

fio doc
从理论到实践,异步I/O模式下NVMe SSD高性能之道



j2@j2-pc:~$ fio --help
fio [options] [job options] <job file(s)>
  --debug=options       Enable debug logging. May be one/more of:
  --parse-only          Parse options only, don't start any IO
  --output              Write output to file
  --runtime             Runtime in seconds
  --bandwidth-log       Generate per-job bandwidth logs
  --minimal             Minimal (terse) output
  --output-format=x     Output format (terse,json,normal)
  --terse-version=x     Set terse version output format to 'x'
  --version             Print version info and exit
  --help                Print this page
  --cpuclock-test       Perform test/validation of CPU clock
  --crctest             Test speed of checksum functions
  --cmdhelp=cmd         Print command help, "all" for all of them
  --enghelp=engine      Print ioengine help, or list available ioengines
  --enghelp=engine,cmd  Print help for an ioengine cmd
  --showcmd             Turn a job file into command line options
  --eta=when            When ETA estimate should be printed
                        May be "always", "never" or "auto"
  --eta-newline=time    Force a new line for every 'time' period passed
  --status-interval=t   Force full status dump every 't' period passed
  --readonly            Turn on safety read-only checks, preventing writes
  --section=name        Only run specified section in job file
  --alloc-size=kb       Set smalloc pool to this size in kb (def 1024)
  --warnings-fatal      Fio parser warnings are fatal
  --max-jobs=nr         Maximum number of threads/processes to support
  --server=args         Start a backend fio server
  --daemonize=pidfile   Background fio server, write pid to file
  --client=hostname     Talk to remote backend fio server at hostname
  --remote-config=file  Tell fio server to load this local job file
  --idle-prof=option    Report cpu idleness on a system or percpu basis
                        (option=system,percpu) or run unit work
                        calibration only (option=calibrate)
  --inflate-log=log     Inflate and output compressed log
  --trigger-file=file   Execute trigger cmd when file exists
  --trigger-timeout=t   Execute trigger af this time
  --trigger=cmd         Set this command as local trigger
  --trigger-remote=cmd  Set this command as remote trigger
  --aux-path=path       Use this path for fio state generated files

Fio was written by Jens Axboe <[email protected]>
                   Jens Axboe <[email protected]>
                   Jens Axboe <[email protected]>


Enable verbose tracing type of various fio actions. May be all for all types or individual types separated by a comma (e.g. --debug=file,mem will enable file and memory debugging). Currently, additional logging is available for:

Dump info related to processes.
Dump info related to file actions.
Dump info related to I/O queuing.
Dump info related to memory allocations.
Dump info related to blktrace setup.
Dump info related to I/O verification.
Enable all debug options.
Dump info related to random offset generation.
Dump info related to option matching and parsing.
Dump info related to disk utilization updates.
Dump info only related to job number x.
Dump info only related to mutex up/down ops.
Dump info related to profile extensions.
Dump info related to internal time keeping.
Dump info related to networking connections.
Dump info related to I/O rate switching.
Dump info related to log compress/decompress.
? or help
Show available debug options.
Parse options only, don’t start any I/O.

Merge blktraces only, don’t start any I/O.

Write output to file filename.

Set the reporting format to normal, terse, json, or json+. Multiple formats can be selected, separated by a comma. terse is a CSV based format. json+ is like json, except it adds a full dump of the latency buckets.

Generate aggregate bandwidth logs.

Print statistics in a terse, semicolon-delimited format.

Print statistics in selected mode AND terse, semicolon-delimited format. Deprecated, use --output-format instead to select multiple formats.

Set terse version output format (default 3, or 2 or 4 or 5).

Print version information and exit.

Print a summary of the command line options and exit.

Perform test and validation of internal CPU clock.

Test the speed of the built-in checksumming functions. If no argument is given, all of them are tested. Alternatively, a comma separated list can be passed, in which case the given ones are tested.

Print help information for command. May be all for all commands.

List all commands defined by ioengine, or print help for command defined by ioengine. If no ioengine is given, list all available ioengines.

Convert jobfile to a set of command-line options.

Turn on safety read-only checks, preventing writes and trims. The --readonly option is an extra safety guard to prevent users from accidentally starting a write or trim workload when that is not desired. Fio will only modify the device under test if rw=write/randwrite/rw/randrw/trim/randtrim/trimwrite is given. This safety net can be used as an extra precaution.

Specifies when real-time ETA estimate should be printed. when may be always, never or auto. auto is the default, it prints ETA when requested if the output is a TTY. always disregards the output type, and prints ETA when requested. never never prints ETA.

By default, fio requests client ETA status roughly every second. With this option, the interval is configurable. Fio imposes a minimum allowed time to avoid flooding the console, less than 250 msec is not supported.

Force a new line for every time period passed. When the unit is omitted, the value is interpreted in seconds.

Force a full status dump of cumulative (from job start) values at time intervals. This option does not provide per-period measurements. So values such as bandwidth are running averages. When the time unit is omitted, time is interpreted in seconds. Note that using this option with --output-format=json will yield output that technically isn’t valid json, since the output will be collated sets of valid json. It will need to be split into valid sets of json after the run.

Only run specified section name in job file. Multiple sections can be specified. The --section option allows one to combine related jobs into one file. E.g. one job file could define light, moderate, and heavy sections. Tell fio to run only the “heavy” section by giving --section=heavy command line option. One can also specify the “write” operations in one section and “verify” operation in another section. The --section option only applies to job sections. The reserved global section is always parsed and used.

Set the internal smalloc pool size to kb in KiB. The --alloc-size switch allows one to use a larger pool size for smalloc. If running large jobs with randommap enabled, fio can run out of memory. Smalloc is an internal allocator for shared structures from a fixed size memory pool and can grow to 16 pools. The pool size defaults to 16MiB.

NOTE: While running .fio_smalloc.* backing store files are visible in /tmp.

All fio parser warnings are fatal, causing fio to exit with an error.

Set the maximum number of threads/processes to support to nr. NOTE: On Linux, it may be necessary to increase the shared-memory limit (/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax) if fio runs into errors while creating jobs.

Start a backend server, with args specifying what to listen to. See Client/Server section.

Background a fio server, writing the pid to the given pidfile file.

Instead of running the jobs locally, send and run them on the given hostname or set of hostnames. See Client/Server section.

Tell fio server to load this local file.

Report CPU idleness. option is one of the following:

Run unit work calibration only and exit.
Show aggregate system idleness and unit work.
As system but also show per CPU idleness.
Inflate and output compressed log.

Execute trigger command when file exists.

Execute trigger at this time.

Set this command as local trigger.

Set this command as remote trigger.

Use the directory specified by path for generated state files instead of the current working directory.

Any parameters following the options will be assumed to be job files, unless they match a job file parameter. Multiple job files can be listed and each job file will be regarded as a separate group. Fio will stonewall execution between each group.

job file

job file的后缀名一般为.fio,

; -- start job file --



; -- end job file --


$ fio --name=global --rw=randread --size=128m --name=job1 --name=job2

Let’s look at an example that has a number of processes writing randomly to files:

; -- start job file --
; -- end job file --


$ fio --name=random-writers --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=4 --rw=randwrite --bs=32k --direct=0 --size=64m --numjobs=4


; -- start job file including.fio --
include glob-include.fio

include test-include.fio
; -- end job file including.fio --
; -- start job file glob-include.fio --
; -- end job file glob-include.fio --
; -- start job file test-include.fio --
; -- end job file test-include.fio --
