeed;

        translation *= Time.deltaTime;

        rotation *= Time.deltaTime;

        transform.Translate(0, 0, translation);

        transform.Rotate(0, rotation, 0);

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public float horizontalSpeed = 2.0F;

    public float verticalSpeed = 2.0F;


    void Update(){

        float h = horizontalSpeed * Input.GetAxis(Mouse X);

        float v = verticalSpeed * Input.GetAxis(Mouse Y);

        transform.Rotate(v, h, 0);

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static float GetAxisRaw(string axisName);



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        float speed = Input.GetAxisRaw(Horizontal) * Time.deltaTime;

        transform.Rotate(0, speed, 0);

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetButton(string buttonName);




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public GameObject projectile;

    public float fireRate = 0.5F;

    private float nextFire = 0.0F;


    void Update(){

        if(Input.GetButton(Fire1) && Time.time > nextFire){

            nextFire = Time.time + fireRate;

            GameObject clone = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetButton()){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetButtonDown(string buttonName);




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public GameObject projectile;


    void Update(){


            Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetButtonUp(string buttonName);




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public GameObject projectile;


    void Update(){



            Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

     }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static string[] GetJoystickNames();



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){

        int i = 0;

        while(i < 4){

            if(Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis(Joy + i + X)) > 0.2F || Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis(Joy + i + Y)) > 0.2F){

                Debug.Log(Input.GetJoystickNames()[i] +  is moved.);

            }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}



        }    //立钻哥哥:while(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetKey(string name);

public static bool GetKey(KeyCode key);




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){


            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:up arrow key is held down.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetKey(up)){}



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:down arrow key is held down.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetKey(down)){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:up arrow key is held down.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrwo)){}




            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:down arrow key is held down.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetKey(down)){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetKeyDown(string name);

public static bool GetKeyDown(KeyCode key);





using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){


            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:space key was pressed.);


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:space key was pressed.);


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetKeyUp(string name);

public static bool GetKeyUp(KeyCode key);





using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:space key was released.);


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:space key was released.);


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetMouseButton(int button);



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){


            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed left click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)){}



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed right click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButton(1)){}



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed middle click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButton(2)){}


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetMouseButtonDown(int button);



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed left click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){}




            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed right click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)){}




            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed middle click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)){}


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool GetMouseButtonUp(int button);



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void Update(){



            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed left click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)){}




            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed right click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)){}




            Debug.Log(立钻哥哥:Pressed middle click.);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2)){}


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static Touch GetTouch(int index);


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public float speed = 0.1F;


    void Update(){

        if(Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved){

            //Get movement of the finger since last frame

            Vector2 touchDeltaPosition = Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition;


            //Move object across XY plane

            transform.Translate(-touchDeltaPosition.x * speed, -touchDeltaPosition.y * speed, 0);

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public GameObject projectile;

    public GameObject clone;


    void Update(){

        for(var i = 1; i < Input.touchCount; ++i){

            if(Input.GetTouch(i).phase == TouchPhase.Began){

                clone = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;

            }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}

        }    //立钻哥哥:for(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{

    public GameObject particle;


    void Update(){

        for(var i = 1; i < Input.touchCount; ++i){

            if(Input.GetTouch(i).phase == TouchPhase.Began){

                //Construct a ray from the current touch coordinates

                Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.GetTouch(i).position);


                //Create a particle if hit


                    Instantiate(particle, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;

                }    //立钻哥哥:if(Physics.Raycast()){}

            }    //立钻哥哥:if(Input.GetTouch(i).phase == TouchPhase.Began){}

        }    //立钻哥哥:for(){}

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}










public static bool IsJoystickPreconfigured(string joystickName);




++++预配置的摇杆报告索引,对应按键和输入轴按下面的顺序;按键:ABXYleftbumperright bumperselectstartguideleft stick pressright stick press;输入轴:left stick xleft stick yleft triggerright stick xright stick yright triggerdpad horizontaldpad vertical










public static void ResetInputAxes();



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzInput : MonoBehaviour{


    void MyTestFunc(){


    }    //立钻哥哥:void MyTestFunc(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzInput{}












++++【Unity API】分类:https://blog.csdn.net/vrunsoftyanlz/category_7637520.html









































++++【Unity API】分类:https://blog.csdn.net/vrunsoftyanlz/category_7637520.html
















++++立钻哥哥Unity 学习空间: http://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz/

++++虚拟现实VR资讯: https://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz/article/details/89165846















































































































++++立钻哥哥Unity 学习空间: http://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz

