def create_embedding(word_index, num_words, word2vec_model): embedding_matrix = np.zeros((num_words, EMBEDDING_DIM)) for word, i in word_index.items(): try: embedding_vector = word2vec_model[word] embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector except: continue return embedding_matrix #word_index:词典(统计词转换为索引) #num_word:词典长度+1 #word2vec_model:词向量的model
def pre_load_embedding_model(model_file): # model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load(model_file) # model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load(model_file,binary=True) model = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_file) return model
embedding_matrix = create_embedding(word_index, num_words, word2vec_model) embedding_layer = Embedding(num_words, EMBEDDING_DIM, embeddings_initializer=Constant(embedding_matrix), input_length=MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH, trainable=False) sequence_input = Input(shape=(MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH,), dtype='int32') embedded_sequences = embedding_layer(sequence_input)
keras embeding设置初始值的两种方式
from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Embedding import numpy as np model = Sequential() model.add(Embedding(1000, 64, input_length=10)) # the model will take as input an integer matrix of size (batch, input_length). # the largest integer (i.e. word index) in the input should be no larger than 999 (vocabulary size). # now model.output_shape == (None, 10, 64), where None is the batch dimension. input_array = np.random.randint(1000, size=(32, 10)) model.compile('rmsprop', 'mse') output_array = model.predict(input_array) print(output_array) assert output_array.shape == (32, 10, 64)
import numpy as np import keras m = keras.models.Sequential() """ 可以通过weights参数指定初始的weights参数 因为Embedding层是不可导的 梯度东流至此回,所以把embedding放在中间层是没有意义的,emebedding只能作为第一层 注意weights到embeddings的绑定过程很复杂,weights是一个列表 """ embedding = keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=3, output_dim=2, input_length=1, weights=[np.arange(3 * 2).reshape((3, 2))], mask_zero=True) m.add(embedding) # 一旦add,就会自动调用embedding的build函数, print(keras.backend.get_value(embedding.embeddings)) m.compile(keras.optimizers.RMSprop(), keras.losses.mse) print(m.predict([1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0])) print(m.get_layer(index=0).get_weights()) print(keras.backend.get_value(embedding.embeddings))
import numpy as np import keras m = keras.models.Sequential() """ 可以通过weights参数指定初始的weights参数 因为Embedding层是不可导的 梯度东流至此回,所以把embedding放在中间层是没有意义的,emebedding只能作为第一层 给embedding设置权值的第二种方式,使用constant_initializer """ embedding = keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=3, output_dim=2, input_length=1, embeddings_initializer=keras.initializers.constant(np.arange(3 * 2, dtype=np.float32).reshape((3, 2)))) m.add(embedding) print(keras.backend.get_value(embedding.embeddings)) m.compile(keras.optimizers.RMSprop(), keras.losses.mse) print(m.predict([1, 2, 2, 1, 2])) print(m.get_layer(index=0).get_weights()) print(keras.backend.get_value(embedding.embeddings))
basic_layer.py 之Layer类
if 'weights' in kwargs: self._initial_weights = kwargs['weights'] else: self._initial_weights = None
def __call__(self, inputs, **kwargs): """Wrapper around self.call(), for handling internal references. If a Keras tensor is passed: - We call self._add_inbound_node(). - If necessary, we `build` the layer to match the _keras_shape of the input(s). - We update the _keras_shape of every input tensor with its new shape (obtained via self.compute_output_shape). This is done as part of _add_inbound_node(). - We update the _keras_history of the output tensor(s) with the current layer. This is done as part of _add_inbound_node(). # Arguments inputs: Can be a tensor or list/tuple of tensors. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `call()`. # Returns Output of the layer's `call` method. # Raises ValueError: in case the layer is missing shape information for its `build` call. """ if isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = inputs[:] with K.name_scope(self.name): # Handle laying building (weight creating, input spec locking). if not self.built:#如果未曾build,那就要先执行build再调用call函数 # Raise exceptions in case the input is not compatible # with the input_spec specified in the layer constructor. self.assert_input_compatibility(inputs) # Collect input shapes to build layer. input_shapes = [] for x_elem in to_list(inputs): if hasattr(x_elem, '_keras_shape'): input_shapes.append(x_elem._keras_shape) elif hasattr(K, 'int_shape'): input_shapes.append(K.int_shape(x_elem)) else: raise ValueError('You tried to call layer "' + self.name + '". This layer has no information' ' about its expected input shape, ' 'and thus cannot be built. ' 'You can build it manually via: ' '`layer.build(batch_input_shape)`') self.build(unpack_singleton(input_shapes)) self.built = True#这句话其实有些多余,因为self.build函数已经把built置为True了 # Load weights that were specified at layer instantiation. if self._initial_weights is not None:#如果传入了weights,把weights参数赋值到每个变量,此处会覆盖上面的self.build函数中的赋值。 self.set_weights(self._initial_weights) # Raise exceptions in case the input is not compatible # with the input_spec set at build time. self.assert_input_compatibility(inputs) # Handle mask propagation. previous_mask = _collect_previous_mask(inputs) user_kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs) if not is_all_none(previous_mask): # The previous layer generated a mask. if has_arg(self.call, 'mask'): if 'mask' not in kwargs: # If mask is explicitly passed to __call__, # we should override the default mask. kwargs['mask'] = previous_mask # Handle automatic shape inference (only useful for Theano). input_shape = _collect_input_shape(inputs) # Actually call the layer, # collecting output(s), mask(s), and shape(s). output = self.call(inputs, **kwargs) output_mask = self.compute_mask(inputs, previous_mask) # If the layer returns tensors from its inputs, unmodified, # we copy them to avoid loss of tensor metadata. output_ls = to_list(output) inputs_ls = to_list(inputs) output_ls_copy = [] for x in output_ls: if x in inputs_ls: x = K.identity(x) output_ls_copy.append(x) output = unpack_singleton(output_ls_copy) # Inferring the output shape is only relevant for Theano. if all([s is not None for s in to_list(input_shape)]): output_shape = self.compute_output_shape(input_shape) else: if isinstance(input_shape, list): output_shape = [None for _ in input_shape] else: output_shape = None if (not isinstance(output_mask, (list, tuple)) and len(output_ls) > 1): # Augment the mask to match the length of the output. output_mask = [output_mask] * len(output_ls) # Add an inbound node to the layer, so that it keeps track # of the call and of all new variables created during the call. # This also updates the layer history of the output tensor(s). # If the input tensor(s) had not previous Keras history, # this does nothing. self._add_inbound_node(input_tensors=inputs, output_tensors=output, input_masks=previous_mask, output_masks=output_mask, input_shapes=input_shape, output_shapes=output_shape, arguments=user_kwargs) # Apply activity regularizer if any: if (hasattr(self, 'activity_regularizer') and self.activity_regularizer is not None): with K.name_scope('activity_regularizer'): regularization_losses = [ self.activity_regularizer(x) for x in to_list(output)] self.add_loss(regularization_losses, inputs=to_list(inputs)) return output
embedding.py Embedding类的build函数
def build(self, input_shape): self.embeddings = self.add_weight( shape=(self.input_dim, self.output_dim), initializer=self.embeddings_initializer, name='embeddings', regularizer=self.embeddings_regularizer, constraint=self.embeddings_constraint, dtype=self.dtype) self.built = True